This week has been a little hectic, but it looks like things are starting to get back to our everyday routines. Not sure how much of the past week I can remember, but I'll try.
Monday, January 24th
For the life of me, I cannot remember what we did! I do know that I went to the bank because I couldn't get the Girl Scout Debit Card activated because they were saying my phone number didn't match what was on file. And while there I complained that I wasn't getting any of the bank statements for that account and I had them order me some more checks. The lady wasn't very helpful with any of it and I left with no answers to the Bank Statements and Debit Card still not activated, but the checks were ordered.
Tuesday, January 25th
First thing in the morning we called the insurance company because I got notice from the hospital that Blue Cross/Blue Shield denied Jaxen's claim. After arguing with them for a while, they finally added Jaxen to the policy for December. They denied it the first time because Jaxen wasn't put on the policy until January 2011. . . which was true because I have 30 days after a change of status to update mu insurance. Plus to update the insurance Jaxen needed a SSN and you don't get that until 2-3 weeks after birth! After talking to the insurance company they said that they would re-issue the claim as approved. So we also called and let the hospital know so that they wouldn't keep billing me. And just in case the insurance company forgot to re-issue the claim, the hospital was going to re-submit Jaxen's denied claim. So hopefully, they get it figured out. But it looks like 6 days in the NICU costs about $16,000!

After taking care of the phone calls, the boys and I went to my Walmart to deliver Girl Scout Cookies while Chloe was at school. And we dropped by the bank (a different branch from the previous day) to deposit cookie money. The girl that I got this time helped me out with everything. She got the Debit Card activated and she found out that the statements were getting sent but they were getting returned to them. She sent an email to re-send them to me and I promised to talk to the post office and find out why they were returning them without giving them to me. The Post Office didn't have any answers, they said it was the mail carrier and in the same breath they asked me to change the name on the account so that the mail would come in my name, not Girl Scouts. Of course, I refused to change the account and told them that anything with my address needs to be delivered to me, and I would decide what to return to sender. I also had them leave a message for the mail carrier to make sure ALL my mail was being delivered to my house.

Wednesday, January 26th
We delivered more cookies to Walmart (and I still have about 4 more people to catch!). While we were gone UPS tried to deliver one of Chloe's birthday packaged to the house and since no one was home they gave it to the local post office. Grr! So I had to go deal with them again, only this time the lady was really nice and helpful. She had me fill out a new card and write down all the names of people who were allowed to get mail at my address and I included Girl Scouts. She promised to look more closely at the mail getting returned to make sure the bank statements weren't getting sent back.
Chloe and I had Girl Scouts that evening and Mom and Dad stopped by to get the keys to the Explorer.
Thursday, January 27th
After getting Chloe on the school bus, we loaded up the boys and headed into town to test drive the Ford Freestyle that we had been eyeing for a few months. The dealership was really nice, and I really liked our Sales guy. He was very honest - even told us where we could take the car to get a few things cheaper than what the dealership would give us. So after test driving it, we headed to the bank to see about getting a car loan. It took all day bouncing between the dealership and the bank to get everything accomplished, but by the time we had to head home to get Chloe off the bus, everything was in full swing. While we were at home, we got insurance on the new car. That way after we picked up the check from the bank, we could go straight to the dealership and finalize everything. We finally got home at about 6pm, with our "new" 2007 Ford Freestyle.
Friday, January 28th
Jaxen is 6 weeks old!! Jerry got up and got Chloe off to school, letting me sleep in. And once I got up, I switched him places. . . I took care of the boys while he got some more sleep. We were both in desperate need of more sleep! When we were both up and refreshed, we left the house around noon to pick-up Girl Scout Cookies from Jerry's sister, return overdue library books, and to Walmart to get milk! It was a fast trip into town because once Chloe got off the bus we were on the way to Cole Camp to return Mom's car. Only borrowed it a week. Not too bad! Now we are going to work on getting the Explorer up and running. Hopefully, next week we will have some of the parts we need to fix it up enough to get it home. Should be easier to work on it if it's here in our driveway.
Saturday, January 29th
So far today we have done nothing! LOL. The kids and I are still in our PJ's. Definitely a lazy day, but we needed it very badly. Currently, the kids are destroying my living room! Most of Jacob's toys have ended up out here instead of in his room but that's okay, they are actually playing nicely together!
I think I'll deep clean the house after they go to bed tonight because tomorrow I have plans to meet up with a few of my friends in Belton, so we will have to get up and get moving!