I cannot believe that August is almost over! Things have been so incredibly busy getting the kids back into school routines along with balancing extra-curricular activities. Here it is, Saturday Night or Sunday morning. . . whatever you want to call it. Babies are in bed, Daddy's at work, and I am sitting here at the computer - still. It's 2:30am and I think I have most of my Girl Scout Newsletter and Parent Information typed up and ready to go for registration night on Wednesday. All that's left is an activity or coloring sheet for the girls. Let's take a look back on this crazy week. . .
Sunday, August 14th
I started working my last week of overnights, resetting the Toy Dept for Christmas. And as much as I love resetting Toys, this reset was by far the absolute worse! We fought store planning (going through a mini-remodel to make our aisle wider), the floor crew (had to strip and wax the floors once the counters were moved), and we fought the modular/floor plans. After 5 days of overnights with a crew of 5 people, it's still not right but it's as close as I can get it. Good luck to the next person!
With me overnights, Jerry got the night off. I think he really enjoyed the time away from work.
Monday, August 15th
Worked overnights, then had a Wic Appt at 9:45am. It was a long morning and I was tired once I finally got home and to bed. But sleep was short lived - Chloe had to be at the football field at 6:00pm for cheer practice. Which I'm glad we put her in, she really likes it and I'm surprised, because I didn't think she would! She still has a long way to go before she's good but all the other girls either did it last year or has an older sister who did it in years prior, so she's doing good for being the only newbie! Heck, even Jacob knows the cheers. . . "Hey Vikings! Fight, Fight, Fight!!" :-) Speaking of Jake, this was the day he smacked his head against the wall and got a ginormous goose egg on his head!
Tuesday, August 16th
Worked overnights and when I got home I was able to sleep! I believe this was the day that Jaxen climbed out of his walker all by himself, making us raise the setting so he can't!! Getting close to having to raise the exersaucer too. He can almost get himself out of it!
Wednesday, August 17th
Jaxen officially turned 8 months old!! Worked overnights and came home to sleep! Chloe had her "Back-to-School" Night, where we got to go meet the teacher and take in her school supplies. Chloe was excited, she already knew her teacher from last year and knew exactly where her classroom was. We all liked her teacher, and with my new schedule, I was able to sign-up to help out with the Christmas Party and Valentine's Party! That
I am excited about!
I also had a table at "Back-to-School" Night for Girl Scouts. We passed out information about our meetings and registration night. We had a ton of girls and parents interested in Girl Scouting. . . I am super excited and nervous about that! I am happy all my hard work from last year payed off and Girl Scouting is coming back to the community. Nervous however because I had a lot of Juniors interested and if one of their parents don't step up, I am going to have 3 troops next year and I have never ran a Junior troop!
Thursday, August 18th
Chloe's 1st day of school!! I was able to get off work at 6:00am, so I could be home to get her off to school. She was nervous and barely ate any breakfast. When the bus came she was a pro at getting on and waving good-bye! I was able to sleep while she was at school and awoke in time to be waiting at the bus stop for her return! She had a good day and was ready to tell me everything!!
Chloe had cheer practice at the football field, where she got her uniform. After cheer practice we were going to go out to dinner to celebrate the first day of 1st grade; however, after cheer practice Chloe put gum in her mouth and bite down the wrong way on a loose tooth. Which jammed it into her gum and was causing her a lot of pain. . . she wanted it out and now! So we headed home to see if we could get the tooth out. After a lot calming her down, we were able to get dental floss wrapped around the bottom of the tooth and one quick pull the tooth was out. Chloe was grateful and happy!
After the tooth was out and the bleeding had stopped, we went to Applebee's to celebrate 1st grade AND the loss of a second tooth! After our meal, we headed to Walmart so I could buy bird seed and get some money for the tooth fairy's visit. With all that excitement, once we got home, I had to leave again for work! Jerry got to put everyone to bed and play tooth fairy!
Friday, August 19th
I pulled into the driveway Friday morning just as the bus was picking Chloe up. . . I got to yell good-bye to her as she boarded the bus. Jacob wasn't up yet, so I grabbed a quick nap on the couch. Once he was up and everyone was ready we headed off to his preschool to meet his teacher and take in his school supplies. He makes me nervous. . . I'm not sure how well he will do the first day when we drop him off and LEAVE. We stayed a while and let him get used to the classroom and play with a few of his classmates. Hopefully, it will make it a little easier on him next Thursday when he officially starts school.
It was at school when Jerry and I noticed he had a swollen eye. I didn't see it that morning, but then again I was really tired! Thinking it was just another black eye he managed to give himself. . . we pushed it aside.
After visiting Jacob's school, we grabbed some Taco Bell and went shopping at the party store and Michael's for a little man's Birthday. I don't think we are going to do a big birthday party for him, he will have decorations and I will definitely make him a spiderman cake. Then it was a quick stop at Pet Co. and then home to get our girl off the bus!
I cannot for the life of me figure out what we did Friday night. . .
Saturday, August 20th
This is where the original post started. . . I didn't post it last night because I was super tired and not sure if anything made sense!!
Today (or yesterday, however you look at it!) has been one heck of a day. It all started off at 6:30am, who gets up at 6:30am on a Saturday?!?, apparently Cheerleaders and Football players. Chloe had her first official Cheer leading event this morning. It was a football jamboree at Adrian, MO. . . it was only a 'for fun' event but it was good practice for her. And it was a beautiful morning, I was a little concerned about it because of the horrible storm that went through here last night. Anyways, Jacob and I went with Chloe to her jamboree - Jerry and Jaxen stayed home sleeping. And really the only reason I woke Jacob was to check on his eye. . . and boy was I glad I did. First thing this morning his eye was swollen shut and it has a little bit of junk holding it together. So he got a warm washcloth and was up and about with us.

After the Football Jamboree, Chloe and I took Jacob straight to the Walgreen's Take Care Clinic. Our pediatrician isn't open on the weekends and I really wanted him seen today. . . and I'm glad we did. The doctor said that Jacob most likely had Conjunctivitis or Pink Eye and put him on eye drops. Now pink eye can be both viral and bacterial. And the eye drops will only work if it's a bacterial infection. . . we should start seeing immediate relief. However, if it's a viral infection it will have to run it's course and we will have 7 to 10 days of this. And she did mention that if we didn't see any relief at all, to take him to an eye doctor so they can make sure nothing is in his eye. I am totally dreading that because he barely lets me examine his eye, what is he going to do for a doctor?!?! They'd have to knock him out! But either way, he's on medicine for the pink eye and will be able to start school on Thursday without fear of passing it around to everyone.

After a 2 1/2 hour wait at the doctor's office, off we went to Walmart to fill Jacob's prescription. . . another 45 minute wait. Can you tell it's been a long day?!?!
Sunday, August 21st
Today has been a lazy, cranky day for everyone. I am hoping Jaxen takes a nap soon so that I can get things accomplished around here!! But it doesn't look like Chloe's going to let that happen.
Tonight is bath night for all the littles, tomorrow starts Chloe's first full week of school, my last full week of working in a Walmart Store, and Jacob's first ever first day of school!! Hopefully, I can keep you updated along the way!! Please hang tight, it's going to be a wild ride as we all get use to my new job and it's hours, and our new school routine!!