Thursday, June 28, 2012


Not too much is happening around here. . . just staying indoors and out of the heat wave.  We are getting to spend a lot of quality time together - cleaning house, getting ready for visitors this weekend!!

Jaxen, Mommy & Tyler

Jaxen and Tyler

Mommy & Tyler

Good night y'all!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

10 days

10 days.

Tyler's been in our lives for 10 days.
It's been a rocky 10 days.
It's been a struggle to figure out our new 'normal' schedule.
Jaxen is EXTREMELY hands-on, he loves to give Tyler kisses and hugs.
Jacob and Chloe want to help, but their version of help isn't always true 'help'.
Chloe's learning to change diapers, and she is still grossed out with the poop.

No matter how crazy it gets, it's wonderful having everyone together while Jerry is on leave with us.
I am truly enjoying my last go-round with an infant in the house.
Tyler can sleep through almost everything - Jax screaming, Chloe and Jake playing/fighting.
Tyler is also a good eater, he loves to lock eyes with you when he's being fed.
However, he likes to be WIDE awake from around 10p-2a every night.  :-\
We are working at getting his awake time in the evening, so that all babies are in bed by 10ish.

I am healing good.
I can finally pickup Jaxen without any strain on my incision.
I have been medicine free {not even Tylenol or Motrin} since Wednesday {1 week after surgery}.
I have been extremely thirsty and craving sweets.
My milk supply has finally given up hope of being used and has eased up - THANKFULLY!
I'm finally getting my energy back, I can cook my family dinner without having to sit-down.
At first, I was getting frequent headaches - but I think I'm getting use to the craziness now.

Tyler's next doctors appointment is Monday, June 25th - for a weight & color check.
My next appointment is Friday, June 29th - for my 2 week post partem checkup.  {Hopefully, the doctor will give me the all clear to drive!!}


Yesterday afternoon this is what I found in Queen's {the inside black/white spotted} cage.

At last count there were at least 7 naked baby bunnies with full tummies. . .

So cute and little!!  Queen was still bleeding, so I'm not sure if she was done giving birth.

::Here's the facts::
Born sometime on Friday, June 22, 2012
@ 10 days old they should open their eyes
@ 4 to 6 weeks old they should start to wean from Queen
@ 8 weeks old they can be separated from Queen
@ 10 weeks old they become sexually active
SO between August 17th - 31st, we will have bunnies to sell/give away!

So Blessed

We are so blessed as a family to have so many people who care about us.  Nothing is going un-noticed - Jerry and I appreciate everything that everyone has done for or bought us. 

Today was an awesome day, it reminded me to count my blessings and be thankful for everything I have!  Not to mention, these simple acts of pure kindness made me feel really special --

How beautiful are these?!?!  These are the flowers that were delivered for Jerry and I from our friends at the Walmart Distribution Center! 

These alone brightened my day!  And if that wasn't more than enough - my wonderful neighbor, Nina and her husband brought us over some dinner and dessert - just because. 

I didn't get a "before" picture because we were so excited to eat it!  But here's the "after" picture of our dinner. . . Brisket, Baked Beans and Macaroni and Cheese!!

Followed by a delicious dessert!!  Everything was perfectly, mouth-watering, delicious!!  I am so thankful for our neighbors. . . especially after the 'you-know-what's' we had at the last place!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

1 week.

Whew!  I've only been home 6 days and it feels so much longer than that!!  I'm grateful that the time is going slowly verses super fast.  Tyler is such a blessing and an amazing baby.  He's pretty mouthy when he thinks he's starving but other than food being involved, he's an easy going kid. 

Since being home from the hospital it's been non-stop.  Of course, our new non-stop is a lot less than what it used to be without baby.  Tyler and I came home Saturday, June 16th after a quick trip into Walmart to get my prescriptions filled.  Because from that point on, at least for two weeks, it's everyone or no one when it comes to getting out of the house.  First off, I can't drive.  Which stinks.  Jerry has to be my taxi driver.  Second of all, I'm not suppose to lift anything weighing more than the baby,  Which means that leaving Jaxen with me is hard.  I can't pick him up.  I can't put him in his chair.  I can't really change his diaper - because he kicks.  I can't be the jungle gym that Jaxen wants me to be.  So either we all stay home or we pack up all 6 of us and head out.  And going out is exhausting!  :-)

Sunday, June 17th - Father's Day - we stayed home and relaxed.  I made my lists of everyone I have to call on Monday morning.  The farthest we went was outside.  The animals all needed a little TLC and the kids got to play and run around like crazy.  Jerry played t-ball with the older two while Jaxen did his own thing.  It was a nice evening outside with the family.  A family friend stopped by to see the baby and chat - she even brought us some Panara Soup and Bread for dinner. It was delicious!! 

Monday, June 18th - After calling everyone I needed to and filling up our schedule for the week.  We had to get everyone ready and get out the door.  Jerry and Tyler had doctors appointments.  Tyler's was his newborn checkup - to get him established at our doctor's office.  Mr. Tyler weighed in at 8 pounds 3 ounces and 20 inches long.  We have to bring him back next Monday because his color was a little off - not a huge deal, since he was early, but they want to make sure we don't have to run blood tests, especially if we don't have to.  Jerry's appointment was to get him vaccinated with the DTaP shot.  He's the only one in the household who is not vaccinated with that shot and there is a lot of whooping cough going around.  In order for him to get the shot, I had to get him established with the doctors office too.  So now, the only two not established with our new doctor is Jacob and I.

Grandma and Grandpa stopped by to see us.  They were out shopping for fireworks.  Kids were happy to see them.  After they left, we had another visit from a friend and another dinner delivered to us.  This time it was fried chicken with potato & macaroni salad.

Tuesday, June 19th - Not too much happened around here.  Jerry and Chloe took a good part of the day to volunteer at the KC Pet Project Animal Shelter.  They took our foster dog Begonia back so that she can get adopted and they came back with another round of foster dogs.  But because of their age, these foster dogs go back in a week to get adopted out, they just aren't old enough yet.

That evening we all got to watch Chloe's last ballgame of the season.  It was a lot of fun and she is already looking forward to next year!

Wednesday, June 20th - Tyler and I had an appointment at 10:30am in Harrisonville.  We under estimated the time that it would take to get everyone ready and in the car - and ended up being a little late to the appointment.  However, they weren't busy an were still able to see us right away and get us back out the door.

We went to the bank to deposit my check and to Walmart - had to fix some things that we were over charged for, pick up some baby formula for Tyler, and some thicker material for Jacob and Jaxen's bedroom curtains. . . we are tired of them getting up before 7am because the sun comes up!

On the way home, we stopped by the Distribution Center to verify Jerry is getting his pay for this pay period and to show off Mr. Tyler.  We got to see a few of Jerry's managers and the General Manager over the DC.  However, it was a quick visit because we needed to get home to feed the kids.

We got home with enough time to eat lunch and get naps in, then we were off to the ball fields for Chloe's Coach's Pitch Pictures.  Which I got to preview and they look awesome! :-)

Thursday, June 21st - Today we have done nothing!  It's been great. . . just bummed around the house.  Played outside.  Watched movies.  Relaxed.  = )

Friday, June 22nd - Tomorrow is cleaning day.  Our lovely neighbor has insisted in making us and bring us dinner tomorrow evening.  So what better excuse than that to have everyone help clean house!  There is plenty of vacuuming and laundry to do!!

No big plans for Saturday or Sunday - just bumming around the house getting things done.  It's suppose to be a hot weekend for us, so staying in the AC sounds good to me!!

Friday, June 15, 2012


Big difference with Jaxen and Tyler. . . with Jaxen in the NICU, I had plenty of time to write and keep up with everything!  Tyler has been by my bedside 24/7 since his birth and with Jerry not able to stay a single night with me, I've been a little busy.

Tyler is an awesome baby.  He's loud and he does NOT like to have his butt changed.  :-)  But he currently sleeps about 18 hours a day.  Of course, the second I fall asleep, he wakes up.

So far, he's been a keeper!  Very photogenic. . . however, ask anyone who's seen him in person - the camera adds a few pounds to his face.  :-)

I've been calling him Mr. T - and not for Tyler, but for Tooter.  He likes to make lots of noise in the diaper region! 

Hope you enjoy these pictures.  Tomorrow, Tyler and I head home to the chaos of the Daily Planet. . . so there is NO telling when I will have time to sit and update you all.  But I will try. . . as soon as I figure out how to be a Mom to four children and figure out how to juggle their schedules around!!

**Mr. Tyler Grayson Daily**

Thursday, June 14, 2012

June 14th - Day 1

3:30am - Tyler throw up all his formula from his 12:30am feeding.  =(

6:00am - I woke Tyler up to eat.  He's a super fast, inhaler of food!

6:45am - Clear liquid diet ordered for Breakfast.  Hoping to be moved up to solids by lunchtime!

7:30am - Daytime nurses came on shift and took out my IV, Catheter, AND up'ed my diet to whatever I want!  :-)  I get to get up and walk around after breakfast!!  So exciting!

0:00am - More to come. . .

June 13th - Birth Story

It's official.  Jerry and I are proud parents of four!  Tyler Grayson arrived in his OWN way in true Daily fashion!

6:30am - I woke up after not being able to sleep to well.  Jaxen ran a pretty high fever all night and I was regularly getting up to check on him and get him is Tylenol/Motrin on time.

I remember the time because I was so hot and thirsty.  I got up and went to the kitchen to get me a glass of ice water - which is super weird because water is not my drink of choice, especially with a fully stocked refrigerator of Mtn Dew!

I went in to check on Jaxen before heading back to bed and he woke when I touched him.  I scooped him up and brought him to bed with me.  Jerry cuddled with him while I got him some ice cold apple juice and a dose of Motrin.  Mr. Jax would not settle down and thought it was play time in mommy and daddy's bed so I took him out to the living room where we could lay down and watch cartoons.

10:00am - After getting Jaxen to fall back asleep, I dosed off too.  Jacob was the next kid I saw around 10am, followed shortly by Jerry.  Jaxen was still sleeping on me and had me pinned to where I could not move.

Trying to get a head start on my To-Do List, Jerry got up and around and was headed out to the KC Pet Project to deliver our foster dog. . . she was ready to go back and we didn't want to have to deal with her while I was at the hospital.  Jerry was also going to stop by Lowe's and get a few materials that he needed for his balloon pump that he was making.

11:00am - Jaxen brought me some trail mix that Jerry had left out.  There wasn't much, just a couple cashews, 5-6 almonds, and a bunch of raisins left in the bag.  I ate the almonds and a couple of raisins while Jax ate the rest.

11:15am - While still laying on the couch, I felt Tyler adjust - so I adjusted.  As I did so, I felt a leaking sensation, like he bumped my bladder.  So like every pregnant woman knows, you go to the bathroom so that you don't wait too long and accidentally wet yourself.

I sat up - it leaked a little more.  {FYI - vaginal leakage or discharge is normal this late in pregnancy.  It's your bodies way of lubricating the birth canal - preparing it for delivery}  I stood up with a little more urgency to make it to the bathroom, when I thought - "OMG!"

11:20am - Jacob brought be the phone and I called Jerry.  These were my words and my voice was shaky.  "Jer, I really need you to believe me when I tell you this, but I think my water just broke."  Jerry was on his way to me and the kids.

11:30am - I called Amanda - she's the first person I thought of that had her water break at home.

11:31am - Amanda calls me back!  :-)

I can't tell you every detail.  But I do know that Jacob and Chloe were awesome.  Jake crawled under my bed to unplug my cell phone charger.  He crawled under the crib to unplug my tablet charger.  Chloe got her brothers dressed, shoes on them, AND packed Jaxen's diaper bag with diapers, wipes, and a sippy cup for me.

12:10pm - Kids were dropped off with Jerry's sister in Harrisonville and we were on the road to the hospital.  I called the doctor's office to let them know that I was headed to the hospital because my water broke.  They then let the maternity ward know that I am coming.  It's a locked ward and if they know we are on the way, it speeds up the process.  They had my chart made and my room ready to go when we got here.

1:22pm - I was fully admitted and prepped for surgery.  I finally had details {and the time} to call my mom at work.

3:05pm - I was taken to the operating room for surgery.

3:32pm - Tyler made his grand entrance into the world!

4:10pm - I was back in my room, recovering - before I could see any guests.

6:00pm - Tyler had had his bath and I could finally feel my legs.  Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Joanna, Uncle Caleb, Aunt Amanda, Jeremy and Carter all got to come back and oogle baby Tyler!!

8:00pm - All my visitors had left and Jerry was getting ready to head home for the evening.  He took the camera - loaded with tons of pictures - for Chloe, Jacob and Jaxen to see.  {I can't wait until I get to see my babies tomorrow!}

After everyone left and it was just me and Tyler, we were able to get a little rest.  Tyler is on a strict 3 hour feeding schedule for the first 12 hours because he is considered a BIG baby and gets his blood sugar tested before every meal to make sure his body is doing the work that I was doing for him.

Besides 20 minute cat naps here and there, I haven't been able to sleep.  Tyler is a spit upper and he's freaked me out a couple of times choking on his own spit up.  So while I'm on duty, I feel obligated to stay awake and make sure nothing crazy happens.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

It's A Boy!

Introducing Our Newest Addition!!

Tyler Grayson Daily
Born on Wednesday, 
June 13, 2012 at 3:32pm
8 pounds, 9 ounces
19 1/4 inches long

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Things to do in SEVEN days!


Wash Laundry
Fold Laundry
Put Away Laundry
Wash my bedding
Clean bathrooms ( & toilets...)
Vacuum the house (upstairs & down)
Mow the grass
Clean the bunny cages
Dishes ALL washed and put away by Sunday Evening
Give kids a bath
Get groceries in the house
Begonia to KC Pet Project

Pack the kids bags for Sunday night
  • PJs, Outfit for Monday (couple for Jax)
  • Socks, Underwear, bathing suits
  • Diapers, Wipes, Sippy cups


Cell phones
House phone

Making a break for it. . .

After 3 kids, you'd think that I'd be use to the belly movements - especially this late in the game.  But Tyler is by far the most active at this point.  Jaxen never stayed still and was constantly moving, BUT Tyler gets his legs going and you can SEE them.  I can grab them, I can instigate him, he interacts with me ALL the time.  He takes my breath away, he makes me remember that he is constantly with me. . . not that I can forget him!
Video #1

I live in constant fear that he is going to break my water!  Let's hope this isn't a sign of what's to come in his toddler years. . . he might try to give Jaxen a run for his money!  :-)

Video #2 - my favorite

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. . . Count them! 
7 MORE DAYS!!!  :-)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Another one bites the dust

My doctor's appointment went well this afternoon.  Blood pressure - good, weight gain - good, measuring - good, position - head down, heartbeat - amazing! 

I did find out that I am tipping the scales and this is officially my BIGGEST weight gain during a pregnancy.  But I'll take it because Mr. Tyler is measuring ahead of schedule!!  :-)  Which after Jaxen, is a HUGE relief.  I think I seen a sigh of relief on Jerry's face when we got the good news!!

So see, with all that I am doing throughout the day, I am really taking it easy and behaving myself!!  Now, the rest is up to Tyler.  Next Thursday is my LAST prenatal appointment.  :-)

Getting everything lined up, babysitters are confirmed for the older three, Jerry's got all his scheduling all figured out with coming home to feed animals and see the kids, and I am packed and ready to go. . . ready to run when the time comes!


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Lists - Repeat Post

This list is a work in progress. . . updated daily - sometimes hourly - as I think of things!! With pregnancy brain, I'm needing to write everything down these days!

Things to Do
  • Install infant car seat into the Freestyle and the Explorer
  • Upload camera pictures and empty memory card
  • Bring out the Baby Changing Table
  • Organize the baby boy clothes by sizes
Things to Pack
  • Mom's hospital bag
    • Outfit for coming home
    • Socks
    • Gum/Chap Stick
    • PJs
    • Baby Book
    • Notebook/Journal
  • Dad's hospital bag
    • Snack Goodies
  • Diaper Bag
    • Bottles
    • Outfit
    • Blanket
  • Chloe's bag
    • Outfit for G&G's
    • Toys
  • Jacob's bag
    • Outfit for G&G's
    • Toys
  • Jaxen's bag
    • Diapers/Wipes
    • Outfit for G&G's
    • Toys
    • Sippy Cup
  • Camera & batteries
  • Tablet & charger
  • Laptop
  • Cell phone & charger
  • Cord Blood Paperwork
Things to Buy
  • Camera Batteries
  • Newborn Diapers
  • Size 1 Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Pacifiers
  • Baby Mittens
  • Baby Swing
  • Dresser
Things I want {but don't seriously need right away}
  • Highchair
  • A new Diaper Bag
  • Baby Monitor
  • Bumbo

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

37 Weeks

** 37 weeks Pregnant ---  OR otherwise know as . . . Jaxen +8 days **

Wow, I am topping the scales and this is by far my biggest pregnancy weight gain. . .

But before everyone starts yelling and screaming at me, I am grateful for the weight gain.  Last time I struggled to gain weight, now it's piling on - hopefully, in 13 days - I am rewarded with a perfectly healthy baby boy!  After all, that is my main priority right now!!!!

With that being said, I can't wait to get my body back.  Once I get recovered and the okay from my doctor, I am going on a strict weight loss / body toning regiment.  I am dying to get back to my pre-kids figure and I know that it will take time, but I am determined!!

I am feeling horrible.  I suffer from heartburn, rib and pelvic pain 24/7.  I can't sleep.  I can't eat or drink what I want.  I am clumsy.  I am exhausted.  I am irritable.  I am short tempered.  I am emotional.  But of course, it's all worth it. . .

Arriving in 13 days!

Tyler is definitely running out of room.  This morning Chloe and I sat on the couch for about 90 minutes watching my tummy go crazy.  We think he got stuck.  Chloe and I definitely could see and feel an arm or leg protruding from my belly.  The arm/leg was about 5 inches long, hard and was stuck on my left side.  On the right side of my tummy, he was completely wigging out and going crazy.  It took about an hour and a half and I was finally able to move around without pain and the arm/leg was back in the normal parameters of my tummy!  It was weird and ackward feeling.   He definitely doesn't like being confined to a small space.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Stocking Up on sales!

What's a mom to do while sitting around bored on Maternity Leave?   Okay, maybe not exactly bored but I feel like I don't get anything accomplished during the day and that's frustrating.  I'm beginning to think I will have to work most of my life because I can't stand just sitting around.

Anyways, back to the point!  Our local grocery store has had some pretty awesome sales this week and of course, they are such good deals that they limit the quantity that you can get.  SO, I go into town everyday and hit the grocery store AND Walmart to double my amazing deals.  Here's what I've been able to get this week and I still have tomorrow to go for the sale!

Pepsi Products {12packs, 24oz 6-packs, or 12oz 8-packs} are currently 4/$10 with a limit of 4.  Which makes them $5.00 a case. . . currently, Walmart has the cases on sale for $5.98.  We buy Pepsi products basically every week, so it was a definite stock up!!  Just in this picture alone, I spent $47.50 and saved $45.41!  Not pictured is the 12pack in the frig, the two 24oz 6-packs, and the two 12oz 8-packs in the garage refrigerator.  {Which would bring  my total to spent $60 and saved $57.36!}

*And I know I will get 8 more 12packs tomorrow after Chloe's ballgame before the sales end!*

The 10.5 oz bags of Cheetos were on sale for $1.49 with a limit of 3.  So far we bought 6 bags of them at the grocery store, spent $8.94 and saved $12.

Not Pictured - Country Mart has Oscar Mayer Lunchables 10 for $10, which we comp-ed at Walmart {$1.58}, spending $20 and saving $11.60.

Not Pictured - Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies are on sale for $1.49. {Now last week they were on sale for $1.99, so we had a couple packages of them already}  Chloe talked me into 6 more packages at the grocery store - spent $8.94 and saved $13.20.

Today, I walked into the grocery store with the kids and found the fruit snacks are also on sale today and tomorrow.  These packages of fruit snacks were $0.99 with a limit of 4.  And on top of it all - I had a couple of coupons for $1.00 off 2 packages.  So I spent $1.96 for all 4, saved $2 in coupons, and saved $7.84 in the store ad.

Grand Totals: SPENT $99.84 and SAVED $104! 
Now, I know that's not an "Extreme Coupon" episode - but I think I did pretty amazing this week.
I'm already looking forward to the new ads that start on Wednesday, hopefully they have some more deals that I can stock up on!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hospital / Doctor's Appointment

During the past week, Jerry and I have gotten a lot of little things taken care of for the pending arrival of Tyler.  We've gotten another doctor's appointment over with -- leaving on two more!! -- and we've pre-registered with St. Luke's East Lee's Summit Hospital.  If you remember correctly, we pre-registered with St. Luke's the last time around but we were shipped off to St. Joseph Medical Center to deliver Jaxen.  So hopefully, things work out for us this time and we get to deliver at our hospital of choice!  :-)

Since the last time, St. Luke's has added more rooms to their maternity center.  The newly expanded NICU opened in December 2011 and is the only one of its kind in the KC area.  Designed with the needs of families in mind, it includes all-private rooms with room-in space for parents to stay overnight, at the bedside.  Parents also have access to luxurious bathrooms and a large nutrition area.  So this means that for some crazy chance that Tyler has to go to the NICU, he will have his own private room with a bed for Mom and Dad.  And since the NICU has private rooms, he will be allowed visitors!!  Not like Jaxen where you'll have to look through the glass to see -- so no matter what, family can come get up close and personal with our newest arrival.  AND Chloe and Jacob and Jaxen won't have to wait until Tyler gets discharged from the NICU to meet their brother.  {Not that we are planning to have to use the NICU this time around!}

The Maternity Center is a full lock down unit and all visitors are buzzed in before the elevator even moves. The babies are monitored with ankle bracelets that will put the unit into full lock down mode if the baby gets too close to an exit or if the ankle bracelet is removed. A full lock down means that no one enters or exits - this includes the doctor's and nurses. So even if someone steals there badge and has their access codes, it will not do any good because they cannot override the system until all babies are accounted for / away from an exits / ankle bracelets re-attached.

Visiting hours are from 9am until 9pm, only exception is going to be the morning of delivery.  However, my surgery is scheduled at 8am and I will have to go through recovery before anyone will be allowed back to see me. . . so it looks like I can't even see family until close to 11am.  Not sure if you all want to wait that long in the waiting room!  Visitors will be asked to provide the full name of the patient they are visiting (ME!!) and sign in and out of the log book at the front desk.  Visitors are allowed in to see Mom before the c-section or during active labor and are allowed in to visit Mom and Baby shortly after the first hour of life.  The waiting room is stocked with vending machines, coffee, TV, chairs, and couches. . .

And it looks like I am going to be admitted Monday morning at 6am and I will get discharged sometime Thursday.  Mandatory 3 nights stay - Monday night, Tuesday night, and Wednesday night.  Jerry and I are still working out the details of shuffling the older kids around.  :-\

If you want to read all about the last visit we had -- not much has changed except the new NICU.  The post for Jaxen's Hospital Tour is here: Tour of Labor & Delivery and if we actually deliver at St. Luke's we are going to try the Cord Blood Banking again.

Everything is set up at the hospital.  All my paperwork is filled out and ready for delivery.

Everything is set up and approved with Walmart and my Short Term Disability Claim.  Just waiting for the checks to arrive!!

Doctor's appointment had me measuring 37 weeks and still gaining weight.  Heart rate was good and unlike any of the other kids, he reacts to our voices.  And the biggest change/surprise is that Tyler is head down/butt up ready to go.  I actually got to push and feel where his head was sitting. . . super, super low.  Next Thursday I see my regular doctor and I'm pretty sure they will start checking for dilation and effacement.  {Yuck!} 

Only thing left is to finish packing and figure out a game plan with the kids.  I'm kind of hoping Tyler decides to come a week early. . . Chloe's missing out on her final baseball game {and they are only playing 4 games this year} where she receives her trophy because of my surgery.  I'm bummed about that, but she seems to be okay with it.

Lastly, I will leave you with this photo.  My very oddly shaped, uncomfortable belly - all because Tyler has his butt sticking up. . .

Coach's Pitch

Chloe had her first baseball game a couple nights ago.  It was a very cold and windy afternoon, but they all had fun.  Miss Chloe was so worried that she wouldn't get a hit but a couple of the times she was up to bat, she hit the ball on the very first pitch and I didn't have time to even record it!!

Chloe and Mr. Stahl
Coach's Pitch is just like T-Ball - no scoring, everyone gets to bat and run the bases - only difference is this year they learn to hit the ball when someone throws it to them verses it being on the t-stand.  I am really impressed with the way they teach and how fast the kids learn to hit the ball!  

Playing the Pitcher's Mound. . . Chloe's ready to stop the ball!!
 And of course, look at the smile on her face when she got her t-shirt.  Miss Chloe is #14 again this year!  And her teams gets the very bright, you-have-to-wear-sunglasses-to-look-at-her t-shirts!

Ready to go!!
With the pending arrival of Tyler, Chloe only has 2 more games that she get to play.  {She will miss her last game, because it is the day after my surgery.}  Next year, Chloe will stay in Coach's Pitch AND Jacob will start T-Ball!!!  Jacob is super excited and so I'm I   !!

Friday, June 1, 2012

June Calendar

Friday, June 1st - Mom & Dad's 31st Wedding Anniversary
Saturday, June 2nd -

Sunday, June 3rd - {37wks}
Monday, June 4th -
Tuesday, June 5th - Chloe Baseball Game 6:30pm
Wednesday, June 6th -
Thursday, June 7th - Heidi Doctor's Appointment 1:30pm
Friday, June 8th -
Saturday, June 9th -

Sunday, June 10th - {38wks}
Monday, June 11th -
Tuesday, June 12th - Chloe Baseball Game 6:30pm
Wednesday, June 13th -
Thursday, June 14th - Heidi's Doctor's Appointment 9:30am
Friday, June 15th - 2012 Relay for Life of Cass County 7pm
Saturday, June 16th -

Sunday, June 17th - {39wks} Father's Day
Monday, June 18th - Tyler's Birth Day!! // Heidi Check-in 6am for Surgery 8am
Tuesday, June 19th - Heidi Hospital // Chloe's last Baseball Game 6:30pm
Wednesday, June 20th - Heidi Hospital
Thursday, June 21st - Heidi Hospital
Friday, June 22nd -
Saturday, June 23rd -

Sunday, June 24th - {40wks} Tyler's official due date!
Monday, June 25th -
Tuesday, June 26th - Heidi & Jerry's 8th Wedding Anniversary!
Wednesday, June 27th -
Thursday, June 28th -
Friday, June 29th -
Saturday, June 30th -

It's June!