Tuesday, September 4, 2012


7:44am the phone rang.  Caller ID showed:  Walmart and a phone number not from around here.   The DC's District Manager, Debbie Hodges, was calling as promised.  She was super friendly and very nice.  She didn't know that the DC had already taken care of me and she was glad that they did.

She understood my reserve to name names but promised that the information that I gave her would be regarded with the strictest of confidence and that Jerry and I will never see any ramifications from my conversation with her.  She wants to use my "issue" as a learning tool.  Whereas, this should never happen to another associate.  While the policy is that after an LOA, I am given 30 days to find a position within the facility BUT the DC made a couple mistakes and I was put through something that should never of happened. 

FIRST - I should have been told everything up front.  Communication is key.  I went into the office before Maternity Leave knowing that I was going to go over the 12-weeks LOA and asked straight out how this was going to affect my job.  Not once was termination every mentioned.  Not once did they say I would have to reapply for positions.  The only thing that was told to me is that I would have a position just not my position when I returned. 

SECOND - When I was able to return, since my job was not filled or even posted yet, I should have been offered the position on August 4th, not a month later.  It should have been HR's priority to get me back working.

We spent about 30 to 40 minutes talking on the phone.  Debbie was really curious as to what I thought was the biggest issues at the DC.  She likes to take a little knowledge away from every issue that she deals with and she wanted to know what I thought.  I told her that working in a store and working at the DC were completely different - as they should be.  But I said that management in the DC looses sight of the people.  In a store, you are reminded everyday why you are there.  You are there to service the customer.  Because without them, you wouldn't have a job, a paycheck or a company.  In the DC it's not as transparent.  We are up against production and how fast we can ship groceries to our customers, the stores.  It's all business, no play.  And while I believe it needs to be business orientated, I look at it like this:  To management, we, the associates, should be their customer.  We come to work and do the job, without us there would be no business to run.  We make them look good.  If we fail at something it looks bad on them and the iron fist comes down.  But if we succeed, they look good and get promotions.  HR is the Human Resources Department, they should bend over backwards to help every associate that crossed their desks.  I literally got shoved from desk to desk with a different answer from everyone.  Not a person in there treated me as if I was important.  I was just another needy associate who was wasting their time because they had something better to do.

A while I was promised by both Debbie (DM) and Kathy (GM), that what stems from my issue will be much more than a conversation, I will never see or know the end result.  As it should be, I will never see the punishments handed down.  I have to trust that they all use this as a learning experience and know that I am here to stay, I can't and won't be swept under the rug.  And while I expressed my feelings very well, Debbie asked if she could use my words in a quote.  She said that she won't use my name but she has conference calls with ALL her DC's and she said that this is something that she wants them all to hear.  I opened up a new way of thinking with the whole associates are the DC's first customers.  And they need to help us, make them look good.  Communication has got to be there.  It is the key to running a successful business.

Unlike Kathy, who was disappointed that I didn't go to her first (I did but that's another story), Debbie was thankful that I got her involved.  She told me that if I ever had an issue or concern with the DC, I am welcomed to get into contact with her at anytime.  :-)  She valued my opinion as a long time associate and thanked me for my dedication to our company.  She also said that it was refreashing to hear honest complaints with resonable ideas to fix them.  I wasn't just a hostile employee just complaining to complain.  I was positive and obviously respected among my peers.  I am a gem to the company and she doesn't want to see me go anywhere but up.  :-)  However, I did let her know that at this time in my life, my first priority is to be a mother.  I would love to become management some day but only after my kids are grown.  But what kind of wife would I be if I hadn't mentioned Jerry's desire to go up in the company.  She asked about him and his goals and I told her that he is wonderful father and husband and I know that one day he will be a huge asset to the management team at the DC - thus the biggest reason I didn't want to rock the boat with my contacting her.  Then of course, we shared mommy stories.
After our conversation, I am not 100% sure that Debbie was the one that contacted Kathy and gave me my job back already.  However, Kathy knew something so if it was the Ethics Department that contacted Kathy, she might be surprised when she gets a call from Debbie.  Or vise versa.  Ooops.  ;-) In my defense, I was trying anything to get my job back!  lol

Monday, September 3, 2012

Answered Prayers

It's only been a day since my last blog posting and already SO many things have changed. 

I'm not sure if I mentioned it or not, but in case I didn't I'll say it again.  Last Monday, August 27th, I contacted Walmart's Global Ethics Office with basically the same statement I posted yesterday.  They responded with this statement: "The follow-up date generated for this report is 2012-09-03.  If your reported issue has not been resolved, please refer back to the website on or after the scheduled date.  If you have additional information, you may provide that at any time."  I didn't think too much more about it because it was the day before my pending termination - a little too late it my eyes.

On Wednesday, August 29th, I also sent an email to Debbie Hodges, the District Manager over the Distribution Center.  I got a communication started with her and she seemed generally interested in helping me out and wanted to talk to me over the phone on Tuesday.  After our initial communication, I also mentioned to her that I had been in to fill out a transfer request to a store and the DC promised to contact these stores and get back with me within a day or two with my options because I was literally running out of time.  Now against the DC's knowledge, I had been in  contact with these stores and kind of know what my options are going to be.  And as of yesterday, I have failed to hear back from the DC about anything.  I wrote in my email, "The communication is simple not there.  No one has followed through with anything they have said. . . if I want answers I have to go in and see them face-to-face.  Only then am I a priority."

I followed up the the stores that I had applied for - like my last blog states.  And yesterday morning, I got a message from the Independence Walmart offering me a Support Manager position.  Working four 10 hour days, then off three days.  It seemed that my choices were coming in by the hour!  To heck with the DC.

Debbie followed up with an email asking me to name names.  I eventually did name names, but I made it quite clear that my husband also works within the DC and he is looking for a promotion.  I wanted nothing that I did or said to affect him in any way.  I'm the one they are all going to be mad at and I did not want it being taken out on him.

At 12:30 this afternoon, I got a call from Kathy Dailey, the General Manager over the Distribution Center.  She is the highest level of management within our building.  She started off apologizing about the lack of communication and wanted to know why I couldn't of had this conversation with her.  I kindly reminded her that I did reach out to her about 3 weeks back and she didn't have any answers for me and told me to be in contact with Travis, our HR Manager.  So when I wasn't getting anywhere with personnel, I went above all of them.

Our conversation was a nice one, she stroked my ego telling me that I was an asset to the company and she wanted to know what I wanted.  What do I want?  I want a position within the DC - anything besides order filling - that worked an opposite of Jerry.  That's when she asked me if I would take my old position back.  HECK YEAH!! 

So here's what I know - she read part or all of my communication and someone contacted her, either the Global Ethics Office or the District Manager.  Heads are going to roll in the HR Office, she asked questions, took names, and at one point said, "I'm going to make this more than just a conversation."

So the DC finally came to there senses and I start back at work on Saturday @ 4am.  I really would like to think that they wanted me in their facility. . . but I'm sure the answer to my employment lies within the letter to the ethics office, communication with the district manager, or the fact that 3 different stores were offering me a type of management positions.  No matter what it was - I'm SO glad all it's all over with and I'm back at my high paying job!  Not to mention - I should return to a 50 cent raise for being with the DC a year.  And September 12th will mark 6 years at Walmart. . . this time around!  :-)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Heidi. Job. Stress.

Wow.  Where do I start? 

One of the main things keeping me from this blog for the last month has been my stress level with my pending employment.

Here's the story:
On May 1, 2012 because of a weight restriction I was forced to start maternity leave. At that time I was told by the HR Manager at DC 6065 that I would have a job when I returned to work, just not MY current position. I delivered my son on June 13, 2012, shortly after I received notification that my job was no longer job protected and on July 24, 2012 my position would be up for grabs.

On August 1, 2012, after getting a release to return to work on August 4, 2012, I went in and talked to the HR Manager who told me that I would have to apply on line to job positions in the DC and I could not return to work until I had a position. However, my old position had not been posted or filled yet. He said it could take up to a couple pay days to start working again. I received notice that I had until September 4, 2012 to find a position or else?!?! I have since applied for 9 different positions and have currently been turned down for all of them. I am at the end of my rope, I never thought it was going to take this long to find a position. I have been employed with Walmart for over 9 years.

I love working for Walmart and haven't had a single problem until now. I feel as though I am being punished for taking maternity leave. Had I known that nothing was guaranteed, I would have rethought or fought the early maternity leave. But I was told point blank that I would have a position when I came back. I never knew that I was going to have to reapply for jobs without a guarantee of position which could ultimately result in my termination from the company.

What is the next step? I have never had anything less than a meets or exceeds expectations on an evaluation. Do I just sit back and get fired for nothing? How can I get a position back within the DC? Surely I am qualified for any position Walmart has to offer - In the store level, I have worked as a sales floor associate, jewelry sales coordinator, layaway/service desk, money center/site2store, cashier, CSM, and Department Manager, and on the Distribution Center level I am a fork lift driver.

I love this company. With all the negative press and associates that just want to bad mouth our company, I stood behind it, welcomed change and embraced it. I am dedicated, strong, and positive associate. I'm not saying that I have bad days, but it never shows at work. I am a hard, independent worker. I take pride in this company, it's my company. Nothing has ever been handed to me and I worked hard to get where I've been and where I am currently within the company. I feel as though I am an asset to ANY facility and getting told that I could get terminated without any reason - is difficult to swallow.

It has been a super stressful time with all this uncertainty.  One thing was certain - I HAVE to have a job.  There is no way we could survive on one paycheck.  No way at all.  The fact is we are struggling now, things need payed, things need done.  Groceries or bills?  What do you pay first?  Arg!  It's been stressful.  We never thought I'd still be without a paycheck one month after I was able to return to work.  Even though the stress is there, Jerry and I have gotten everything taken care of.  When we think there is no way to get all the bills payed - we do.  When we think there is no way to stock up on groceries - we can.  When birthdays and school picture days come - everybody gets what they need.  I am so proud of Jerry and I - these days of struggling are hard and I can see how they pull marriages apart.  Jerry and I have taken life by the horns and pushed on.  Stress is there, all the time.  But the kids don't see it, it doesn't get in the way of life.  We went on living.  And I'm SO happy to say that it's paid off.  There isn't anyone else I'd like by my side though all of this.
After giving the DC a month to find me a position, Tuesday I put in a transfer request back to a store.  Basically, I'll take ANY position to keep me from termination.  After hearing nothing, I went to Raymore Walmart and found Shawn (co-mgr) and straight up asked if he had a position for me.  He laughed and playing said yes.  Then his jaw dropped and an evil grin crossed over his face when he realized I was serious.  He was like a kid Christmas morning.  After explaining to him that I had to have something by Tuesday or I'd be terminated for failure to return off LOA.  He said he'd put me in any position to keep that from happening.  But he had Department Manager positions opening up and he wanted to make sure that I'd still be able to qualify for them (normally there is a 6-month wait after accepting a position).
While I was there, the store manager returned from lunch and told me that the manager from Harrisonville Walmart called asking about me wanting to know if I'd be a good HBA Department Manager.  Of course, he said nothing but good things about me and then told him that he didn't want to share me and that Raymore wanted me back.  Now I haven't been officially offered the HBA Department Manager yet.  But Harrisonville is closer to home and a guaranteed Department Manager.  Both pros!!  However, Raymore pays more and can't offer me a department manager department manager yet.  There are some opening soon, just not opened yet.  Raymore did hint that it wouldn't be long before Departments came open and they are lacking in experience. 
So basically, I have a big decision to make.  I went from pending termination to more than one option!!  I think I'm leaning towards Raymore, even though they could only give me a cashier/sales floor position as of now, there are promises for department manager with more pay than Harrisonville.  And I KNOW, that if a kid has an appointment and needed to come in late/leave early they would let me.  I don't like shopping the Harrisonville store, the people are rude and the store is trash.  Even though it's closer and a Department Manager position, I'd be stuck for at least 6-months and I like Raymore so much better.  I have friends in Raymore, and Management is willing to take me back without a second thought.  And they'll reinstate me all my time in and pay if the DC does in fact terminate me.  Raymore is like home and I feel they have my back 100%.
Management was super excited and before it was all said and done I had 5 member's of management in there telling me not to worry.  No matter what the DC does come Tuesday, the store can reinstate me and give me a position.  So I am to enjoy my holiday weekend and we will figure it all out next week! 
Oh the stress - thanks for visiting but go away!  I am so thankful for everyone and their positive words to me.  I really have great friends and some wonderful angels looking over me.

Jaxen's Speech :-(

Speech and Language of the 18-Month-Old
*Bold/Italic are the things that Jaxen CAN do @ 20-months*
Uses 10 to 20 different words
Recognizes pictures of familiar persons and objects
Starts to combine 2 words, such as "all gone", "Daddy bye-bye"
Uses words to make wants known, such as "more", "up"
Imitates words and sounds more precisely
Points and gestures to call attention to an event or to show wants
Points to own toes, eyes, and nose
Brings familiar object from another room when asked
Turns pages of a book a few at a time
Follow simple commands
Makes a tower of 3 to 4 cubes
Knows and says the names of 5 things
Hums and may sing simple tunes
Mixes real words with jargon, on occasion
Develops a play routine
Practices words and word combinations


As you can see, we have some work to do.  Jaxen's speech evaluation appointment at Children's Mercy was a few days ago because he wasn't talking.  And Jaxen was diagnosed with what Jerry and I already knew. . . his lack of talking is NOT normal and it's NOT because Chloe and Jacob do all the talking for him.  Jaxen was diagnosed with a learning disability.  {Man, that is hard to say out loud!}  Jaxen's Receptive language is completely average for his age group.  He understands and comprehends language as well as any other 20-month-old.  However, Jaxen does not have the ability to express himself.  Scoring only a 75, he was diagnosed with Expressive Language Disorder with Articulation Impairment.  Age Equivalent: 10 months.

As hard as it had been to get an official diagnosis and to have to say, "Jaxen has a learning disorder", I now know that we can do something for him.  He's not alone anymore, we are all on the same path.  As our family, I think it's important to keep you all up to date.  We have to push him to say something and at this point a sound is as good as a word.  But we can't push too hard, he NEEDS to have a positive experience with talking or we won't get anywhere. 

A learning disability.  That is a hard pill to swallow for me, somehow I feel responsible.  Where did we go wrong?  I feel like we've failed him in someway.  Of course, it's only a personal feeling because I know in my heart that Jerry and I have done and are doing everything we can for Jaxen.  We've had him tested early, and from what we are told, NOW is the best time to get him back on track. 

With starting so early, Jax will have an easier start in school.  There is a HUGE possibility that by the time Jax starts kindergarten, he will have caught up with his peers and be "cured" of his disability.  With that being said, no disability is curable, just manageable.  He most likely will need extra attention for a while, and not necessarily Special Education classes or Speech and Language Therapy.  With intervening early, Jaxen should progress well in school.  It will be the responsibility of his teachers and Jerry and I to make sure that he doesn't fall behind and to get him the resources he needs to be successful in school.

I know school is a long ways away for Jaxen, but that is the goal that we have set for him.  Ideally, we want him ready to enter kindergarten.  Of course, his speech and language will still be developing so the use of a speech class may be needed.  However, the doctor said that Jaxen's burn to his mouth and tongue could have just set him back.  They have seen cases where when the child has experienced a trauma in his life, there speech/language is affected.  But with speech therapy he should catch up pretty quickly.

Now for our game plan.  Because Jaxen is 50% behind in two categories - Expressive Language and Articulation he should qualify for Missouri First Steps.  Which is like a "Head Start" Program; however, Head Start doesn't start until age 3.  I have called Missouri First Steps to see if he qualifies for speech/language therapy but I'm still waiting to hear back from them (Holiday Weekend).  Children's Mercy Hospital put him on their speech therapy waiting list but we are looking at at least a 4 to 5 month wait.  And I am looking into Parents As Teachers through the school district for help.  

I've made a million calls for help and advise.  We are really wanting to get him on track before he falls too far behind.   Yet another hurdle that we will climb with Jaxen!!  It's a good thing we love him!!  Keep him in your prayers.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

September Calendar

Saturday, September 1st - KC Pet Project Work Day {postponed b/c of rain}

Sunday, September 2nd -
Monday, September 3rd - Labor Day // No School
Tuesday, September 4th - Jerry's Orthopedic Appointment @ 1245pm
Wednesday, September 5th - Jacob's 5-year Well Baby Checkup @ 9am // Tyler 12wks
Thursday, September 6th -
Friday, September 7th - MY Birthday!!
Saturday, September 8th - Heidi returns to work after 18 weeks off!!

Sunday, September 9th -
Monday, September 10th - Chloe's Reading Challenge Party @ 315pm
Tuesday, September 11th - Jaxen & Tyler WIC Appt @ 10am
Wednesday, September 12th -
Thursday, September 13th - Tyler 3 months!
Friday, September 14th -
Saturday, September 15th - Freeman Homecoming

Sunday, September 16th -
Monday, September 17th -
Tuesday, September 18th - Girl Scout Registration Night @ 5pm
Wednesday, September 19th -
Thursday, September 20th -
Friday, September 21st -
Saturday, September 22nd -

Sunday, September 23rd -
Monday, September 24th -
Tuesday, September 25th - Early Release @ 114pm
Wednesday, September 26th -
Thursday, September 27th -
Friday, September 28th -
Saturday, September 29th -

Sunday, September 30th -