Sunday, September 26, 2010

24w2d - Long Update

Wow, where has the past week gone?  I have been working major hours at work getting ready for Inventory, on top of my already growing Christmas countdown.  So as I sit here and type you out an update I will try to remember what I did the past week!!

Saturday, September 18th - I had Girl Scout Cookie Training in Belton from 9am-noon.  Afterward, Susan (my sister-in-law) and I went on a mini shopping trip.  I personally didn't get anything but I had a blast hanging out with just her since the kids were all with their Dad's.  Saturday was also Freeman's Homecoming Festival.  Jerry took the kids across the street to see the parade and to play a few games.  They each came home with their faces painted and lots of fun stories to tell.

Sunday, September 19th - I worked am extra 7a to 4p shift at work getting ready for Inventory.  Only reason I got to leave at 4 was because Jerry had to be at work at 5p and my kids can't watch themselves!!

Monday, September 20th - I worked 7a to 4pm getting ready for Inventory.  Again, the only reason I got to leave at 4 was because Jerry had to be at work at 5p and my kids can't watch themselves!!

Tuesday, September 21st - I worked 7a to 7p getting ready for Inventory.  Jerry didn't feel very good so I brought home Chinese food for dinner, kids were up a little late but happy to see me!!

Wednesday, September 22nd - Day before Inventory, which meant I wasn't going home until everything was ready!!  So ultimately it was a long day. . . I worked 7a to 430p then they made us clock out for dinner and come back at 7p and work until 1030p.  For as long as that day was, I had a good time with friends. . . I was invited to go to a fellow department managers house, who lived close by and have sandwiches, chips, dip and desert with a lot of our fellow department managers.  I was a lot of laughs and a lot of fun!  I would definitely do that again!

Thursday,  September 23rd - Inventory Day. . . I had to be clocked in and ready to go at 645am.  And I stood around doing nothing while they Inventoried the store.  The store didn't get cleared until 5pm and I was able to go home around 530pm.

Friday, September 24th - The dreaded day after. . . we came out of Inventory with some awesome numbers - Total store got .59% (same as last year).  And my Toy Dept came out even better than last year, Shrinkage -.57% / Inventory Adjustment 11,973 / Inventory to Inventory Sales 2,118,424 :o) I know that means nothing to you non-walmart folks, but to me that means all my hardwork payed off!  I set a high goal for myself next year!  The reports took me a while to complete and we actually were short a few department managers so we had to help out in unfamiliar departments. . . lets just say I hate cosmetics!!  I work from 7a to 5p - after 5 it didn't matter because the system automatically finalizes and orders.

Saturday, September 25th - Finally a day off!  I got to sleep in and hang out with the children that I hadn't seen in days!!  We went grocery shopping and I cleaned the house and did a butt load of laundry!!  I would have loved to accomplish more around the house but I was in a lot of pain and my boy was moving a lot.  I spent some time relaxing on the couch and in the tub, basically begging the little booger to calm down.  I guess there is only so much he was going to take and after working 6 days, he just wanted me to relax.

Well look at that!  It finally brings us to today!  Sunday, September 26th - I had to work today because this week brings modulars for me.  So I have to work overnights three nights this week.  But that's okay, it's finally a break in the routine.  And the light at the end of this tunnel is I get a three day weekend followed by 4 day weekend, then followed by another 3 day weekend.  :o)  I am planing to go to my parents house one of those weekends, maybe to see Jerry's family another one of those weekends, and also hopefully squeezing in the pumpkin patch.  Those are my plans anyways. . . hopefully, they all come together and I'm able to enjoy some very much needed family time.  Actually, I really need some Heidi and Jerry time. . . it's been a while since we've been able to just hang out and enjoy each other's company without the children.  I desperately need that even if it's just an hour or two! 

The weather has cooled off a lot here in Kansas City and I am loving it.  Hopefully, on Tuesday Jerry and I can get the yard cut and attended to one last time. . . then maybe I'll just want to sleep the day away!  Me and baby have been a tired duo the last couple of weeks.  I know I have been working too long of hours and I am looking forward to the longer weekends ahead of me. . . but Christmas season is coming and that means more hours and more work for me.  I just have to watch it and not get working so much that I get stressed.  LOL, I find myself wishing for January, even with a new baby, things will slow down and get back to normal!!  I hope!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

23 weeks

Sadly, I couldn't find any belly pictures of Chloe before 36 weeks and to be honest, I'm not sure we took any.  But here's a couple shots of the Boys.  You can compare the boys' belly pics at 23 weeks. . . Jacob is in the belly on the top, where I am standing.  And Baby #3 (whom I'm 99.9% sure that we are naming Jaxen) is in the belly on the bottom, where I am sitting.  Even with the standing/sitting difference I still think I'm bigger this time than with Jacob, but you be the judge!

My doctor's appointment was last Friday and everything was perfect.  I gained enough weight for the doctor to be happy and get off my back about. . .LOL.  Although she still hinted that another large weight gain would be completely normal and nice to see.  I'm pretty happy with where I am now. . . 5 years ago I gained 52 pounds with Chloe. . . And I've never lost it all, I've kept some of that 'healthy weight' so with Jacob I didn't gain as much - thank goodness!  But this time little boy is sitting front and center. . . not inside the ribs like Chloe and Jacob. . . so I look bigger than the scale reads - which is definately a plus, but I have a felling I'm going to be huge this time.  And I'm pretty sure he's going to give me my first set of stretch marks.  I know, not bad for child #3 but I still don't want them!! 

I had a few more questions for the doctor this time around like who in my household should be getting the flu shot this year (all of us) and who needs the H1N1 when it becomes available (really just me).  Also if the CDC determines that the risks are high to spread the H1N1 again this year like they were last year.  Then my kids might not be allowed in the hospital to see me in January, which is going to be hard on me but I understand the reasoning behind it.  And it's definately something to be aware of so it's not a surprise when that time comes and Chloe and Jake aren't allowed in. 

Next doctor's appointment is on October 15th and it's the dreaded Gestational Diabetis Test where I have to drink the nasty Glucose drink an hour before my appointment. . . Ugg!  Not looking forward to it. . . It made the entire world spin with Chloe and I was only 2 points away from failing it with Jacob.  Hopefully, this baby is a little nicer to me.  This should also be my last apointment 4 weeks apart, I should be moving up to an appointment every 2 weeks starting at 30 weeks.  :o)  Can you believe we are getting so close. . . Only 117 more days to go which is only 16.5 weeks left!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

22w2d Baby Belly

22 Week and 2 Day Pregnant. . . I believe baby boy is starting to make his appearance in this world. . .View from the Front.

How do I look from the side. . . LOL

And a new picture to the bunch. . . Chloe sneaking into the picture. . . she's lovin' the baby bump.

Only 124 more days to go. . . just under 4 months left!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Update - 22w1d

It's Patriot Day!  Today on the Anniversary of September 11th, we are silently remembering those victims who lost their lives 9 years ago.  I can't believe it's been 9 years. . . my life has changed so much since that day.  Nine years ago, if I had to guess where I would be now. . . I don't think I would have even come close to my reality.  And thankfully so, I love everything about our lives now, it's been a heck of a ride.  But everything we've been through has made us the family that we are today.  And I'm sure if I sit here and think of everything the next 9 years will bring me, it will only be a drop in the bucket as to what is to come.  Probably a lot of laughter, a lot of tears, a lot of work and a lot of play. . . in the end it will be exactly was it's meant to be.

Today is also a good day on the pregnancy front.  **Baby Update - Today Mommy is 22 weeks and 1 day pregnant.  Only 125 days to go!  Woo-hoo!  The grow must go on! No wonder you’re getting so big, you’re now housing a wonder-baby who weighs nearly a pound and measures nearly a foot in length. Their perfect little pancreas is now further developed and they’ve also started producing their own hormones! Your baby's future in the circus as a world-famous tight-rope-walker is secure: their inner ear is now developed to the point that they have their own sense of balance. Lucky for your little explorer, balance also promotes physical dexterity, which has them actively feeling out their surroundings where skin, body parts, and the resident umbilical cord are the big sensory experiences. Your foot-long baby, is looking a bit like an oversized raisin right now as more and more wrinkles are showing up each week. Not to worry, all that excessive wrinkling is just their skin’s way of planning ahead for the time when they’ll start piling on that irresistible baby chub.**  My next doctor's appointment is on Friday.  It should be just a routine - weight, blood pressure, and questions - kind of appointment.  I can't see it taking too long.  But I do get to bring home that dreaded glucose drink for my next appointment when I have to drink it before I go.  I hate that test. . . as most of you already know, I nearly failed it with Jacob.  I am hoping I can do a little better this time. . . so that I only have to take the test once!

Sorry for the lack of updates lately, it's been a dreadfully busy week.  My 28th Birthday was last Tuesday, September 7th.  Even though I had to work, I had a pretty awesome day.  Jerry, Chloe, and Jacob took good care of me and we had a nice relaxing evening at home.  We had leftovers so that I didn't have to cook or have too many dishes.  Then on Wednesday, I had Girl Scout Training and a Service Unit Meeting to attend. . . it was kinda boring without Mom and Stacy sitting on either side of me making me laugh!  Oh well I have still have 2 more leader trainings to do and cookie training.  Then I am 100% caught back up with my Girl Scout Training. . . like I could have forgotten any of it.

I think that's about all the updates I have, once the kids get in bed I plan on taking a couple more baby belly pictures. . . so I'll post them when I take them.  I "think" I'm getting bigger, but nobody else thinks that way.  We will know for sure on Friday. . . we will see if I gained the 5 to 10 pounds she wanted me to.  My guess it no.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


**Baby Update - Mommy is 21 weeks and 2 days pregnant.  Your baby's blood circulation is completely functional. The umbilical cord system continues to grow and thicken as blood travels with considerable force through the body to nurture the baby. The placenta is now almost equal in size to the baby. As your baby begins to lay down more fat, your weight will also increase. During the next 10 weeks, you will gain about half of the total gain for your entire pregnancy. Strangers can now tell that you are pregnant! You might notice an increase in appetite because you need 500 more calories a day to support your charged up metabolism.  For now, we’re pleased to report the addition of rapid eye movement (REM) a key component to any healthy baby’s sleep schedule. The beginnings of what is commonly called “brown fat” is just starting to fill in to help your baby retain some body heat, which is crucial as they’re not yet capable of regulating their own body temperature.  And as for Mom - You're in full-swing pregnancy mode. Most moms are feeling pretty good right about now. Funny enough, you may already be noticing some mild uterine contractions—don’t panic, this is completely normal. Actually, your uterus contracts throughout your whole life—only now that there's enough pressure on the uterine muscles you can feel them more distinctly when they contract.  Don't be surprised if your legs and feet become swollen throughout the day. You should try to get off of your feet some throughout the day and prop your legs up.**

I'm feeling wonderful lately.  I've almost gotten a new wave of energy. . . I can't really tell but I think the change in the weather has a lot to do with it.  It's been absolutely beautiful outside, our windows and doors are open and with the fans and gentle breeze the house feels great.  Hopefully, we are past all the overpowering, yucky, super hot days!  Now I'm not ready for the super cold days, but it will nice to bring on the days of fall!! 
I've also been getting a lot of much needed sleep.  Jerry's been awesome about letting me sleep in. . . he works all night and comes home and takes care of Chloe and Jacob until I wake up.  Only then does he go to bed.  I feel really bad that I'm sleeping so late, but he refuses to wake me.  Especially since he's the one who has to work all night, and I'm the one with the day off!  He knows that I haven't been sleeping too well the last couple of months and lately I've been able to sleep through everything - kids, alarms, phone, etc!!  Jerry's always been awesome to me, but it's the little things like these that prove to me how much he really loves to take care of me.  I definately found myself a good one, and a good father to my kids. 
While daddy slept, the kids and I cleaned the house, did some laundry, grocery shopped, and cooked dinner.  They had it rough, because I refused to let them watch ANY tv today.  It was way to nice out for them to be glued to the television.  It was interesting to watch their imaginations at play when they were left to figure out what they were going to do. . . and I'm happy to say that for the most part, they played and got along wonderfully together.  I hope tomorrow is just as nice. . . I plan to spend some more time outside, hopefully, grilling up hot dogs, hamburgers, and corn on the cob this Labor Day Monday!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Re-Grand Opening

Yay!  I'm so happy it's over.  The last 14 weeks have been absolutely horrible at work - we've been in the middle of a remodel.  Sorry I've been MIA for the last week, But this morning we re-grand opened to the public and finally moving on with business and inventory.  Yuck!

Thankfully, I took my last two vacation days on Monday (30th) and Tuesday (31st) leaving me well rested and stressfree heading into the last days before Re-Grand Opening.  Wednesday was busy. . . my department was walked off by the store manager and my management team, giving me pages of notes that I had to complete to be walked off again before Re-Grand Opening.  My notes weren't too bad, and really I gave them some of the problems that needed to be fixed giving me more work to get done.  Sometimes, I really need to just keep my mouth shut. . . :o)  Darn Perfectionist!  We also got truck loads of MTR's from other stores that we had to check in and get stocked to the floor.  (For my non-Walmart family - MTR's are Merchandise Transfers from one store to another.  In a perfect world, we would get the merchandise that we need to stock the shelves, so that when we Re-Grand Open nothing would be out and our shelves would be full.  But since not all the merchandise arrived on time, other stores around us send us the frieght we need to fill our shelves.)  I worked from 7am until about 6pm on Wednesday - 10 HOURS WORKED.  Only reason that I got to leave early is because I had plans with Chloe that night - we were registering her for Girl Scouts.

On Thursday, I had to finish the notes that were left and get the Toy Department walked off by management.  It took me All Day to get my department perfect.  Everything had to be labeled, flagged, shelfcapped, zoned, and stocked.  Absolutely no holes on the shelves.  It took me and my help until about 8pm to get Toys looking perfect - the hard part was keeping up with it.  Everytime kids came we basically had to follow them and fix everything they touched.  It was like keeping it from raining on your newly washed car.  After Toys was walked off and passed final inspection, I moved to other departments to help my other department managers out.  I worked from 7am until 10:30pm when the store finally passed inspection. . . I thought we were going to have to sleep there!  We were there so long I had to take 2 lunches and didn't get to see my kids at all.  They were asleep when I left and asleep when I got home.  Chloe left me a note on my pillow. . . And I left her one to see in the morning during breakfast.  14 HOURS WORKED on Thursday.

Friday morning, I had to be at work by 6:30am.  So by the time I got off work, got home and ate food, and got to bed.  I had gotten about 4 hours of sleep before the alarm went off.  The nice thing about Friday was the fast that we could dress up - didn't have to wear blue and khaki.  But the bad thing is what in the world do I have that is nice, that will fit my expanding mid-section?  LOL.  So I finally chose my black maternity capris (that I wore to Megan's wedding 3 years ago) and a nice blue top with an empire waist.  I looked cute but the only down side to the outfit was that my pregnancy was very noticeable!!  There would be no mistaking my growing belly once I took my jacket off.  So officially, it only took the matter of seconds before the first person noticed and a matter of minutes before it had gotten around to the management team and once they heard the entire store knew.  So I officially made it to 21 weeks before anyone figured it out.  :o)  I love it. . . hopefully, with the 3 day weekend, everyone will forget by Tuesday. . . which is my 28th birthday!  LOL.  I never knew navy blue pollos were so slimming.  :o)

The Re-Grand Opening Ceremony lastest about 45 minutes and we were able to get back to normal business.  I took care of all my price changes, ordering and department manager work.  And then I was able to go home early.  So on Friday I worked from 6:30am until about 1:30pm - 6 HOURS WORKED.  Plus I got paid for 6 HOURS VACATION TIME because I miss calculated my time vacation time and I had more than I thought I did, so before I lost it I cashed it in.

So in 5 days I worked 30 hours and getting paid for 48.  Not bad if I say so myself. . . Only those were some long couple of days!!  I'm happy to be home and enjoying my 3 day weekend with my kids.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Girl Scouts

Tonight was the registration night in Harrisonville, so went as a family and registered Chloe for Daisy Girl Scouts.  At least, that was my plan. . . to register Chloe for Daisy Girl Scouts.  But before we left the building, Chloe was a registered Daisy, Mommy was a registered Daisy Leader, and the Girl Scout Council was making plans to recruit a few more girls from the town we live in - Freeman, so that we could start a troop here in our town.  If not, the plans in place would make me a Daisy Leader in Harrisonville on Wednesday nights.

I got to talk with the Service Unit Manager, Council Membership Director and a bunch of other people.  They seem really excited and hurting for leaders for troops.  I have training that I have to attend on Wednesday and then council is going to help me find a location and time for the meetings.  They talked about just having the meetings at my house, and I turned it down imediately!  Wednesday nights are going to be all about Chloe and Mommy, the boys are going to stay home and get quality time together!!  Lol, I should be set to go next week.  Anyone know of any good scouting websites I can use for Daisy's?!?!  It's been a while since I was a leader.  :o)  I hope I'm not biting off more than I can chew!!  This is going to be a busy year for me!!