Happy Memorial Day! ♥ ♥ ♥ Today we had beautiful weather! Chloe and I lined our driveway with small American Flags. I served as a great remember that today was not about BBQ's and a day off of work. It's about our service men and women who keep us safe and make this a beautiful country! My kids are still a little young to grasp the entire meaning of Memorial Day but they do know that we are all about the good ol' USA. Freedom is definitely not free - Do not forget the past and the sacrifices that have brought us here today. Thank you troops for serving this country and keeping us safe!
A Memorial Day nap for Jaxen! |
Today was a wonderful day for my family. Jerry slept the morning away - having worked all night - but he did get up and spend some time with me and the kids before he had to go to work this evening. This morning, while Jerry was sleeping, the kids and I went grocery shopping. I had to get some lunch and snack foods in the house now that Chloe is home during the day! I had a great time with the kids and after about 2 hours in Walmart, we left with most of my sanity intact!
I can't believe how big he's getting. . . it feels like he should start crawling any day now. |
Everything goes into his mouth! |
The best part about today was spending it at home with the kids. I got a few things done around the house, but mainly I just played with my babies. . .
Then to top the day off, look what I caught Jaxen doing this evening while I was folding laundry. . .
Yet another milestone reached for Mr. Jaxen. I am so proud of him but it feels like he is growing up twice as fast as the other two! I would give anything to have him slow down a little bit!
Sitting Up! |
I hope your Memorial Day was as good as mine! Tomorrow it's back to the grown up world for me. . . Boo! ♥ Love to all of you!
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