Today was ULTRASOUND day!
My ultrasound went well this afternoon. The doctor ordered a routine internal ultrasound to check the placenta placement. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. It was actually better than a yearly exam. But then again it was only going in to check the placenta - not the baby. Once the pictures were taken on the placenta, the rest of the ultrasound was done like normal from the outside of the belly.
Face |
The baby is sitting really low and only on the right side - just like Jaxen. The baby was curled up in a ball with hands and feet together near it's face with legs tight together! And is in the ________ position. . . can you guess?!?! Just like the other 3, this baby is also in the BREECH position - head up and feet down. Of course, there is ALWAYS time for the baby to turn, but at this point I have no hopes that it will. Jacob was the ONLY kid to make his way towards the birth canal and he was a little late doing so! The ultrasound tech checked and measured everything from the head circumference to the spinal cord. At one point we even seen up the baby's nose.
Two feet with 10 little toes. . . |
Tech had to take the pictures as the baby let her and couldn't use a check list to look for things in a certain order. Towards the end, the baby really started to move around so we were able to see a few more things. The ultrasound wasn't far off from what the doctor had guessed for a due date, measuring a little big and one week early. Baby is currently weighing 1 pound, 1 ounce. And because only 1 ounce can make a huge difference at this point, we are sticking with the original due date of June 24, 2012.
Baby Daily's Profile |
Ultrasound tech stated that
right now everything looked good and there are no concerns. Fluid was good, Baby's heart rate was 145 beats per minute, and there were no physical abnormalities. I will have more information after seeing and talking with the doctor next week. . .
And now what every one's been waiting for. After keeping it's legs together for most of the ultrasound and not wanting to show the "goods", we were finally able to get a peak at Baby #4's gender.
It's another BOY for the Daily clan! |
Now, I'm not going to lie. Disappointed? - Yes. Upset? - A little. I
REALLY wanted another girl and had my heart set on one. I wasn't expecting it to be another boy. But as I have been reminded by all the great people in my life {that knows about this pregnancy. hehe} that I am a lucky momma.
He is a blessing,
he is special, and
he is loved. And most importantly -
HE and I are healthy! So far, we have had no bumps in the road and it doesn't appear that there is going to be any. That alone is AMAZING.
We haven't told the kids that they are getting a brother. It's going to be the hardest on Chloe. . . and I am still sorting through my own emotions and disappointment. I want to be prepared to handle her disappointment and have my head on straight when we tell her. Plus tomorrow night is her Birthday Sleepover and Saturday is her Family Birthday Party. . . I am not going to let anything upset her this weekend.
After the ultrasound, Jerry and I stopped by Target to look for a Monster High Doll that Chloe wants and we CANNOT find it anywhere and to look at the cribs. Sad to say after 3 kids, mine is falling apart. = ( While we were there, Jerry and I checked the clearance racks and bought our first thing for the newest little man. . .
3-pk Monster Inc. Newborn Onesies!! |
See he's spoiled already!
We have the "I bite" onesie too! I just got Vinnie's pictures done in a Monsters Inc outfit! :) Congrats on a boy!
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