Tuesday, January 31, 2012

MY Domain!!

Good Evening, blog-reading friends!!  I have been busy today!!  While Jerry and Jaxen slept this morning/afternoon, Jacob and I unpacked some more boxes out of the garage.  In all, today we got rid of 11 boxes and a 7 large / bulky items that weren't boxed - like bookshelf/computer desks/filing cabinet/etc.  Of course, it wasn't anything we absolutely had to have unpacked - like bathroom/towels/dishes.  Nope, it was my office!  If you can call it an office now!  Whatever you want to call it, it's all mine!!  {Okay, and Jerry's - but it's kid free, although you won't tell from the pictures!}

So lets show off some pictures!

Girl Scout Area - Once the boys start Boy Scouts, I will have to change this to the "Scout" Area but for now it's Girl Scouts!!

Another picture of the Girl Scouts stuff in it's early stages - I just like how Jaxen fell off the chair.  :-)

My littlest helper looking out the OPEN window. . . 66 degrees on January 31st!!  Woo-Hoo!

My sewing table - that will easily convert to Jerry's computer repair area when / if he needs to fix a computer.

All finished!!  The office. . . notice all the Girl Scout supplies!! 
And since it is the OFFICE, here's my bill payin', computer playin' area {where I am currently sitting}!!
Besides unpacking all that you see in the pictures, Jacob and I also brought in a desk for Chloe's room, another box of lost toys for the playroom, and 2 huge boxes of towels and blankets {I've been wondering where they have all been!}.  I have also made the kids curtains for their bedrooms - which I will promise to take pictures of another time!!  Chloe's curtain is made and hung because the hardware was still on the wall from the previous owners.  Two of Jacob and Jaxen's curtains are made and ready to be hung once I get the hardware up and I still need to make them a third curtain once I get or find some more material.

Tomorrow the plan is to burn all the unpacked boxes and start putting up the dog fence.  Jerry went and got the last thing he needed to get this fence put up this week since tomorrow is going to be another 60 degree day!  The kids and Jerry also go to the dentist so hopefully, I will have lots to post for you tomorrow evening!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Chloe's 2nd Quarter Assessment Results

First off let me start by showing off Chloe's awesome assessment results.  Her school does these types of testing every quarter to make sure the students are progressing.  I don't ever remember being tested this often as a kid but I am sure this is another luxury of a small town school.  The first {green} results are from Chloe's math testing. . . the numbers like 1.3 {where she tested at that beginning of the year} is read like 1st Grade, third month.  The second {blue} results are from Chloe's DIBELS {Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills} and those results are just number based.  The first column being where she should be as a first grader and the written numbers are where she is at currently.

So as you can see, Chloe's doing an amazing job.  She is bringing home more extra reading and math assignments.  Her teachers don't want her to stop learning because she is excelling at the first grade level.  They want her to continue - the sky is the limit!  

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

19w0d Update

I can't believe Wednesday will mark half-way for me on this fourth and final journey. {Half-way is determined by a c-section delivery at 39 weeks - remember, this is the latest that they will let me go.  So in all reality, I could of been half-way last week!  = )}  The time is just flying by and up until this point I {besides the morning sickness, in the beginning} I haven't felt really "pregnant".  I can't say that I really "feel" pregnant, I guess it's more that I can feel my body slowing down.  I get tired and irritated a lot easier.  Simple things can set me off in a snap. . . I'm trying really hard to control it but it seems to be in control before I realize it.  I'm thinking that I just need a day off. . . a day to sleep in, a day to relax, a day with Daddy in charge.  Jerry's starting to feel a lot better.  In fact, he's been able to wean himself down off the medicine, taking more than anything an anti-inflammatory drug to keep the swelling down.  And once our work week is over, Jerry's promised me a much needed day of rest. 

Work is an added stress lately.  I'm still doing my normal duties, which is what I want, but I am slowing down.  I think it's only a matter of weeks now before my secret is out at work. . . = /  Jerry and I are both keeping our eyes out for an open office position or another position with limited lifting.  I would LOVE to stay on the same shift that I am currently on, working the same days as Jerry and home by 3ish.  All I can say is thank goodness I only have to work three days.  This time around I am worried about not being able to work up until delivery.  Jerry and I are starting to look into our benefits to see what is available to us, in case I cannot make it until June.

Hopefully, this week I will get a belly picture up.  My butt's been dragging lately, so you will have to bare with me!  I promise to get with the program soon!

Friday, January 27, 2012

What a week. . .

Wow!  I got tons of cleaning down this week.  Not that the house was trashed, but since it's still new I'm trying super hard to keep it in prime condition!  Didn't get too much moved into the house from the garage but I've been flying as a single parent all week AND taking care of Jerry while he recovers from his dentist appointment.  That alone should be remarkable!
Monday, 01.23.2012
  • Called Pediatrician's Office and reschedule Jaxen's 2nd Flu Shot
  • Called the Dentist Office to see what Jerry could take for pain before his appointment. . . they called in a prescription for an antibiotic and vicodin.
  • Picked up Jerry's prescriptions after work.
  • Ordered Baby #4's Baby Book - should be here this weekend!
  • Got all the trash to the curb for pickup OR get to the burn pit to burn.
Tuesday, 01.24.2012 - Jerry came home early from work and got about 4 hours of sleep before I got him up for the dentist appointment.  After the appointment he came home and went straight to bed - only getting up to rinse out his mouth and change the gauze.  Poor guy was miserable.
  • Jerry's Dentist Appointment at 830am {4-hours!!}
  • Alex's Birthday party at 6pm
    • Between Jerry's Appointment, Alex's Birthday Party, taking care of the boys, and getting Chloe off the bus {since I have to be standing outside when the bus comes} - I really had little to no time to get a lot of things done. . . Kind of bummed but I can't complain - right now, Jerry has it much worse than me!
  • With the kids' help - I took Christmas decorations to the carriage shed.
  • Trimmed Lucy's butt
Wednesday, 01.25.2012 - Jerry spent most of the day in bed, dead to the world!  I kept him comfortable with ice packs and watching the time so he didn't miss a dose of medicine.  Jerry finally came out of the bedroom around dinner time so I could clean the bedroom and bathroom.  And I got him to eat 2 containers of yogurt for dinner.
  • Jaxen's Flu Shot - 830am
  • Grocery Shopping with the boys
  • 2 complete loads of laundry folded and put away.
  • Ran the dishwasher 3 times - washing all the dishes being brought in from the garage.
  • Cleaned the "sun" room - including carpet cleaning.
  • Changed bedding.
  • Mopped the kitchen floor.
  • Cleaned the dining room.
  • Gathered Jerry's tools for a trip to the garage.
  • Cleaned the Master Bedroom.
  • Sanitized and mopped both upstairs bathrooms.
  • Cut Jacob's Hair.
  • Bath time for both boys.
  • Vacuumed the entire upstairs.
Thursday, 01.26.2012 - Jerry spent the morning on the couch and then all afternoon in bed.  The medicine makes him really sleepy.
  • Took Jacob to school / Picked Jacob up from school
  • Laundry - 1 load completed, 1 load in the washer, 1 load in the dryer
  • Cleaned and vacuumed downstairs
  • Cleaned the "playroom"
  • Cleaned the boys' room - Finally unpacked all their toys and books
  • Cleaned Chloe's room - Finally unpacked all her toys and books
  • Finish unpacking the extra toys to the playroom
  • Ordered Chloe's cupcake toppers for her classroom goodies - they should be here need week.
  • Cleaned the cat's room. . . got it so the dogs can't get to it and the kid's will take turns feeding them.
  • 31 Boxes out of the garage - only a bazillion left to go!
Friday, 01.27.2012 - Didn't sleep well last night, Jerry must have slept too much yesterday because he was up and down 100 times last night.  Jerry's been up most of the day, I think he's trying to get along without so much medicine.  He's planning on working this weekend, plus he will have the kids while I am at work and the vicodin makes him really sleepy.  The pain seems to be manageable with Tylenol and ice packs.  The swelling has gone down a lot!  He doesn't look like a chipmunk anymore!  He's also acting better - playing with the kids, snacking throughout the day, and getting some of his own To-Do List done.  It's so nice to see him coming back around to his old self. . . he's been in pain too long.

Besides having little sleep, I also woke up in a little bit of pain - I did a lot of moving and lifting of things yesterday, plus falling down the stairs carrying a box of Chloe's books didn't help anything!  My goal today is to finish up the loose ends that I started yesterday and then sit on my butt and relax. . . I have to work the next three days and it's hard enough without being in pain.  I will promise you all who are concerned. . . I will go to the doctor next week if I am still in pain after falling OR/AND if the pain gets worse, I will call or go immediately to the doctor.  With all that being said. . . here's what I've done today!
  • Took Jacob to school / Picked Jacob up from school
  • Enjoyed Mom's and Muffins at preschool!
  • Filled car up with gas - there is a nasty four letter word floating around - SNOW.
  • Carpet cleaned the sun-room - again! 
  • Unpacked the Little People and moved the kids table to the sun-room.
  • Rearranged the toys in the toy room. . . didn't like how it ended up yesterday.
  • Laundry - Still on going. . . So far 10 loads this weekend and about 1 or 2 left to go. . . I told you I was behind from our sewer problems!!
  • Ran to Walmart for a few things we need to get us through the weekend. . . Jerry needed more yogurt and some anti-inflammatory medicine {after only one pill, he can open his mouth enough to eat a soft taco from Taco Bell! Yay
  • OTHER than all that. . . I have laid around, read a book and surfed the Internet while the kids played in their rooms most of the day.  It's like Christmas around here. . . they haven't seen some of these toys for 2 months!
Things still left to do - moving them to next weeks To-Do List.  **It's suppose to be nice and warm outside next week!!**
  • Get the poles in the ground for the dog fence.
  • Unpack the office/Girl Scout/sewing room.
    • Sew curtains for Chloe's Room
    • Sew curtains for the boys' room
  • Carpet Clean the boy's room.
  • Unpack more boxes from the garage. . .

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Now that is some delicious looking Home-made Pizza!!  :-)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Shouting from the rooftops!!

Yay!!  It's going to be another happy year for my family!!
Babies! Babies!! Babies!!!

Jerry's Dental Update.

I've been asked by a few people how Jerry did this morning and how he is doing now.  So while I sit here watching the State of the Union Address, I am going to write a post about him - just to update you guys!

First of all - Please keep him in your thoughts.  He had a terrible time this morning and it's going to take quite some time to heal.  I really wish things would have gone better for him. . . but it's over, this morning, all 4 wisdom teeth were successfully removed over a period of 4 hours.

Thankfully, his appointment was first thing this morning.  I was not expecting to sit in the dentist's office for 4 hours. . . I knew it could take a while, an hour or two, but we were there F-O-U-R hours!!  Jerry got his teeth cleaned before they pulled anything.  Wanted to get his mouth as clean as they could before pulling anything to lower the risk of infection.  The very first tooth out of the gate was a complete booger.  The upper left was still under bone.  The dentist had to drill away bone to find his wisdom tooth. . . and THEN he had to get to where he could pull it out.  And let me tell you, I have never seen a wisdom tooth that huge!  My wisdom teeth were tiny in comparison.

After giving Jerry a few minutes rest time, Dr. Tracy was able to pull the bottom left with less difficulty.  The bottom left was the one giving him all the trouble!  So he felt instantly better once that one was pulled.  At this point Jerry was given the option to continue to the other side.  And Jerry wanted them all out and over with so continued we did.

The third tooth was the bottom right.  The dentist started to pull that one but had to stop because Jerry was feeling more than he could handle!  So Jerry got another shot of Novocaine and a few minutes wait for the numbness to take effect. . . then it was go time.  Once Jerry was completely numb, the bottom right came out okay.  The only difficulty with that one was because the tooth came in pointed towards the front of his mouth, so the dentist couldn't pull it straight up.  And because it was so far back and Jerry was swelling and in some pain, it was difficult for Jerry to open in jaw far enough to give Dr. Tracy enough room to pull it.

Dr. Tracy once again stopped to give Jerry some time to rest.  Especially since he was still wide awake through the whole thing!  They had him on the nitriousoxcide but Jerry didn't like the way it was making him feel and it was working TOO well because he was close to passing out.  They barely had to give him anything to calm his nerves. . . Dr. Tracy said normally people ask him to turn it up - Jerry was the first to ask that it get turned down!  After all that, Jerry still wanted to continue with the last tooth - upper right - knowing that once again the dentist would have to go through bone to get to it.

The last one took a while, because it was just like the first one.  They had to do a lot of drilling before they could even find the tooth.  Now, I did question the dentist on why we would pull them if they weren't bothering him.  And I was told that the older he gets the more complications he could have.  For example, the tooth could go into a sinus cavity which would be painful and require serious surgery to remove the tooth OR the tooth could get irritated and cause a cyst to form around the tooth causing a lot of pain.  The dentist actually recommends wisdom teeth come out by the age of 25 because after that complication become more severe.  Even though Jerry is 30, he recommends they come out before he gets any older.  So either way, they would have wanted to pull the last wisdom tooth before he got too much older.  So if Jerry could handle it, it was just easier to do them all at once.

Jerry was a brave guy, I would have been done with the first tooth.  But he sat through them pulling all 4 wisdom teeth.  The dentist said that 2 of the teeth were "worse case scenario" and the other 2 teeth were "one step below worse case scenario".  So all-in-all it might cost me about $300 after insurance pays - instead of the $215 I was quoted for mid-case scenario. . . but that's okay with me.  Nobody knew that Jerry's teeth were going to be so difficult AND the dentist gave us his home and cell phone numbers in case Jerry had any problems or if I had any questions.

Tonight Jerry is still taking the vicodin regularly because of the pain and as a few hours ago he was still bleeding a little bit.  His face is pretty swollen but he won't put the ice pack on it anymore because he claims it's making the pain worse.  So we've compromised and he keeping a cold wash cloth on it.  So far, there is no bruising but we will see what tomorrow brings!  I doubt he is going to jump out of bed and put up the dog fence like he wants too.  = )  It's definitely going to take him a few days to recover from all this!

Top Ten Tuesday

Top ten reasons {today} that I am blessed. . . . in no particular order!
  1. Dental Insurance - Jerry's wisdom teeth were pulled this morning because one of them was giving him quite a bit of pain.  I'm not sure if most of you know this, but dental work is expensive!  Tooth extraction starts at $197.40 a tooth - so $798.60 for all four wisdom teeth - and $75.00 for a panoramic xray bringing the total to $864.60!  Our dental insurance pays 80% of any work done (fillings/extractions) - Thank goodness!  Now the preventative services such as two cleanings a year is 100% covered. . . Kid's go next week when Jerry goes back to have his stitches removed.  = )
  2. Dr. Tracy - I know it goes along with the first one, but I am grateful that he was able to see Jerry so quick.  And that he was able to take care of him, even though his teeth were difficult, he really did take good care of him.  I honestly think it helped that he was the one that pulled my wisdom teeth - he still had all our dental insurance and such on hand.  And I think it helped that Jerry's sister goes to church with him and his family and she mentioned that her brother was coming in to see him.  No matter why - he was wonderful this morning and Jerry liked him even with the pain he was in!
  3. Free Babysitting - I am thankful for my sister-in-law and her babysitting services!  She offered to take both boys with her to Emily's play date and to the library so that they didn't have to sit 4-hours in the dentist's waiting room with me this morning. 
  4. Naps - The boys were so worn out from playing with their cousin this morning that they both passed out and took naps this afternoon.  Jerry's been sleeping since we came home from the dentist {he worked all night last night so he was tired!}.  Mommy got free time!!  And of course, instead of cleaning or doing laundry, I took a tiny nap too!  It was much needed after all the stress this morning.
  5. Electricity & Water - Without both I could not have gotten the amount of laundry and cleaning that I got done today!  I'm not sure what they did in the olden days, I surely wouldn't have survived!
  6. Warmer Weather - I've been able to get a few things taken care of outside today.  Now I have to find time to burn the trash in the burn pit.  I hope it's still nice out tomorrow so that I can get the boxes burned.  The dogs have also been outside most of the day - playing and running around like a crazy flock. . . now they are all snoozing and being good.
  7. Chloe's School - it's a small town K-12 school and they are amazing.  The school calls when your student hits a negative balance on their lunch account, that way you know to send more money.  Well Chloe's account went negative on Friday, so Monday morning Jerry sent lunch money to school with her.  Only last night, the school called again saying that Chloe's account was still negative.  I called up this morning and the lunch lady was able to hunt down Chloe's envelope with the lunch money it in. . . and put it in her account so I shouldn't get anymore phone calls about a negative balance for a while!  I love it when I am treated with a sense of urgency and they call you back asap!
  8. Tylenol #3 - I woke up this morning with a horrible headache and after 4 hours of regular Tylenol doing nothing to touch my pain, my Tylenol #3 took out my headache in the matter of minutes!
  9. Lego's - I am thankful that Jacob loves Lego's and I can use them as bribery to get him to go potty on the toilet!  It looks like we are on the right track again. . . Him and I have an understanding that for every 7 days he goes accident free, I will buy him a Monster Truck Lego.  He loves the green one he got and it well on his way to add a yellow one to his collection! 
  10. Birthday Parties - Tonight we are going to celebrate a little boys 7th Birthday!  My nephew, Alex turned 7 last weekend and we are going bowling with all the kids!!  I doubt Jerry will be making it but the kids and I will have a great time, I'm sure! 

Monday, January 23, 2012

The {Wisdom} Tooth Fairy

Yay!  It's Monday Evening.  I love Monday Evenings!!!  It means that my work week is done and I can sit back and enjoy four days off.  Four days, four days with kids and Jerry.  And this week. . . Four days of craziness!!  :-)

It was a nice weekend at work.  For the first time in a long time, I actually felt wonderful two of the days.  I was able to get my 180+ pallet moves done by about 1:30ish and go home.  I love getting out of work early!  I had a few phone calls to make on the way home - one was to the pediatrician to reschedule Jaxen's flu shot that we missed on Friday because I was trying to get Jerry's wisdom teeth taken care of.  Jaxen will get his 2nd part of the flu shot on Wednesday morning.

The other call was to the dental office.  Jerry has been taking Excedrin Migraine non-stop for days and I was concerned that it would have a reaction to the medicines that they will give him tomorrow.  So I called to double check and verify what medicines he could take to get him through one more night in wisdom tooth misery!  Tomorrow night it will be a whole different type of pain.  Anyways the dentist felt sorry or me - or maybe it was him - and called in a prescription for an antibiotic {in case there is an infection in his gums that's causing the pain} and a prescription for vicodin {pain reliever / happy pill}.  I was grateful for the prescriptions and I loved coming home with goodies for Jerry.  He was absolutely thrilled to get the medicines and in fact said that they are helping somewhat.  The swelling has gone down and the pain has lessened.  Of course, it was only the first dose so a miracle drug it wasn't but he's feeling some relief.

Tomorrow's the day.  After I get Chloe on the bus, I'm going to drop the boys off with Jerry's sister and take him to the dentist.  Not sure how long it will take, but his appointment is at 8:30am.  We should be back home by lunch and Jerry can pass out in bed and sleep the rest of the day. . . then the real pain will begin!  :-) 

I find it a little amusing, only because he's been a total bear the last couple of days and wants them to remove all of them instead of two at a time.  He thinks he's Mr. Brave and he's about to be knocked on his butt.  I can honestly say I know and feel his pain. . . I had my own wisdom teeth remove a couple years ago.  Only instead of the average 4 wisdom teeth, I had 6!!  And when removing the last wisdom tooth, the dentist broke my bridge bone causing even more pain during the healing time.  I didn't get this much special treatment . . . I had to make my own appointments . . . and go by myself to them!  Oh, how I am going to try not to enjoy his pain tomorrow. . . but he has no idea what he's in for.

But truthfully, I do wish him the best and hope he bounces right back {he thinks he's going to get a fence up this week after getting his teeth pulled}.  I don't like seeing him in this much pain and misery.  If you're up to it, remember Jerry in your prayer tonight and send him well wishes in the morning.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


I feel like I am falling farther and farther behind on everything.  My things-to-do list keeps getting longer!  You'd think that since I'm off four days a week, I'd be able to make a dent in this place!  And in reality, I spend more time cleaning up and getting followed around by Jaxen all day.  I think I'm just going to have to lock him in his bedroom to play while I get some things accomplished!

We have been in our house exactly one month now.  And I have yet to unpack this house. . . 90% of our stuff is boxed out in the garage.  The only things in this house are the things that we need and use all the time.  My kitchen is about 85% unpacked. . . and if I need something I just go out to the garage and get it!, the bedding and towels are all unpacked, every one's clothes and the large furniture are in inside the house and that's about it!  My poor children have their Christmas toys and that's it!  Hehe, it's going to be like Christmas again when I get their packed boxes inside the house!  Horrible, I know!  But I just haven't felt like doing it.  But now I am thinking that I NEED to!  I want pictures on the walls!  I want to make this place 100% ours before I get to fat to do it!

So I figure if I write it all down, a day or week at a time. . . you will hold me accountable for it right?!  I need to get this place whipped into shape before Chloe's birthday party!

Things to get done this week {Now - 01.27.12}: - Small steps, one day at a time!
  • Call Pediatrician's Office and reschedule Jaxen's 2nd Flu Shot
  • Jerry's Dentist Appointment at 830am on Tuesday 01.24.12
  • If warm enough - get the poles in the ground for the dog fence.
  • Catch up/finish Mt. Laundry {so behind because of the sewer problems}
  • Alex's Birthday party on Tuesday 01.24.12
  • Vacuum downstairs
  • Change bedding {once the laundry is caught up}
  • Clean the "playroom" - finish unpacking the toys
  • Get all the trash to the curb for pickup OR get to the burn pit to burn.
  • Take Christmas decorations to the carriage shed.
  • Unpack the office/Girl Scout/sewing room
  • Vacuum the upstairs
  • Clean & Carpet Clean the Master Bedroom
  • Carpet Clean the boy's room
  • Empty the dishwasher and run another load
  • Trim Lucy's butt
  • Clean the dining room / gather Jerry's tools for a trip to the garage!
  • Mop the kitchen floor
  • Clean the "sun" room - including carpet cleaning.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Someone's turning 7. . .

Not sure if you are, but I know I'm not ready for this. . . Chloe turns 7 on February 7th. 
Chloe and I sat down this evening and made her birthday invitations. . . the party sites were all "out of stock" of Monster High Invitations online.  I think they came out pretty good. . . there are a few more pictures than I would have done myself but I had to remind myself that these were Chloe's invitations, not mine.  :-)

We are holding her family birthday party Saturday, February 11th at 1:00pm.  Come celebrate the Birthday Girl at our new house. . . We will serve cake and ice cream.

And as an added bonus this year, since she has a nice little room she wants to show off and we have plenty of room to accommodate kids, Chloe get to have 2 or 3 friends spend the night Friday night!  These are the invitations her friends are getting. . . 

Septic Tank Woes

Home ownership is fun!  Seems like if it's not one thing, it's another.  But I can honestly say that so far we have been lucky, things haven't been too bad.  Just time consuming.  Lol.

Our problems started about a week or two ago.  I ran a load of laundry in which flooded the laundry room.  Now, honestly I didn't think too much of it.  It was a load of blankets and I thought I over stuffed the machine and the water spilled out. . . the mess wasn't horrible but noticeable.  {And on a side note - I told Jerry about the incident and he did not look into it!}  The rug around the toilet had gotten washed every time I did laundry because I kept finding it wet. . . I thought the kids were doing it!

Fast forward to last weekend.  I was downstairs putting Chloe to bed and switching over the laundry and cleaning up the cat's stuff (litter box, food/water, sweeping, mopping, etc).  And as the washing machine started to drain the water from the basin I heard water pouring over and hitting the floor.  I ran into the laundry room and I find the toilet bowl over flowing with what I can clearly see as sewage.  It was everywhere!  So I told Jerry the next morning, that we had a problem. . . Heck, I wrote him a note for him to read in the morning when he got home - I still have it for proof!  {He still didn't LOOK in the laundry room}  He told me to only run one appliance at a time - that night I was also running the dishwasher upstairs and all three kids had baths. . . thought that maybe I was using too much water at once and it couldn't get out of the house at the same time.

So the next day I did what he asked.  I ran a load of laundry and only the washer machine was using water. . . It happened again.  So we went to Walmart and bought a plunger and a tiny toilet snake. . . Jerry said that the kids probably put something down the toilet and clogged it.  {Jerry still hadn't looked at it - do you see a theme going on here!?!? :-)}  When we got home, Jerry went down to unclog the toilet. . . he was downstairs a while. . .

He came up - not so happily, and reported that it was a bigger problem.  He ran to Walmart again to get a chemical to put down the drain to unclog the pipe.  The next morning, it still hadn't worked so that brings us to today!  I did some research on our Home Warranty and I found out if it was only a clog we were covered.  I had to do some talking to Jerry because he's a fix-it man and wanted to prove he could fix it himself.  But I finally got him talked into calling the warranty company and having them send out a certified plumber.  It was only a $60 service charge for us. . . and I'm sure after everything Jerry wanted to take apart and buy and break and fix and replace - it would just save me money in the long run! 

The warranty company considered it an emergency fix and sent someone out today.  Of course, it had to be after our doctor's appointment and picking kids up from school.  The plumber was suppose to be here around 5pm.  So while waiting, we did some more looking and talked to the plumber. . . he needed a accessible clean-out pipe in order for the warranty to pay for it.  Jerry and I couldn't find anything anywhere. . . but then again we didn't know exactly what we were looking for.  So with a quick call to his dad, we found out we had to dig up part of the septic tank.  Thank goodness Jerry knew almost exactly where the tank was and was able to dig up the top of it and found the manhole cover on top before the plumber got here.

Come to find out we do not have a clean-out point.  But the plumber was able to help Jerry dig a bigger opening and install a clean-out for us for $20 parts / $20 labor.  After they installed the clean-out point, the plumber called the warranty company to say "Yes, it is a clog that can be snaked.  Yes, there is an accessible clean-out port."  The warranty company gave the go ahead for the repair work and the pipe was snaked and opened up!  Everything is back to normal except the hole in the yard . . . which will be filled in once I buy a longer PCP pipe and cap.  Then if it ever happens again. . . the clean-out pipe is accessible without having to dig up the yard!

All-in-all, it was a pretty descent fix. . . I only had to pay $103.00 to have the septic tank unclogged and a clean-out point installed.  I am so thankful for that amazing plumber who helped Jerry out without charging us an arm and a leg.  It would have been so easy for him to say, no access point - not doing it.  And without the access point the warranty wouldn't have covered the fix.

We learned a lot about our septic tank today. . . and Jerry learned to check-out the "problems" I tell him about. . . even if he thinks I'm crazy!  :-)  Tomorrow is my disinfect-the-laundry-room-to-do-the-laundry-without-having-the-toilet-overflow day!!  Lol. . . it's the little things that make me happy.

Doctor's Appointment #3 - 17w4d

Doctor's appointment went well this afternoon.  In short, here are the specs. . .
  • Weighed in at 128.6 pounds {Total weight gain of +0.6 lbs}
  • Blood pressure was good.
  • Baby's heart rate was 147 beats per minute {Girl?!?!, Boy's both ran in the 150's}
  • Just like the other 3, this baby is sitting on the right side.
  • Belly Measuring (top to bottom) at 17 weeks. Making the EDD: June 24, 2012
  • Jerry & I turned down the quad screen - {the quad screen is done between weeks 15 and 20 of pregnancy. Results of the quad screen indicate your risk of carrying a baby who has certain developmental or chromosomal conditions, such as spina bifida or Down syndrome — not whether your baby actually has these conditions.}
February will be a big month for us!  Not only does our oldest turn 7 but we will have both an ultrasound and a doctor's appointment.   And if we are right on the date our ultrasound should be able to tell us the baby's gender.   But the real news that we want to get out of the ultrasound is the placement of the placenta. . . it's in our best interest and my well-being if the placenta implanted away from my c-section scar.

*If the placenta placement cannot be seen from the normal ultrasound, my doctor ordered an internal ultrasound to be done.   Placement is the key - good placement means we could have a regular pregnancy without major complications.   Bad placement could mean a bumpy journey from here on out.*

So please send happy thoughts. . . everything from the outside looks to be going good - now to have a lookie at what's going on inside.   I know the doctor is chomping at the bit to get her hands on some solid proof of good news.  Since we won't commit to any other testing.  :-)

Upcoming Events:
  • Thursday, February 9th - 11am Gender Scan / Placenta Placement - Internal/External Ultrasounds
  • Thursday, February 16th - 9:30am Routine Doctor's Appointment

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Quick January Update -- In pictures!

Jaxen sleeping in his big boy bed for the 1st time!

Cats enjoying {hehe} the beautiful weather!

Jacob & Jaxen playing outside in January!!

Jaxen, Jacob & Chloe - playing together!

I love moments like this!!  ♥ my babies!

Beautiful House Warming Gift from Joanna & Caleb.

To those who missed the family dinner I held - this is what you missed!!  It was delicious!

Jacob enjoying the family over

Jaxen was starving.

My dinner guests!!  My sisters - Amanda & Joanna with there other halves.

My nephew, Carter with Jacob

Jerry cuddling with a sick little boy.

Mr. Sickie

What am I doing wrong?!

Let me start off by saying that I KNOW that there are a lot of missing pieces in this blog!  I'm not sure if there is enough time in the day for me to fill you in on everything that has gone on in the past couple of months.  I can tell you that thing have been insane!  I hope things things are finally settling down for us and I believe we have made all the right decisions for our family.  Only time will tell and with time all will be revealed on here!   :-)

With everything going on, I really think it was/is too much for Jacob.  He's is absolutely driving me crazy because he has had a GIANT set back in using the bathroom.  My once 100% potty trained 4-year old is back to not going in the potty - AT ALL!  By 9am this morning, Jacob had already peed and pooped in his underwear.  He will sit in it and he will wear it all day long.  He will go get on the potty if I ask him to, but he will not go on his own.

I have tried EVERYTHING!  I'm almost to my breaking point.  I've punished/spanked, awarded good behavior, taken toys/monkey away, made him stand in the corner,bribed, sent him to bed early, praised, given him more one-on-one time and looked the other way.  I just don't know what else to do.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

Jacob says that he doesn't know when he has to go. . . which I find hard to believe because he's been potty trained once.  I also find it hard to believe because he sits in it until I find it. . . it doesn't phase him to have dirty underwear.  I'm sure it's all the changes that have taken place in the last month - new house, him and Jaxen have to share a room now, etc. 

Jerry and I are literally clueless.  Any suggestion would be appreciated!!  Any other parents gone through this?!

Monday, January 16, 2012

MLK Day.

Monday's are normally horrible around here.  After all, who really likes Monday unless it's a holiday weekend?  However, working in retail, I do not get a holiday weekend.  And since Monday's are really my Friday at work. . . they seem to drag on even longer!!  Especially, when they stop everything at work to have a 40-minute meeting!  Which makes going home 40-minutes later because we still have to finish our jobs. 
So you can tell what my attitude was going into this meeting.  {Blah!}  And you can always tell when the meetings are going to be long because they put out the chairs! 

But yesterday's meeting was just what I needed after the crazy week I've had.  {Stress was just building - Jaxen to the ER a week ago, Still haven't found my energy to move our stuff in the house, Laundry is piling up because every time I do a load of Laundry the toilet downstairs backs up, Jaxen's got to be getting teeth because he's cranky and attached to me 24/7 helping me get nothing done, plus my first 3-day work week since before Christmas - I was hurting come Monday!}  My name was drawn in the safety pot - so I got to play Walmart "Plinko" and I won a free meal for my entire area!  {Now everyone love me!}  And they announced our cost of living raise. . . which you don't get in a store {and if you do, it's only a few pennies at most!} and the DC didn't get one last year.  So it's wonderful that across the board - no matter what your "pay scale" or if you are maxed out - everyone in the DC gets a $0.40 raise.  So that's a collective $0.80 more for Jerry and I.  Which is amazing!  I am also scheduled my 6-month $0.50 raise next month - so in just 6-months at the DC I have gotten a $1.40 in raises and started out making $6.00 more an hour at the DC than the store.  I can't believe the difference it's making.  If I ever doubted my transfer, I certainly don't now.  I definitely did what was right for my family!!

Well I think I finally lost the boys to their bedroom. . . I'm going to see if I can sneak downstairs and get some laundry sorted.  If anyone is still paying attention to this blog - I have updated the Picasa web album. . . I got the November/December 2011 & January 2012 albums uploaded.  I didn't realize I was so behind!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A night in the E.R.

And the award of the first kid to make mom sit in the E.R. goes to -------------- Jaxen!
Oh what a night it was.  Sunday morning, I dropped Jaxen off at the baby sitter's house.  I noticed he was coughing but then again so were the other two.  When I got home, Jaxen was still napping.  Jerry said he was cranky so I let him sleep longer than normal after Jerry went to work.  It was about 6pm when I woke him up for dinner.  His cough was horrible!  It was now high pitched and sharp . . . barking like a seal.  Which is never a good sign.

Being a Sunday night, our pediatrician's office was closed so I called the Ask Mayo Clinic which is provided free of charge with our insurance.  I've called them before and they are pleasant to talk to.  Very helpful and reassuring.  Sometimes, Mom's just need to know that they are doing the right thing and that a doctor's visit isn't always necessary.  If anything, the Nurse Line saves me in doctor's bills.  Just by giving me another option to fight a stubborn cold.  Jaxen's only 12 months old and I can't give him anything over-the-counter without calling the doctor and getting a dosage.  Most medicine packages say "Under 4 years, Ask your Doctor".  The other two are on Musinex 24/7 because of their own coughs and it's working.  I was curious if I could give Jaxen some Musinex.  However, this time it wasn't reassurance or a dosage that I got.  :-(

After taking all Jaxen's information and hearing him coughing and trying to breathe through the phone she recommended that I get a hold of the pediatrician and if I could then an ER visit was necessary.  Of course, the pediatrician wasn't there and the answer machine says to go to Children's Mercy.  Now, no offense to other parents but Children's Mercy is in North Kansas City and would take us an hour longer to get there and would probably cost me 10 times more than our local hospital just because it's a "Children's Hospital". 

I called Jerry and let him know what was going on.  He was going to see about getting off to come with us - to watch the other 2 for me.  I got the other 2 ready while waiting for Jerry to call me back.  Which didn't take too long. . . he was on his way.  And by the time that I got all three ready and a backpack packed for a lengthy wait, Jerry was here and off we went.

I felt really stupid because the cold air opened Jaxen's airways and by the time we arrived at the Emergency Room, he was breathing okay and the coughing had stopped.  But thankfully, the ER staff took everything serious and told me cold air opens the lungs and that his symptoms would come back in a few minutes.  And sure enough, by the time I got the paperwork filled out, Jaxen was struggling to breathe.  The respiratory specialist was called down before the doctor saw Jaxen and gave him a breathing treatment within minutes of arriving in the ER - which helped a lot!  The only thing Jax didn't like about the breathing treatment was the clip on his toe that was monitoring his heart rate, while he got the medicine.  The respiratory specialist verified that he definitely sound croupy and that it was the beginning stages of croup.

After the breathing treatment, we waited a long time!  The ER received 3 cardiac patients who took priority over Jaxen - which is understandable.  And the nurses kept coming in a playing with Jaxen, keeping him happy.  I finally got Jaxen to fall asleep about 11:15pm.  And sure enough it was about 11:40pm when the doctor showed up to check Jaxen {we checked in at 8!}.  He ordered a blood test, a flu test, and a chest x-ray to make sure that there wasn't anything extra going on.

I held Jaxen down while they drew blood and swabbed his nose.  Jerry got to go with him for the x-ray, while I went to the bathroom and visited with the other 2 in the waiting room.  After the x-ray, Jaxen and I were back in the hospital room. . . waiting for the test results.  It wasn't too much longer when the doctor came in and let me know that Jaxen has Bronchiolitis {which is a baby's version of Bronchitis}.  Jaxen's white blood cells were great, he tested negative to the flu and RSV, and there's no pneumonia in his lungs.   Jaxen got a dosage of steroids before we left and a prescription for another weeks worth.  And we had orders to see the pediatrician in 2-3 days for a follow-up appointment. 

We were discharged and back home about 1am.  Once we got the kids in bed, Jerry went back to work.  I called into work, called off the babysitter and went to bed myself.

Jaxen woke up the next morning acting more like his normal self.  Still a little raspy but not struggling to breathe.  I filled his prescription and got more Musinex for the big kids. . . trying really hard not to spread this one around!!  I don't need another ER visit anytime soon!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 2012 Calendar

Sunday, January 1st - Happy New Year!!  2012Monday, January 2nd -
Tuesday, January 3rd - Chloe goes back to school!
Wednesday, January 4th - Girl Scouts 3p-5p
Thursday, January 5th - Oil Change @ 930am
Friday, January 6th - "Dodds" Family Dinner
Saturday, January 7th - Girl Scout Cookie Booth 9a-4p

Sunday, January 8th - Jaxen's Emergency Room Visit 8p-12a
Monday, January 9th -
Tuesday, January 10th - Wic Appointment @ 1pm {Both Boys}
Wednesday, January 11th - Jaxen Follow-up Appt @ 10am // Service Unit Mtg 7pm
Thursday, January 12th -
Friday, January 13th -
Saturday, January 14th -

Sunday, January 15th -
Monday, January 16th - No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Tuesday, January 17th -
Wednesday, January 18th - Girl Scouts 3p-5p
Thursday, January 19th - Heidi Dr. Appt @ 11am
Friday, January 20th - Jaxen Dr. Appt @ 1pm for 2nd Flu Shot
Saturday, January 21st -

Sunday, January 22nd -
Monday, January 23rd -
Tuesday, January 24th - Jerry's Dentist Appt 830am // Alex's 7th Birthday Party @ 6pm {Cake @ Susan's then Bowling Alley}
Wednesday, January 25th - Jaxen's Dr. Appt @ 830am for 2nd Flu Shot
Thursday, January 26th -
Friday, January 27th - Mom's & Muffins with Jacob @ 8am
Saturday, January 28th -

Sunday, January 29th -
Monday, January 30th -
Tuesday, January 31st -