Saturday, November 27, 2010

'Tis the Season

After a much needed morning and afternoon of complete rest for mommy.  The evening was spent hanging out with the kids and putting up Christmas decorations!  Chloe and Jacob are getting really excited about Christmas and I love the being a part of and seeing the excitement in their eyes!!  I'm beyond excited because Jerry and I have been able to get the things that they asked Santa for at incredible prices (Thanks to Black Friday sales and Aunt Amanda!).  I can't wait for Christmas morning to see the pure excitement on their faces!

Chloe made me a giant Cat Picture. . .

Tinkerbell relaxing with me.

My big belly. . . Jaxen likes to sit on the right side - my poor ribs!

Our stockings are hung. . . including one for Jaxen - just in case he makes it here in time to see Santa.

Jacob - so excited he won't leave the tree alone!

Chloe and Jacob. . . ready for Christmas!!
As you can tell by the pictures, I tried to keep it very simple this year.  I put the tree up but I did not put any ornament on the tree this year.  Ninety percent of them fall off because of the kids or cats anyways and end up in a basket under the tree until I put them away.  So to save myself time and trouble (and bending over!!) I decided that this year we would go without.  Not to mention, that if everything stays the way it is, I will be having a c-section 13 days after Christmas. . . I might not feel like putting away all those tiny ornaments!!  Chloe and Jacob are only concerned about the star on the top so I think I might try digging it out tomorrow just to make them happy. 

Tomorrow, (totally depending on how I am feeling and how cold it is outside) I plan on putting up some outside lights.  Jerry gets to do the ones on the roof but the kids and I should be able to decorate the front porch!  If we do, I will post pictures!!


I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. . . I know we did!  I have so many things to be thankful for.  I am thankful for my family and the time we get to spend together.  I am thankful for my friends and all the joy that they have brought into my life.  I am thankful to have an absolutely amazing husband who would do anything for me.  I am thankful for my perfect healthy, smart, and energetic kids who make it worth getting out of bed.  I am thankful to be pregnant and to be able to bring another little boy into this world.  I am thankful for my freedom and those who scarifies there own lives so that I can enjoy a holiday with my family.  As I said I am thankful for so many things!!

We spent Thanksgiving in Cole Camp with my Mom, Dad, Joanna, Caleb, Amanda, and Jeremy.  Mom and Dad had to work 7am to Noon so us girls were in charge of cooking the meal.  It was a lot of fun and we shared a ton of laughs!!

Sisters - Heidi, Joanna, and Amanda

Mmm, Look at that beautiful Turkey!

I think I'm bigger than the 22.10 pound turkey!!

In between having to cook there was a Donkey Kong Wii marathon going on in the living room.  Even Chloe got in on it!!

Chloe playing Donkey Kong.

Caleb and Joanna playing Donkey Kong

Jerry and Jacob watching the Donkey Kong Marathon!

Mom and Dad hit a deer on their way into work Thanksgiving morning.  It really did a number on the car - broke the windshield, busted the headlight, knocked off the side mirror, and put some good size dents in the front/side of the car.  Mom and Dad were okay and were able to make it to and from work - just one more thing to be thankful for. . .

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Nov Dr Appt

Just a quick update on me!  Yesterday was a doctor's appointment. . . on top of an already stressful day because of the looming "Black Friday" approaching fast. . . I had to leave work for a few hours for my appointment.  I gained +2 pounds and my blood pressure good.  But baby is not measuring big enough.  He's officially measuring too small.  Over the last month he's measured consistently smaller than he should.  Which isn't horrible news but it's not good news either.  Of course, this is all measurement that is done from the outside of my belly.  But measuring too small can mean. . . I have low amniotic fluid, baby's just out of room, or it could be he's just laying funny messing up the measurements.

In 3 weeks - December 17th - I will be exactly 36 weeks pregnant.  And that's when they scheduled my next doctor's appointment along with another ultrasound.  If the baby is still measuring too small, we will discuss moving my c-section up.  At 36 weeks the baby is considered full term and the benefits of having him out of my belly, out weigh the risk of keeping him in.  So it looks like we are on course for a December baby!!!  Let's just hope everything is fine and he's healthy. . . I don't mind him coming early, I just want him to be healthy!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Note to self. . . Baby is coming fast!!  Running out of time, especially since Christmas is 13 days before Baby!!  Get a move on. . . these things aren't going to do themselves.  Freaking out time. . . doesn't seem like enough time or money!!  :o|

Still NEED to buy:

Car Seat / Travel System  **Thanks Aunt Karey, Uncle Alan, and Grandma!!**
Bottles - VentAire             **Thanks Joanna!!**
Diapers & Wipes
Warm Clothes
Pacifiers & Pacifier Keeper
Baby Tylenol
Baby Motrin
Swing                                **Thanks Joanna!!**
Butt Paste
No scratch mittens
Infant Bouncing Seat
Baby Monitor

Things I still need to DO:

Call Pediatrician
Schedule WIC
Put Crib together
Buy and Install Car Seat
Pack Hospital Bag for Heidi and Jerry
Pack Diaper Bag
Pack Chloe and Jacob an activity bag for hospital
Pack Chloe and Jacob for Grandma's house
Find a dog sitter!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Cord Blood Banking

I know this is probably a touchy subject to some people but I am going to go ahead and discuss it.  Because the hospital that I am delivering at gave us an option and a few things to think about.

Some background education:  Cord blood cells are not cures, but they can help the body heal—from leukemia, sickle-cell anemia, and Severe Combined Immune Deficiency, among many diseases and disorders. Cord blood has all the right ingredients for regenerating the body: red blood cells, white cells, and platelets. But it’s the way these cells are deployed in the body that makes them so valuable. Cord blood cells are a bit like chameleons: They become what they need to be. Most cells in our bodies are assigned a specific role. A skin cell is a skin cell, for instance, and a muscle cell is a muscle cell.

Throughout my entire pregnancy, I have been getting flyer's and flyer's in the mail from companies that want you to bank the cord blood of your child.  The Cord Blood Registry® is the most heard of to me and they send me stuff all the time.  Their slogan is "Recommended by Ob-Gyns over all other cord blood banks".  And ironical my doctor does not recommend using a service like this.  Because the cord blood is never tested to make sure it is usable and disease free before it is stored.  And quite frankly, Jerry and I never discussed banking Chloe or Jacob's cord blood because when something comes with a "Pricing and Payment Plans" that offers several "first-year fees" and "Storage Fees Options" - it normally isn't something you can afford, especially when having a new baby!!  (And just for those who are curious, the first year fee for just the lowest option of cord blood banking is $2,195.  Plus another $125 every year for storage fees!!)  And honestly, I understand that the cord blood is awesome and can do amazing things but how many people actually use it. . . sounds more of a gimmick that anything. 

Now with all that being said - the hospital that I am delivering at has their own Cord Blood Program.  And instead of being stored somewhere just waiting for your child or family member to need it, this program makes it available to anyone, anywhere in the world who needs it.  And the best thing is if I choose to donate the Cord Blood it is completely free, easy, and painless!  So here I sit reading over the packet of information that the hospital gave me - thinking it all over. 

Positive Points (and yes, I realize they are positive for both the private and donation banking options)
  • This blood is the extra blood that is normally discarded after the birth of baby.
  • Entire process is non-invasive, painless, and does not interfere with the birthing process.
  • After collection tests will determine if blood meets the criteria for being processed, stored, and made available for patient use.  If the criteria are not met, the blood will be used for research.
  • When your child's cord blood is identified match for a patient any time in the future, a phone call is made to check on the health status of your child and the family.
  • The blood is tested for abnormal hemoglobin and abnormal test results will be reported to my obgyn or the child's pediatrician.
Honestly, it doesn't sound bad at all . . . I really haven't found any negatives in donating the cord blood.  Has any of my "mommy" friends donated the cord blood of their child?  If anyone has an opinion for or against Cord Blood Donation I'd love to hear them.  Just remember, everyone is entitled to an opinion and please respect every ones.  :o)

Tour of Labor & Delivery

This morning's tour of the labor and delivery center was awesome.  Jerry and I really liked the Maternity Center -- it's going to be a lot like the experience we had with Chloe.  The Maternity Care Coordinator answered a lot of our questions and concerns.  In fact she even took the time to talk with Chloe and Jacob and answer any questions they had.  The Maternity Center is a full lock down unit and all visitors are buzzed in before the elevator even moves.  The babies are monitored with ankle bracelets that will put the unit into full lock down mode if the baby gets too close to an exit or if the ankle bracelet is removed.  A full lock down means that no one enters or exits - this includes the doctor's and nurses.  So even if someone steals there badge and has their access codes, it will not do any good because they cannot override the system until all babies are accounted for / away from an exits / ankle bracelets re-attached. 

Visiting hours are from 9am until 9pm, only exception is going to be the morning of delivery.  Visitors will be asked to provide the full name of the patient they are visiting (ME!!) and sign in and out of the log book at the front desk.  Entrances and exits to and from the unit must be kept to a minimum for the safety of the patients. Visitors are allowed in to see Mom before the c-section or during active labor and are allowed in to visit Mom and Baby shortly after the first hour of life.  The waiting room is stocked with vending machines, coffee, TV, chairs, and couches. . . and as Chloe nicely pointed out - there are no toys.  So note to self - pack Chloe and Jacob a hospital bag too!! 
Mothers stay in one room for labor, delivery, recovery and postpartum.  For me, the only exception will be during the actual c-section surgery, where I will be in the Operating Room.  Just like with the birth of Chloe, the baby and Jerry will stay in the operating room while I am getting closed back up.  (No one's able to cuddle and hug on him in the nursery before me!!  Sorry Grandma and Grandpa and Aunts!  I'm first this time!!)  All tests and weighing of the baby will be done in the operating room.  And the hospital says it's okay to have a camera in the operating room - as long as it's okay with my doctor.  Then once the operation is over, Mommy and Baby are wheeled out on the same bed to their private room.  Once back at the room, as long as Mommy and Baby are doing fine, the baby's first hour after birth is spent with just Mom and Dad.  No visitors will be allowed in until after the first hour of mom's recovery time and baby's transitional hour.  The hospital staff also respects the first hour of life and if more tests or things are needing to be complete - they too will wait until after the first hour. 

All of the labor rooms are private and have a hospital bed for mom, a pull out couch for Daddy, a desk, 2 flat screen TVs, private bathrooms with whirlpool tubs, and free WIFI!!  (Which means I'm going to have access to the Internet and cell phone!!  :o)  So happy!)  The nursery is available for baby, but rooming-in will occur.  Baby will remain in the mother's room; unless specific tests need to be performed in the nursery or the mother requests the baby to be taken to the nursery.  If for some reason, the baby is admitted to the NICU, Chloe and Jacob would not be allowed in the NICU.  However, the Maternity Coordinator did stay that if the hospital were to go on lock down because of the flu pandemic - like last year - Chloe and Jacob would still be able to visit me in the Maternity Center; however, other children under the age of 12 would not be able to visit.  Which is nice to know, MY kids can visit!!  And of course, any visitor that presents with flu-like symptoms will not be permitted into the unit.  So if your sick, you must stay home.
We also went over a list of pediatricians that have affiliations with the hospital and can come in to see the baby and do the circumcising.  Because my pediatrician is in Harrisonville, I need to have one that can practice in the hospital.  Then once we leave I can take the baby to our pediatrician in Harrisonville.  I expressed my concerns with the spinal block with scoliosis and having the spinal headache with the blood patch during my hospital stay with Chloe - I don't want no scares like last time, when they recommended I not have one at the very last second with Jacob.  I want one, I at least want them to try - if they can't after a time or two then fine knock me out but I want them to try, it's worked twice before and I have no doubt they can't do it again.  I also wanted to make sure they will have me walk around after the c-section but before I leave the hospital.  The first walk I took after having Jacob was to the car!  Don't want that again. . . I need to be able to walk once I get home - especially with three kids to take care of!!  And finally, as long as everything is good with me and baby, we will be released from the hospital Monday morning.  It's a mandatory 3 night stay.

Other than all the talking and touring of the Maternity Center, I filled out all paperwork and registration forms giving Jerry rights to my medical decisions (and baby's) if I am unable to do so.  Overall it was a nice visit and since I practically threatened the kids - they behaved very well!  Now all we can do is wait. . . wait for baby to make an appearance!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

32 weeks pregnant - 7 weeks to go

Just a quick picture update!!  Today I am 32 weeks pregnant, which means 7 weeks from today I will be holding a new baby in my arms - not in my belly!  I'm getting a little excited. . . I'm finally able to see a light at the end of this tunnel!  Here's a pic. . . I know, I look thrilled. . . LOL, forgive a very tired and wore out mama!

Now the belly. . . rumor has it that he's gaining 1/2 a pound a week! 

 Side-by-side comparison at 32 weeks. . . last time vs. this time!

Tomorrow morning we have an appointment at the hospital to get pre-registered at the hospital.  So I'm sure I'll have an update after we get our tour of the labor and delivery department!  :o)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Another LONG update. . .

Monday, November 8th - I am not going to pretend I completely remember what we did on Monday!  I know Chloe had school, I had to work and Jerry had to work. . . that's about it!!

Tuesday, November 9th - Tuesday wasn't the greatest day. I had done way too much bending and twisting at work, and I paid for it dearly that night! I got a couple movies from Redbox on my way home and I drove through Burger King for dinner! We had a family movie night. . . nice way for me to relax the rest of the evening.

Wednesday, November 10th - This was the day of my doctor's appointment. Jerry and I got up early to put Chloe on the school bus. . . she told us the night before how "cool" it would be if Daddy and Mommy put her on the school bus. After Chloe was on the bus and headed to school, Jerry and I decided to take Jacob with us to the doctor's office. Jake need some good old fashioned "Mommy & Daddy time!".

My Doctor's appointment went well. My blood pressure was low and my weight was good. I started out at 127 pounds at my first prenatal appointment and I am now up to143 pounds. . . +16 pounds. Looks like a lot sitting here staring at the screen. . . but I am considered on the lower end of the weight spectrum and no where near the amount I gained with Chloe! However, it looks like I am on track to go over the 150 pound mark - which I'm dreading! The baby's heart rate was good, nice and strong! And for the first time, we were able to find and hear the heartbeat perfectly without him moving away or kicking the microphone. I think that means he is running out of room! The doctor also confirmed a fear. . . the pressure that I am feeling is completely normal - especially for baby #3. My muscles are getting stretched again and no longer really support the growing uterus and baby. So this baby is sitting a lot lower than Chloe and Jacob ever did. Unlike his siblings, this baby also knows the way out and is currently sitting in position to make an exit. Looks like we are going to have a trailblazer on our hands, Jaxen is NO LONGER in a breech position. . . he is head down, butt up, and feet in my ribs!! Which is completely terrifying to me, because the other two sat nice and snug just waiting for d-day. The realization has set it that Jaxen may not be as willing to wait it out like the others. LOL. Another one of the "signs" that Jaxen may be planning an early exit is: after checking me and listening to the heartbeat, the doctor went ahead and scheduled my c-section with the hospital. And after my appointment I turned in both Jerry's and my own LOA paperwork, they will be ready for us to pick them up at my next appointment, which is the day before Thanksgiving - Wednesday, November 24th at 9:40am. Work's not going to like it because I requested that day off and they denied it. . . oh well, they will get over it.

After my appointment, the boys and I found the Girl Scout Council and bought Chloe's Daisy's pins and council patches, then we ate lunch at Oden's Bar-B-Que. Then when we got home the real work began! Jerry helped me vacuum and carpet clean the living room. Which ended up being a lot of work, but we got it all done before Chloe got off the school bus!! Once Chloe got home, we ran into town do that Daddy and Chloe could check out the new games at Game Stop. . . Jacob and I roamed the Dollar Tree while we waited. It was a short trip into town because I had a Girl Scout Service Unit Meeting that night.

Thursday, November 11th - **Happy Veterans Day!!** It was another day back to work, struggling to get everything ready for the Christmas Season. Only other thing I remember is I had Girl Scout stuff dropped off to me while I was at work and coming home with an awful headache. I slept the most of the afternoon away, only to wake when Jerry had dinner ready.

Friday, November 12th - After I got off of work, I picked up a few Christmas presents, and headed home to shower and change clothes. Then we were on our way back to Belton for Ashlynne's birthday party. Jerry and Jacob had a boys night in, while Chloe and I had a girls night out. :o)

Saturday, November 13th - Finally, on to today! First thing this morning the Hospital called to confirm my surgery time and date AND to set up an appointment to pre-register, sign consent forms, and tour the Labor and Delivery Department. The lady who called was really friendly and I am very grateful to her. After stewing over the days and times my family is available. . . they are open in the evenings, but only the evenings that Jerry works and the other days Chloe was in school. . . the lady was nice enough to set me a Saturday appointment so that Chloe could join us in the maternity tour. Chloe's never been to a doctor's appointment so this will be a nice trip for her to take with us, since she will be there the morning her new brother arrives! Which, IF he stays put and waits for eviction, will be Friday, January 7, 2011! My c-section is scheduled for 7:30am in the Labor and Delivery wing.


I know most of you aren't in the Christmas "mind frame" yet, but I am!!  With a new baby arriving only 13 days after Christmas, or possibly before(!), I am struggling with the thought of not being ready.  Christmas cards are always the last thing I seem to get out and I normally get them out much later than I planned on it.  I found out this morning, through another blog that I follow, that Shutterfly is offering a special promo for bloggers to earn 50 free Christmas cards just by blogging about their favorite cards in Shutterfly's Christmas collection. 

I was really impressed on how many cards there were to choose from!  And I literally played around with a lot of ideas for hours!  The photo's were really easy to upload and edit, the cards were picture perfect every time.  These are a few of my favorite designs that I've narrowed it down to. . .

I love that this one is simple.  Plenty of room for pictures of the kids.

I like this one the most, again, it's simple and I like the non-traditional colors.

This one is simple and has more room for a personal greeting.

It's going to be hard to pick out which one I'm going to actually use!!  But now that I've picked out my favorites, the hard part is left. . . figuring out how to get a couple really nice pictures of the kids. . . when they aren't acting like their father!!  :o)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bowling with Girl Scouts

Today our Girl Scout Service Unit celebrated Juliette Gordon Low's Birthday by bowling with Daisies!  Chloe had an absolute blast!  And Jacob was the perfect tag-a-long, he sat and played with Mommy while Chloe did her Girl Scout thing!  I was so proud of her, she wasn't attached to me at all, she joined a group of girls that she didn't know and had a lot of fun. . . I guess that means she's growing up.  :o( 

Here are some pictures of my little Daisy Scout. . .

Chloe (wearing purple) with her little group!
Enjoying some fries with Mom
She's got skills!

Our tagalong, Jacob

Exactly 2 months left. . .


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Horrible Week

Well "Hello, November!"  This year is going fast!  Only 48 days until Christmas and 61 days left in this pregnancy!

This past week has been absolute hell at work.  It's the Christmas season and everything is due all at once. . . so all at once, that you can't get it all done because there isn't enough time or man power in the day.  And of course, they want it all done now - with no help, no excuse and no overtime.  Well guess what?, it doesn't happen.  I was so aggravated when I left work on Friday, it literally took crying and hours of fuming before I was able to forget about work.  I know my emotions are higher because of this pregnancy but I hate not feeling a sense of accomplishment after working so hard.  In fact, I worked so hard that I made myself sick and worked through pains that would have put any "manager" in the doctor's office.  And I promise you, and myself - that it will not happen again.  Because at the end of the day, none of my accomplishments were acknowledged, only my failures.  So to them I say, Kiss it!  I am going think of only myself and my unborn son from now on. . . management can get there happy butts out of their office chair and come help if it's so important!  (Okay, I'm off my soap box now. . . )

Now, I can go on and on and on about work this past week but I'll spare you all the details!  What I will tell you is that I have never had a pregnancy feel this way. . . now-a-days it seems like I am in constant pain.  I have no idea why this time it's so different from Chloe and Jacob BUT they do say every pregnancy is different.  And sadly, I'll admit that I even try to keep some of the pain from Jerry.  I know I shouldn't but I hate getting him all worried and concerned; however, I will tell you that he is very smart and can normally tell if I'm hurting or in pain.  (TMI Warning. . . I'll keep it as nice as I can but it might get personal!  LOL)  During the last couple weeks, baby has moved into the head down position - of course, I can't see him but I know this only because I know exactly were his feet are most of the time!  He's a kicker. . . and a powerful kicker at that!  He makes so much movement, the kittens attack my belly when it moves!  Plus the vaginal downward pressure is horrible.  It's not a constant pressure that I feel all the time, but I feel the pressure more often than not.  I personally don't think I "waddle" all the time (maybe others would say differently), but I do walk a little slower, move a little gentler, and breathe a little deeper when he starts pressing downwards.  It feels like he can reach out and wave if he wanted to.  I am anxious to see if they check me for effacement/dilation on Wednesday.  In fact, my biggest fear is going to the doctor on Wednesday and the doctor tells me that I have to cut back my hours at work and/or bed rest.  Since she's already told me once to slow down and I haven't - I've actually sped up - if that's at all possible!  In the back of my mind I feel that this isn't a normal feeling that I should be feeling right now. . . I can see feeling this way at the very end but not right now.  We will see, what the doctor says on Wednesday. . . Jerry's going with me so he will rat me out if I "forget" to mention anything important! 

Another important "To Do" I'm going to get done on Wednesday is mine and Jerry's leave of absence paperwork.  That way if we needed the time off unexpectedly early we are covered by FMLA.  Just because you never know. . . plus it will give me the opportunity to call-in whenever I don't feel quite right or I'm in pain - without it counting against me.  So I won't make myself go to work after puking all night and not keeping anything down like I did on Thursday.  Again, just another promise I made myself after finding out I could actually work myself to the ground and no one would care. 

Other than being pregnant and miserable, I've been doing a lot of Girl Scout stuff lately.  I've had to attend my Leadership Training and Level Training - which was ALL DAY -9am to 4pm!!  I've been recruiting new girls and of course, selling those Girl Scout Cookies with Chloe!!!  This coming week is no different, I have a Service Unit Meeting and a Daisy Bowling Activity. (Along with working/doctor's appointment - so much for slowing down this week!)  So hopefully, I can get all my laundry and mommy chores done tomorrow, and fingers crossed I can start getting the nursery cleaned out and set up!  I think our little guy is going to be here before I get anything ready for him!  But no promises, it totally depends on how I feel. . . hopefully, that extra hour of sleep with help me tonight!!  LOL

**I will update again tomorrow with belly pics and other whatnots.**