It's been a crazy week around here. From Tee Ball games every evening and working overnights (if it wasn't Jerry, it was me!) to thunderstorms and housework - we've done it all! I was so happy that I was able to accomplish my tasks overnight an entire day and a half early. And after talking to Management they were happy of the job I accomplished and let me have the last night off! I was so excited. I had already secured a babysitter for the night (Grandma and Grandpa) because Jerry had volunteered to participate in the Relay for Life with his work (Walmart Distribution #6065). The kids and grandparents were excited about a "Non-Parent" sleepover, so we went ahead with the plans and I went with Jerry to the Relay for Life.
As my facebook status read: "What do Jerry & I do with an unexpected night off without kids? VOLUNTEER 7pm - 7am! If you need us we will be walking miles (and making balloon animals) tonight while your sleeping. Relay for Life - Helping find a cure for cancer. . . a disease that never sleeps!"

For those who have never participated before -like me!, I highly recommend you attend one. ESPECIALLY if you have had a loved one taken from you too soon because of cancer. I really had no idea what to expect and I am so glad I was apart of this great organization!! The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is a life-changing event that gives communities a chance to celebrate the lives of people who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against the disease. And that is truly what it feels like, a celebration! At Relay, teams of people camp out at a local high school track and took turns walking or running around a track. Each team is asked to have a representative on the track at all times during the 7pm to 7am event. Because cancer never sleeps, Relays are overnight events.
It all starts with a "Survivors Lap" and last night it was lead by a 2-year-old girl whose family had been given the news that her brain cancer was back and there was nothing more they could do for her. It was really sad and really touching. No child should have to live with cancer and no mother should have to watch her child suffer from it! Besides the opening ceremony where the Survivors are names and given a sash before walking a "Survivors Lap", my favorite part of the walk was the Luminaria Ceremony.
Rockin' my t-shirt! Celebrate. Remember. Fight Back. |
Shortly after arriving to the Harrisonville track, Jerry had asked me to go home and get his balloons so that he could make balloon animals and help raise some more money for the American Cancer Society. I was happy to go get them for him because I needed to change out of my blue jeans and into some walking clothes. While I was gone, Jerry walked the track for his team. When I got back he went straight to making balloons and money. Besides walking, I helped package hamburgers and hot dogs that the Walmart team was selling. Me and another wife totally assembled and wrapped all the hot dogs and hamburgers that people were buying. . . I now know what it feels like to work in a fast food joint! Our team was pretty busy selling food until about 11:30pm when they started getting ready for the Luminaria Ceremony.
Jerry making balloon animals |
Once the Luminaria Ceremony started Jerry was upset with himself because he was going to take me over and get a bag for Grandpa but he forgot once I returned from getting his balloons. I loved the fact that he thought of that. It really proves how much Grandpa is still a part of my life, when Jerry - who had never met him - thought of him and his struggles with cancer. I was a little disappointment that I had not heard of the ceremony sooner. But I LOVED the ceremony and I will be back next year!!
What is a Luminaria Ceremony you ask? Well after dark, we honor people who have been touched by cancer and remember loved ones lost to the disease. The track lights went out and candles glow sticks were lit inside bags filled with sand, each one bearing the name of a person touched by cancer, and participants walk a lap in silence while the names are read.
I cried happy, sad, touching tears. And these were the only pictures I took last night. It was an awesome remembrance of my own Grandpa. I will be back next year and Grandpa will have his own Luminaria. . . I promise!
I can't think of a better way to spend time together with my husband - forget a romantic night at home or dinner and a movie! Together we volunteered and this will forever be apart of our family traditions!
Fight Back.
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