Monday, July 16, 2012

Accident Prone?!

Sunday afternoon, we went to a celebration picnic for Relay For Life.  It was a family event at the park - a way of saying thanks to those who worked so hard.

Jerry wanted to go "make an appearance" before he had to head to work.  I got the kids ready and fed them before hand. . . you never know what they are going to eat at events like these and I like knowing that they have at least eaten something.  So while we ate and visited with friends, the kids played on the playground.  Chloe took Jacob and Jaxen and pushed them on the swings.

Then the kids decided to play on this huge hill - which I told them to be careful on because they could get hurt.  Needless to say - Chloe took a pretty good tumble. . .
Knees - all bandaged up.

Other arm

Then in a seperate accident, while chasing after Chloe - Jaxen took a tumble and scratched his face all up.

What am I going to do with these children?!  I think they need to be wrapped in bubble wrap!