Saturday, June 2, 2012

Coach's Pitch

Chloe had her first baseball game a couple nights ago.  It was a very cold and windy afternoon, but they all had fun.  Miss Chloe was so worried that she wouldn't get a hit but a couple of the times she was up to bat, she hit the ball on the very first pitch and I didn't have time to even record it!!

Chloe and Mr. Stahl
Coach's Pitch is just like T-Ball - no scoring, everyone gets to bat and run the bases - only difference is this year they learn to hit the ball when someone throws it to them verses it being on the t-stand.  I am really impressed with the way they teach and how fast the kids learn to hit the ball!  

Playing the Pitcher's Mound. . . Chloe's ready to stop the ball!!
 And of course, look at the smile on her face when she got her t-shirt.  Miss Chloe is #14 again this year!  And her teams gets the very bright, you-have-to-wear-sunglasses-to-look-at-her t-shirts!

Ready to go!!
With the pending arrival of Tyler, Chloe only has 2 more games that she get to play.  {She will miss her last game, because it is the day after my surgery.}  Next year, Chloe will stay in Coach's Pitch AND Jacob will start T-Ball!!!  Jacob is super excited and so I'm I   !!