Friday, September 13, 2013

Jaxen's Transition Meeting

This morning was our transition meeting with the school district about Jaxen transferring into the their early childhood education program.  It was an easy meeting.  The meeting consisted of Jerry, myself, Jaxen, our Missouri first steps coordinator, the head of Midway's Special Education Department, Midway's parents as teachers cordinator and head of Belton School Districts Special Education Department.  We all sat around the table and discussed our concerns for Jaxen and the difficulty he is having with speech, language and concentration.

We were there for quite a while because Jaxen has quite the file started!  The professionals were very nice and answered all our questions and concerns.  Our next step is our RED Meeting on the 27th, which means we go over all the information that is documented and decide what tests Jaxen should receive.  But between now and the 27th, Jaxen is having a sensory screening (to determine if he can feel pain - where at and to what extent).  {Jerry and I are not sure if he feels pain like the rest of us, most of the time he gets hurt he only reacts for our benefit.  So this will be an interesting test!} And we have a hearing and vision screening that Jaxen will have to complete next week before our RED Meeting.

After our RED Meeting, and his testing, we will get back together to discuss what services Jaxen will be offered.  Our choices are:

1) Continue as is with Speech and Language Therapy but through our school district.  Probably twice a week.

2) If Jaxen is developmentally and behaviorally behind we will have the option to send him to an early childhood education preschool in Belton. The school will provide a bus or van to transport Jaxen from our home to school and back, Monday through Friday. (Not sure how I feel about this... my baby on a bus!)

3) Or our last option is to discontinue services until Jaxen enters Kindergarten.

The next month or so will determine what we can do for Jaxen once he turns three.  Because at three, Missouri First Steps ends their services with him.  The process of transitioning will be extradited because Jax turns three in just 3 short months and if he qualifies for services he can potentially start them on his 3rd birthday.  Normally, this process of transitioning it's started 6 months out, but because that was June and no one was at school then, we are getting a late start.

Please wish it's luck, this is uncharted waters for us! Once again, Jaxen has to do things differently! Lol

I hope I haven't last or confused anyone. If you have questions please ask! Most people are quite about the delays their children have but I feel the need to share it all with you.  You are apart of Jaxen's life and can see the difficulties he faces.  And I think it's important for other parents to see that, delays happen in all types of children. You can't ignore it and I won't.  There is no evidence that Jaxen's burn accident caused this delay, while I am sure it didn't help anything- Jaxen might have been delayed regardless.  With the information and resources we have, Jerry and I are doing everything we can to give Jaxen the best start on life and in education.