Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Checking In

Whew!  Things are getting a little crazy around here.  Every kid has something different going on and Jerry is getting to work a ton of overtime at work!  Which has been a total blessing, it couldn't have come at a better time.  But with him being gone an extra 2 days a week, it's been a struggle to rearrange my schedule and take all the kids to appointments that I didn't plan on taking them to.  But we are surviving, let's start with the youngest.

Tyler's lead screening hasn't come back from the lab yet, I blame the government shutdown.  I think it's driving the nurses crazy, they keep calling me to tell me that it's still not back.  The rest of Jaxen's blood work came back and it wasn't perfect.  So little man must get his blood drawn again next week.  Tyler's white blood cells were elevated, which could mean something as simple as he was fighting some type of infection.  However, the scary part is that it could also mean something as horrible as leukemia.  So they want to recheck to verify the white blood cell count went back down to normal levels.  I'm not freaking out yet, because I honestly don't think anything is wrong with him.  He is a very healthy child.  But it's always nice to get the bad things ruled out completely.  So keep him in your thoughts because next Thursday or Friday is going to be a rough day for him.

Ty has finally added a few more teeth to the bottom jaw!  LOL, besides the two front teeth, Tyler just got his first set of molars.  It's quite funny how he has the front teeth, then molars but missing the ones in between on both the top and bottom.  I imagine teething has been the reason that he's been a total bear lately!

Since the last time we wrote, Jaxen has had his R.E.D meeting.  Basically, we had a meeting that went over everything we knew of Jaxen and determined if there was any addition information or testing needed.  He has about 3 - 4 more tests that need to be done to determine if he qualifies for services when he turns three.  It's all been a little overwhelming lately, he is doing so well and has come a long ways. . . I just hope he can continue to get additional services before he has to start school.  

Jaxen's tests are on November 1st at a Preschool in Belton.  Then two weeks later, November 15th, we find out if he qualifies for services beyond three years old.  Fingers crossed, I would love to see him continue on with at least Speech Therapy.

This kid is going through some type of middle child phase. . . he has to be!  He's a mess. Crying about everything, getting angry about silly things, causing trouble just to cause it, and destroying things.  At first, I thought he was acting out because Jerry was gone more than he use to be {and I still do to a point} but now I think it's a boy/age thing.  The other little boy we watch after school is doing the same thing and driving his mom nuts, too!  I've really tried to make time for just Mom and Jacob activities and when Jerry's home he tried to include Jake in the "mainly" stuff.  Like tinkering in the garage.  I think he's just trying to find his place in the family.  He's not a baby anymore, he's a big kid. . . but he's not the oldest.

Jacob is doing really well in school, we have been having our issues on the bus.  And I'm afraid it won't be long until he gets an actual bad note sent home.  He doesn't see the bus as an extension of school, he see it as playtime with his buddies and that's getting him in trouble.  Jake is definitely a follower.

Little mama is doing good.  She's got her own thing going on most of the time.  With her is mostly Girl Scouts or the orthodontist.  She's doing great in school, really proud of her and the effort that she's putting towards her school work.  Third grade is suppose to be the harder transition.  And according to her midterm report card she's getting all A's and one B.