Thursday, April 19, 2012

Doctor's Appointment - 30w4d

Well another doctor's appointment down - and with all the concerns and issues I have been having, this appointment was one of my longer ones - for sure.

I got to talk to the doctor about these crazy contractions that I have been experiencing.  She was quite adamant that when the contractions start I am to drink 32 ounces of water and get off my feet.  I told her that that wasn't possible while I was at work.  And she said that we might have to start making some tough decisions because it's SO much easier to take care of mom while pregnant, than to care for a preterm baby.  She was pretty straight forward letting me know that if I continue to push, I am only making it harder on myself and the baby.  If I push too hard and can't stop the contractions on my own, the hospital will have to stop them for me and then I will be on bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy.  And that's only IF the hospital can safely stop the contractions.  Every contraction that I have is just another opportunity for my scar to tear/wear out.  Contractions are considered "normal" at this point.  However, after an hours rest and 32 oz of water - I should have no more that 6 contractions an hour - otherwise, I'll have to go in and get checked out - even if it's nothing and they send me home.  Something about needing to see the progression of everything -- she will have a better chance at making the right decision if she had a road map to look back on. 

So the doctor didn't "officially" pull the "No More Work" card today. . .because legally I CAN still work.  I haven't started dilating and I am not on bed rest.  However, she is going to put some restrictions on me and my activities.  I won't know the details of the restrictions until Walmart receives the paperwork from the doctor - which should be in 5-7 days. 

Jerry and I went in and talked to personnel about what could happen and what my options were.  I know that everyone says that Walmart cannot terminate me because I am pregnant.  However, they CAN terminate me because I can no longer fulfill my job requirements.  I know I can work this weekend without restrictions because I doubt the doctor's office will get the paperwork faxed that fast.  But next weekend, I don't want to be surprised by a management meeting where I am forced to make a hard decision by myself.  So Jerry and I went in together and got to get our questions asked.  Depending on the doctor's restrictions -- Walmart may or may not force my Maternity Leave.  My job description states that I have to be able to lift 60 pounds without help and stand for long periods of time.  Both are things the doctor talked about limiting.  {First off, I think the weight limit for ANY pregnant person is 20-25 pounds throughout the entire pregnancy.}  So I might be in a little pickle.  At this point -- FMLA only covers 12-weeks of leave, this being said I would HAVE a job when I was ready to go back to work but it just might not be the job I currently have. :-\  Which is scary to think I would have to do a job that was available - whether I liked it or not.  BUT I would have a job. . . which we need to support this family.

Arg!  So much to think and worry about.  I am loosing sleep over all this. . . Jerry is okay with whatever the situation is.  But I feel as if I would be letting him down if I was forced to go on leave a month early.  He would then be the sole provider for this family and that's putting a lot on his shoulders.

Anyways!!  On a positive note, I am NOT dilating yet -- we got the joy of checking today, just to make sure that the contractions weren't doing anything yet.  The moment I start dilating it's almost game over for me because of the added risk going into labor provides!  The baby's heartbeat and measurements are right on track.  At this point, there are no signs of anything going the way Jaxen did. . . but everything can change in the matter of hours. . . such a horrible game to be playing.  Blood Pressure and weight gain are good. 

C-section is being scheduled and they should call me with the time and date by Monday at the latest. At that point we will schedule a visit to the maternity ward to check things out, pre-register, and get our questions asked.  Ideally, the c-section will be scheduled in my 39th week -- leaving only 8 weeks and 4 days to go!! 

May 3rd is my next appointment.