Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sprucing thing up for a new baby!

Remember this great buy we found while we were expecting Jaxen?

Last night, I cleaned out Jaxen's dresser drawers and only the clothes that actually fit him are in his dresser!  Along with going through all those clothes, I also cleaned off the diaper changing table - which has been the collection table in the closet for all the outgrown clothes Jaxen had accumulated. 

Today, the kids and I spruced up this diaper changing table that we found almost two years ago for only $15.00!  It's almost unrecognizable!  Tomorrow it will find it's new "spot" in the house and I will start stocking it up with everything a new baby will need!  {I would have today, but parts of the paint were still a little tacky, so we decided against it}

Chloe says it looks like a brand new table!  And from the pictures it looks like I have a few more touch ups on the bottom shelf. . . it takes me a little while to get down that low with a paint brush!!  :-)

And yes, for those who knew the colors of the walls at our old house. . . it is the same shade of green as Jacob's room!  We had an extra gallon of it!