Friday, June 8, 2012

Another one bites the dust

My doctor's appointment went well this afternoon.  Blood pressure - good, weight gain - good, measuring - good, position - head down, heartbeat - amazing! 

I did find out that I am tipping the scales and this is officially my BIGGEST weight gain during a pregnancy.  But I'll take it because Mr. Tyler is measuring ahead of schedule!!  :-)  Which after Jaxen, is a HUGE relief.  I think I seen a sigh of relief on Jerry's face when we got the good news!!

So see, with all that I am doing throughout the day, I am really taking it easy and behaving myself!!  Now, the rest is up to Tyler.  Next Thursday is my LAST prenatal appointment.  :-)

Getting everything lined up, babysitters are confirmed for the older three, Jerry's got all his scheduling all figured out with coming home to feed animals and see the kids, and I am packed and ready to go. . . ready to run when the time comes!