It's been a LONG two weeks and I'm so sorry for the lack of updates. I've had a lot of things going on!! Like kid/scout stuff and inventory stress at work. Plus Jerry and I have had a lot of major decisions to make. I've been wanting to update for days now, but my minds just not been into it. Hopefully, I can get you caught up a little bit tonight.
Monday, July 18th
My littlest niece turned 4!! Happy Birthday Emily!
Tuesday, July 19th
??? I have no idea what we did this day.
Wednesday, July 20th
I got to work and Jerry started spasing out my cell phone. So when I got a chance to call him back, he had great news. The Walmart Distribution Center called and they had a job position open and they needed my transfer request before 3pm. I went straight to it and had my personnel office fax a copy of my transfer request to the DC. However, according to my personnel manager, the fax wasn't going through. {I feel she was sending to the wrong number on purpose because they got the first transfer request just fine. But since that one was expired, I had to send another copy. And since they had a position for me, all of a sudden the fax wouldn't work. Very suspicious!!}
So after fighting the personnel office, I gave up, had them give me a copy of it and I drove it down to Harrisonville on my lunch break. The personnel manager was very nice and took the time to talk to me. It was a very positive meeting and she promised to call me by Monday.
Thursday, July 21st
After work, Jerry and I looked at a house that we wanted with a realtor. We both really liked it and set things up for a meeting to make an offer.
Friday, July 22nd
It was a long day of shopping and packing for me!! Chloe and I had Girl Scout Camp!! I'm planning on sharing a bigger seperate post to this event so watch for it on another day!
Saturday, July 23rd
Girl Scout Camp ended at noon and when the parents arrived we had a short flag, awards, bridging ceremony! The girls and I had a lot of fun; hopefully, next year will bring even better camping adventures!
After camp, we went to David's Bridal to pick up Joanna's wedding saches. It was a long couple of days and I was happy to be home with my boys!!
Sunday, July 24th
Had a meeting with the Realtor to do house paperwork and make an offer. We got a lot of good information from this meeting but also got a feeling that this house wasn't going to work out.
Jaxen learned to stand up in his crib! And he decided to play instead of going to bed!!
Monday, July 25th
??? Besides going to work, I have no idea what we did this day.
Tuesday, July 26th
Jerry's 30th Birthday!! It was a good day, we celebrated Daddy!! He got spoiled with presents from the kids and ice cream cake.
But on his birthday, we got bad news from Realtor. . . the house that we made an offer to wasn't going to work. The seller actually decided not to sell at all. So back to square one on the house hunting. . . :-(
Wednesday, July 27th
Day before Inventory. . . worked 7am until 10pm {14 hours}.
I hadn't heard from the Walmart DC yet so I called them on the way to work. The lady I needed to talk to wasn't in the office and they took a message for her to call me back. 14 minutes later, she called me back. And the news was great. . . she was faxing me a job offer. And let me tell you, it was a total shock because once my transfer request is sent and I job comes open, I am to be interviewed for the position and then offered a position. I never got an interviewed, I skipped right to the job offer! :-)
And truth be told, I was nevous about the job offer, ideally it is NOT what I want to be doing but it is a good raise and better hours/days off! And the new position requires us to have a babysitter. . . because Jerry and I overlap by an hour and a half. They offered me Frozen, Dairy, Deli Replisment Lift Driver working Saturday, Sunday, Monday from 4am until 3:30pm making $17.00 an hour (I only make $11.15 an hour now, working 7am - 4pm five days a week). So roughly it's $340 more a paycheck working less days and hours!!
Jaxen's first taste of Chicken, too bad it was from a dog bone. :-( |
Jerry and I spent tons of time weighing the pros and cons of my job offer. I hardly slept a wink. . . the stress of making the wrong choice was killing me. I'm really good at supporting other when their plans don't go as planned but I'm not good at being the one to make those decisions!!
Thursday, July 28th
Walmart Inventory. . . worked 6:45am until 6:10pm {10.5 hours}. And for my Walmart friends, our Inventory was .72 which was up from last years .57. However, this year we were only a 9 month Inventory so it was going to happen. The Toy department and Furniture department did better than years past, so that's all I'm worried about!! In fact, it's the only numbers I can control! So, Go me!
My sister-in-law called around 9pm and said she would help us out and watch the kids for us, so that I could accept the job offer at the Distribution Center. I didn't sleep at all!! Still tossed and turned about my pending decision. . . didn't even eat dinner because I was stressing!
Friday, July 29th
Day after Inventory. . . worked 7am until 5:30pm {9.5 hours}.
After a lot of thinking and talking to friends and family, I accepted the job offer at DC. I felt a thousand times better once the fax was sent. . . I am going to miss my friends and job now but I think in the long term I will be successful and happier at the Distribution Center. . . sure my weekends are gone, but I get to spend 4 whole days off with my husband and kids!! Jerry and I get NO days off together unless I take a day off during the week.
Saturday, July 30th
Today, I've relaxed and watched "Bring It On" movies with Chloe. She's really into cheerleading, tomorrow's the day we go register her for cheerleading. I'm nervous as to what her schedule and my new working schedule will bring us, but like all things we will take it all one step at a time!