Thursday, September 12, 2013

It's been a while...

Whew, it's been a long time since my last update.  I am hopeing to have more time to update this blog now that I have an awesome phone that is blogger friendly.  Hopefully, now I will be able to update from anywhere... lucky you! :-)

Lots have been going on around here since the last post, and there it's no way that I can go back and catch you all up, so we will just pick up from here. 

A couple weeks ago, our family has started a new reading tradition.  We make sure to take time after dinner /before bed to sit and read a story out loud.  Jacob it's starting to read and with our help he is responsible for reading a paragraph, Chloe is responsible for a page and Jerry and I take turns as needed.  And I'm proud to say, as of tonight we have finished our first book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone.  It was so much fun reliving the wizarding world with the kids.  Jacob was hilarious when he finally figured out the Harry was a wizard!  It was fun listening to Chloe *guess* who was the bad guy.  She had everyone pegged as the bad guy, everyone except Professor Querral. Lol.

We are in the beginning phase of getting Jaxen transferred to the school district for his speech therapy.  Tomorrow is our transition meeting, where all our questions will be answered and new tests will be ordered to determine how far Jaxen has come and how much farther he needs to go.  I am exited for the new phase, but I do not want to say goodbye to our speech lady who has worked so hard to help us get Jaxen to where he is today!  Wish is luck tomorrow!

Jacob and Chloe are both doing well in school.  Jacob comes home with more redirects and gets in trouble a lot more than Chloe ever has, but truthfully nothing has been completely out of line.  And most of the boys get in just as much, if not more trouble. 

Tyler has finally found his voice.  It's a lot of baby talk and screaming to be heard but it's music to our ears.  He has yet to speak real words but I think it's coming.  I believe he is still behind but I know what we are doing now!