My dare-devil son was at it again! While I was unloading the groceries from my vehicle, Jacob decided it was a good idea to jump off the foot stool and wack his head on the coffee table! It was horrible, he about gave me a heart attack! Of course, the inital impact made him cry and it was instantly bruised and swollen. As soon as I picked him up he was good. . . the crying stopped. I sat him down in the recliner and gave him a juice box so that I could look at his head and put ice on it! Ten minutes later Jake was running around the house chasing the dogs and picking on his sister. So after talking to my mom and after finding the toll free nurse hotline our work benefits offer off the internet, I decided he was absolutely fine. I didn't need to call the nurse line, but now I have it programmed in the phone memory for future reference. . . Knowing my son I'm sure to need it eventually! I kept him (& Chloe) up 5 hours after he hit his head just to be on the safe side. And Jerry woke him up about 6:30am, to make sure he was still okay. Except for the HUGE bump and bruise on his head you would never have know he did anything! Thank goodness for hard-headed boys!
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