Finally! I believe that I am fully over this horrible sickness that I've felt for the last 3 days. I really think that with being sick and still having to take care of the kids this weekend since Jerry had to sleep for work, it finally all got to me and I went down hill so fast. I am very greatful that Jerry called in last night and basically just let me be sick. He took care of the kids and let me rest and be nothing but lazy while waiting on me hand and foot. He brought me my medicines and made me drink TONS of fluids. And I will be the first to admit that it wasn't an easy job because I am the BIGGEST baby in the world when I am sick. (Shocking, I know!)
I was able to go to work today and tough it out. I hate when people use pregnancy as an excuss to be productive, and I was out to prove I could still work even though I was sick. And it was touch and go there for a while this morning, but I am glad I did it. When I came home I still had a headache but I was able to medicate it gone and found the energy to clean the house, do the laundry, take care of the animals, and give the kids a bath (all of which I neglected this weekend because I was sick).
Well I just wanted everyone to know that I am finally feeling better without a doubt thanks to my AMAZING husband that took care of me and the kids. I love you Jerry!! You're my rock and an absolutely amazing husband.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Happy 6th Anniversary to us!!
I married a wonderful man six years ago and I couldn't be happier! But today is not a celebration day for me, I am sicker than sick! I was up all night last night and stuck on the couch today. My stomach is so upset. . . if it's not one thing, it's another. As much as sickness is a good sign of pregnancy, I will be happy when I'm feeling good and get my energy back.
I am greatful Jerry and I had a nice day together yesterday because today's not been fun for me and he has to work tonight. For better or worse. . . right?!?! :o)
I married a wonderful man six years ago and I couldn't be happier! But today is not a celebration day for me, I am sicker than sick! I was up all night last night and stuck on the couch today. My stomach is so upset. . . if it's not one thing, it's another. As much as sickness is a good sign of pregnancy, I will be happy when I'm feeling good and get my energy back.
I am greatful Jerry and I had a nice day together yesterday because today's not been fun for me and he has to work tonight. For better or worse. . . right?!?! :o)
Friday, June 25, 2010
**Baby Update - Mommy is 11 weeks pregnant. Your baby is now approximately the size of a large lime! The crown-to-rump length of your developing child is 1.75 to 2.4 inches. The weight of the fetus is approximately 8 grams at this point. The growth of your baby is phenomenal now and your baby's length will double in the next three weeks. The head is grossly out of proportion and is almost half of the baby's length. You are almost at the end of your first trimester and while changes continue to occur quickly in your baby, they are happening at a slower rate in you. Your uterus has been growing with the fetus inside of it and is now almost big enough to fill your pelvis. You are burning up calories at a faster rate than you did before you became pregnant! The amount of blood being pumped around your body will increase and you might feel warmer than usual. This is the last week of the embryonic period. From now on, your baby will be called a fetus. Your baby's fingernails appear this week! External genitalia are beginning to show distinguishing features and the development of male or female will be complete in three weeks. The placenta's blood vessels increase to provide your baby with the nutrients and oxygen he needs for continued growth. Your baby's ears are gradually moving from the neck towards the sides of his head. Inside of your baby's abdomen, the intestines are developing. Because the intestines are so large, some of them project into the umbilical cord and they will return to the abdomen within the next week or two.**
Today was my first OB appointment and I learned a ton!! (First off, let me say that the little picture associated with this post is our newest addition!! We'll get to why I had an ultrasound in a while. . .) First thing when I got checked in the clinic had done some homework about what my insurance covered and how much I'll have to pay for this child! Which I am pleasantly surprised by how much my insurance will actually pay and how much I won't pay. . . don't get me wrong, I am still paying a pretty penny.
After waiting forever, we finally got to see the doctor. Dr. Petelin was very nice and I like her a lot. She did the horrible papsmear, breast exam and felt my uterus. Everything looked good, no real big deal except she said that my uterus felt "small" for how far along I was. And then we talked about my "morning sickness", not concerned with my puking too much because I gain a few pounds since last time. But if I start going the other way then we will have to get a prescription to keep the nausea at bay. I also got a new prenatal vitamin that is coated and suppose to taste like vanilla. . . since I'm not taking the other prenatals regularly because they taste nasty and I end up throwing them up. Then the part I've been waiting for. . . the heartbeat! The doctor tried finding the baby's heartbeat, and after several failed attempts she checked my charts and dates, and questioned me on how sure I was about the time frame. Of course, I could always be off a couple of days but I was near certain that I couldn't be off by very much. So for peace of mind she ordered up an ultrasound because she couldn't find a fetal heartbeat. Then if there was a heartbeat they wanted to check the dates for accuracy. They couldn't fit me in during the morning. . . the earliest time that they had available was 2:45 in the afternoon; otherwise, I could wait for another day. Of course, I wanted it as soon as possible, no way I would be able to wait for another day. So we left and we went out to lunch, just Jerry and I. (Jerry's sister, Susan, watched the kids for us.) We took advantage of lunch by ourselves, since our 6th Wedding Anniversary is tomorrow and Jerry has to work.
We then went back to Susan's house, and she volunteered to watch the kids while we went back to the doctor's office. Jerry and I actually sat and watched all the kids at her house while she ran out and got the errands done that she needed to do. It was the least we could do! Then I few hours later we were on our way back to the doctor's office. . .
It felt like we waited for a while, but I'm sure it was just because of my nerves. But everything was set at easy when the technician easily found the baby. . . which had a very strong and very healthy heartbeat!! 175 beats per minute. Baby measured 11 weeks and 3 days while it was laying still, then when we got it moving it only measured 10 weeks and 6 days. Which is basically spot on what I say I was. The reason that the heartbeat couldn't be found in the office visit is because my uterus is tilted forwards and the baby and the placenta is sitting towards my back with the head between the doppler and the heart. My uterus should tip back to it's normal position as the baby grows. So all worries aside, our baby is snug as a bug inside my belly.
So baby #3 estimated due date is January 14, 2011. And my doctor said that normal practice is to do a scheduled c-section one week before depending on how baby is measuring towards the end. So we are looking at sometime in the first two weeks of January! Only 203 days left to go!! lol
Okay, I am going to try and get the ultrasound pictures that I have from today posted. . .
Today was my first OB appointment and I learned a ton!! (First off, let me say that the little picture associated with this post is our newest addition!! We'll get to why I had an ultrasound in a while. . .) First thing when I got checked in the clinic had done some homework about what my insurance covered and how much I'll have to pay for this child! Which I am pleasantly surprised by how much my insurance will actually pay and how much I won't pay. . . don't get me wrong, I am still paying a pretty penny.
After waiting forever, we finally got to see the doctor. Dr. Petelin was very nice and I like her a lot. She did the horrible papsmear, breast exam and felt my uterus. Everything looked good, no real big deal except she said that my uterus felt "small" for how far along I was. And then we talked about my "morning sickness", not concerned with my puking too much because I gain a few pounds since last time. But if I start going the other way then we will have to get a prescription to keep the nausea at bay. I also got a new prenatal vitamin that is coated and suppose to taste like vanilla. . . since I'm not taking the other prenatals regularly because they taste nasty and I end up throwing them up. Then the part I've been waiting for. . . the heartbeat! The doctor tried finding the baby's heartbeat, and after several failed attempts she checked my charts and dates, and questioned me on how sure I was about the time frame. Of course, I could always be off a couple of days but I was near certain that I couldn't be off by very much. So for peace of mind she ordered up an ultrasound because she couldn't find a fetal heartbeat. Then if there was a heartbeat they wanted to check the dates for accuracy. They couldn't fit me in during the morning. . . the earliest time that they had available was 2:45 in the afternoon; otherwise, I could wait for another day. Of course, I wanted it as soon as possible, no way I would be able to wait for another day. So we left and we went out to lunch, just Jerry and I. (Jerry's sister, Susan, watched the kids for us.) We took advantage of lunch by ourselves, since our 6th Wedding Anniversary is tomorrow and Jerry has to work.
We then went back to Susan's house, and she volunteered to watch the kids while we went back to the doctor's office. Jerry and I actually sat and watched all the kids at her house while she ran out and got the errands done that she needed to do. It was the least we could do! Then I few hours later we were on our way back to the doctor's office. . .
It felt like we waited for a while, but I'm sure it was just because of my nerves. But everything was set at easy when the technician easily found the baby. . . which had a very strong and very healthy heartbeat!! 175 beats per minute. Baby measured 11 weeks and 3 days while it was laying still, then when we got it moving it only measured 10 weeks and 6 days. Which is basically spot on what I say I was. The reason that the heartbeat couldn't be found in the office visit is because my uterus is tilted forwards and the baby and the placenta is sitting towards my back with the head between the doppler and the heart. My uterus should tip back to it's normal position as the baby grows. So all worries aside, our baby is snug as a bug inside my belly.
So baby #3 estimated due date is January 14, 2011. And my doctor said that normal practice is to do a scheduled c-section one week before depending on how baby is measuring towards the end. So we are looking at sometime in the first two weeks of January! Only 203 days left to go!! lol
Okay, I am going to try and get the ultrasound pictures that I have from today posted. . .

Saturday, June 19, 2010
**Baby Update - Mommy is 10 weeks and 2 days pregnant. At this point the crown-to-rump length of your developing baby is 1.25 to 1.68 inches. Your baby weighs approximately 5 grams and is the size of a small plum! This week is somewhat of a landmark for your developing baby. Your baby's complete body plan is laid down. The fingers and toes have separated and the tail has disappeared now. Your baby has taste and tooth buds at this point. The brain will continue to grow at an amazing rate and nearly a quarter of a million new neurons are produced every minute! The embryonic heart is completely developed. External genitalia are not apparent until next week, but a male's testes will already be producing testosterone. **
Yay! I finally got a computer back. No more updating from my phone, which will make the entries a little longer (I hope!). Morning sickness has really caught up to me. I feel queasy most of the time now. I really have to watch what and how much I eat. Normally light snacks throughout the day will make the nausea stay at bay but lately I don't feel like eating at all which makes it all worse.
On a positive side, I get to see the OBGYN on Friday. I'm really looking forward to that. Right now I just feel like poo. . . so hearing the heartbeat will really make it all real for me. Then maybe I'll tell the rest of the family, LOL!
Chloe is working hard at picking out names for her new sibling. And if she can keep it under raps I'm pretty sure we have a boys name picked out that we all like. Still working on a girl name. . . Chloe keeps coming up with Sunflower and weird stuff like that!
Well I think that's all for now. . . I'll update after the doctor's appointment.
Yay! I finally got a computer back. No more updating from my phone, which will make the entries a little longer (I hope!). Morning sickness has really caught up to me. I feel queasy most of the time now. I really have to watch what and how much I eat. Normally light snacks throughout the day will make the nausea stay at bay but lately I don't feel like eating at all which makes it all worse.
On a positive side, I get to see the OBGYN on Friday. I'm really looking forward to that. Right now I just feel like poo. . . so hearing the heartbeat will really make it all real for me. Then maybe I'll tell the rest of the family, LOL!
Chloe is working hard at picking out names for her new sibling. And if she can keep it under raps I'm pretty sure we have a boys name picked out that we all like. Still working on a girl name. . . Chloe keeps coming up with Sunflower and weird stuff like that!
Well I think that's all for now. . . I'll update after the doctor's appointment.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
** Baby update -- By the end of your second month of pregnancy, your baby is about the size of a pinto bean and is approximately 14 to 20 mm long. Your baby is developing at an amazing rate during these early weeks. Eyelid folds and ears are forming. Your baby's eyes are still very wide apart on the sides of her head, but will eventually center themselves out. The tip of the nose is actually present at this time as well. On ultrasound you can see that the aortic and pulmonary valves of the heart are present. The tubes that lead from the throat to lungs are branching and your baby's torso is getting longer and beginning to straighten out. Just a few weeks ago, your baby's arms were tiny buds. Now the elbows are actually present and the arms and legs extend forward and have grown longer. Fingers and toes are becoming visible also. **
I'm so tired. . . that's about my only pregnancy symptom these days. I only have one more day of work before I take 6 vacation days. Hopefully, I can muster enough energy to have some fun rather than just lying around the house all week.
I'm so tired. . . that's about my only pregnancy symptom these days. I only have one more day of work before I take 6 vacation days. Hopefully, I can muster enough energy to have some fun rather than just lying around the house all week.
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