It's 1230am. I should be sleeping, but I'm not. I'm sitting here enjoying my kid-free time. I should be cleaning, but I'm not. I'm sitting here proud. I'm proud of what my family did this weekend. So proud, I want to share it with you!
For most of you, it comes as no surprise that I've been raised to help others the best you can. Many of you may notice nowadays when you are shopping at Walmart, you may be asked to donate to CMN. The month of May brings a 6-week marathon of fundraising for Children's Miracle Network, each store is asked to try and raise $20,000 to help local hospitals help local kids. In the beginning of May, I was in the right place at the right time and asked to be a part of my stores CMN team. We had meetings of brain storming ideas on how to raise some money. Hot dog cookouts in the front of the store, selling CMN t-shirts, all you can eat $5.00 breakfast for associates, $2.00 Blue Jean Fridays, Root Bear floats on the weekends, and a kid's carnival.
The kid's carnival was totally my idea. My mom's a Girl Scout and did the Starcraft Kid's Games for years! Surely, we could come up with some games to play while we sold hot dogs, chips and a drink for $2.00! Everyone loved the idea and wanted to do it Memorial Day Weekend out front of the store. But as the days got closer, we weren't getting anyone to volunteer to help run the carnival. Management and I put on a full-fledged campaign to get people to volunteer. Almost every responded the same way, "Why give up my 3-day weekend when I'm not getting paid?", "I already have plans that weekend." and "Why should I help Management out when they don't help me out?". It was all really frustrating, but with the small group of six people that we had - Asst. Mgr Biz, Asst. Mgr Joanna, ZMS Robert, Dept Mgr Heidi (that's me!), IMS Fannita, and Grocery Sales Associate Karen - we were determined to make it happen!

So I enlisted the help of my family. Jerry and the kids were happy to help. . . it was important to me and the kids were pretty cheap labor! I am so proud of the work my family did. Jerry ended up being the money maker with his balloon animals... totally bring in most of the $510 that we raised the first day!! Everybody loved him and wanted a balloon animal. Parents were giving $5 and $10 donations!! Jerry had to work this weekend, so he was only able to volunteer one day of the kid carnival. Everyone missed him the second day. My management team had nothing but high praises for him! I love you, Jerry! Thank you so much in helping make my idea a reality. And thank you so much for being a wonderful role model for our kids!! I know we aren't perfect parents, but I think we are doing an awesome job trying!

Chloe and Jacob got plenty of compliments!! The ran the kids games like pros! I had two VERY BEHAVED, VERY POLITE children. I couldn't be prouder of them. Jacob loved being a helper and "in charge" of something! He was such a big boy and I'm so proud of him! Chloe understood why we were there and could charm any parent into donating to CMN. In her own words, she can tell you why we worked so hard raising money this weekend. "We give it to the hospitals, so when kids are hurt and they don't have any money, they can still go to the doctor to feel better and not have to pay because we helped them!" It was enough to melt any ones heart and open their pocket books. :o) I'm pretty sure if you'd of seen me this weekend I'd be grinning from ear to ear with pride while holding back tears and a lump in my throat from the compassion that she showed and her willingness to help others! I am SO proud of the girl she's become. . . And it makes my heart so happy to know that I am the one who helped shape her into the woman she's going to be! To Chloe and Jacob - I love you!! I am so proud to be your Mom! I couldn't ask for better kids...and I definitely couldn't have done it without you this weekend!

Even my little Jaxen was there helping out!! Okay, he wasn't running any games or making balloon animals BUT he was totally content sitting in his stroller watching everything that was going on in front of him. He was the perfect baby... and besides all the compliments on his hair, he got compliments on how easy going he was!! I love you Jax!! Thank you for being YOU!!
Besides helping me out tremendously, the kids got to enjoy the carnival too! They had so much fun this weekend, Chloe wants to do it again next weekend!! :o)
My family and I volunteered because we wanted too! We had a GREAT family weekend and I think volunteering together made it a thousand times better! Jerry and I want to raise our kids to give back to those who need our help! We didn't need nor expect to get anything out of it besides the joy and satisfaction of helping others. But in return, I see what this weekend did for my kids. I couldn't have asked for anything better!! My 3 and 6 year old did more for Children's Miracle Network than most of the adults I work with! After the kids and I helped clean up the carnival, my managers thanked us whole heartily and handed me an envelope. When we got home, I was shock to see what was inside:
$30 Applebee's Gift Cards and a $20 Pizza Hut Card! |
So I ask everyone reading this, next time you are shopping in Walmart and you are asked to donate to CMN, please do so!! Every little bit counts!! Just ask Chloe! She was just as happy to see .50 as she was $10!! And believe me, she knows the difference!!!
(Totally going to bed now. . . it's 1:23am!! I should be sleeping!)