Where has the week gone! I'm sure I've said this before, but October has turned out to be one of the busiest months ever!! Let's see if I can remember what's happened during the last week. . .
October 23rd - Saturday - I got to sleep in a little but not much because I had some Girl Scout errands and phone calls to make. After making all the phone calls, the family and I headed out to Walmart. Jerry wandered Walmart for an hour while I got my Girl Scout Checking Account started and all the registrations turned in to the registrar. Afterwards, I picked up a few groceries, like milk and bread and we headed home to eat lunch and let Jerry get some sleep before work. I don't remember anything else, until that night when my Mom and Dad came to visit for a few hours. Kids were acting crazy and excited to show Grandma and Grandpa their Halloween costumes.
October 24th - Sunday - I have no idea what we did this day, must not have been very exciting! :o)
October 25th - Monday - This was a busy day! I worked all day, when I got off work at 4pm I had to race to Harrisonville to pick up the Girl Scout Cookie Cards & Permission Slips from the Cookie Manager's Husband. Then I had to race home to take Jerry to work by 5pm - everyone was waiting outside ready to go when I pulled into the driveway! Kids and I put gas in the car, got McDonald's for dinner, and took Chloe to school for her Music Open House. It was after 7pm before, I ever got home and sat down!
October 26th - Tuesday - The kids and I had to be up at 5am to get Jerry from work. So the day started early! I worked all day and looking back my facebook status said: "Ugh! It's been a long and stressful day. Two more months and it won't matter anymore. . ." I was beat when I got home and I can't remember doing anything special. . . I'm pretty sure we hung out at home.
October 27th - Wednesday - I worked all day and hurried home as soon as I could! Thankfully, I remembered to buy a hot glue gun and wiggly eyes before I left. Jerry had dinner cooking when I walked in the door. . . I love when I don't have to worry about dinner! We were on a limited time frame because I had my first Girl Scout Meeting in a few hours and I still had to print out my newsletters and gather all the supplies I needed for the meeting.
The meeting went great. I only have 4 girls but it's awesome, they LOVED doing crafts and talking about Girl Scouting. Jerry sat off to the side entertaining Jacob, just laughing at the things these little 5 and 6 year olds come up with. We talked about selling cookies and what they wanted to do with their money. Last year, they didn't get to sell cookies and didn't get to have a big activity. So they were excited and came up with a lot of good ideas, most of which I think we could do - minus the trip to Disney World and the Cruise Ship of course!
October 28th - Thursday - I took a personal day from work because Jerry and I had to be in Urbana for court that afternoon. Nothing major, we got a ticket because of our weeds being to high. We called the prosecutor and he said that if we took care of them in a certain time frame then he would have the ticket thrown out and dismissed. We held up our end of the deal; however, that was suppose to happen last month and instead they gave us a continuance until this month. So basically, we just had to show our faces in court to make it go away. But in order to make it to Urbana on time, we had to be on the road as soon as Chloe got off the school bus. So instead of begging for a half day it was just easier to take the entire day off with pay.
After Chloe got on the school bus that morning, the boys and I went out and grabbed a few groceries at Walmart, put gas in the Explorer and had Taco Bell for lunch. I had a bag of toys and snacks packed and car loaded when Chloe's bus dropped her off. We got to Urbana in good time and got to visit with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Daily before court. After court, we grabbed some dinner at Sonic and stopped by Grandma and Grandpa Dodds' house to eat and raid my mom's Girl Scout room! And of course, we couldn't stay too long because Chloe had school and I had to work the next morning.
October 29th - Friday - I worked a couple more hours at work than I had to, but Monday is going to be a total bear no matter what, so what little I could get done ahead of time should help me out a lot! Monday starts the whole Christmas Season at Walmart, and Toys is a BIG part of that picture. (Doesn't help that Toy Story 3 is releasing at the same time!) When I got home, Jerry cooked chicken patties and fries for dinner while I loaded the dishwasher and cleaned up the kitchen. Then we just hung out while the kids played before bed. They needed the down day after yesterday!
Chloe was very proud to bring this home Friday. Thought we'd share with you! Good job, Chloe! |
October 30th - Today - So far today, the only thing I've done is sleep in and cleaned up the living room. There are a ton of things that need to be done but quite frankly, I have no energy to get them done right now. I only feel like laying around and napping. :o)
Today starts Girl Scout Cookie orders also! Chloe is so excited, let us know if you want to order any Girl Scout Cookies!!