1000am - I am so tired and frustrated today. . . it's making for a very emotional mommy. After all the talk yesterday of going home, it's not looking too promising today. = ( {I've canceled my doctor's appointment today and rescheduled it for Tuesday -- I can't leave my baby.}
Yesterday evening, Jaxen started sounded pretty rough with his breathing. . . I was concerned and asked the nurse to come in. Respiratory came down and ran all kinds of test and hooked him up to a few machines. . . everything comes back normal. He's moving air nicely through his lungs and he's getting enough oxygen saturation {Only time that the saturation went down was when the doctor was standing here -- imagine that!}. Doctor ordered another chest xray to see if there is still fluid in his lungs. . . if there is, the labored breathing is helping him bring the yuck out. For as much as they think it's nothing but time Jaxen is going to need, it sounds like they are wanting to keep us another day to make sure. They are afraid that if they send us home, we might end right back up in the ER with him. Which I totally understand but I am SO ready to go home. I am missing Chloe and Jacob like crazy. I am tired of doctors and nurses terrifying Jaxen. I am upset that I might be missing Easter with my kids. Heck, I've not even had a chance to get stuff for their Easter baskets. Which upsets me so much!
This morning, Jaxen has had 3 breathing treatments. Here in a few minutes -- at 11am -- Jaxen is getting started on his steroids and antibiotics {in case there is an infection in his lungs} and while they are making him mad, he's also getting some more Tylenol.
600pm - What started out as a bumpy day. . . has slowly turned out to be a good day!! First thing this morning, I took Jaxen out of the crib and laid him in bed with me to cuddle. He liked it. He snuggled, he slept, he looked out the window, he played with the window nobs -- first sign that my curious boy was on the rebound. Lookie . . .
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So happy to see him exploring again. . . either that or he was trying to figure out how to break out of the hospital. |
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Daddy and Jaxen cuddling -- he would not let Daddy move! |
We even got to give Jaxen a bath this afternoon!! He didn't enjoy it as much as he would of at home but he played. Here he is fresh out of the bath, all cuddled up under a warmed blanket!!
930pm - Sorry about cutting the last post short, but we had a little adventure. They had a critical patient coming in and needed Jaxen's ICU room. . . which was cool because Jaxen had been downgraded by the burn team days ago - it's the Peds keeping him here - and they just kept him close by because they wanted too. = ) They moved us out into the regular patient burn rooms -- which surprised me, I thought we'd end up in Pediatrics. But apparently, the burn team isn't willing to give him up to the 4th floor OR they are wanting to keep us next door to Labor and Delivery. {I promise - I really am behaving myself!!} This room is nicer because it's quieter and it has 2 beds instead of one, so Jerry and I don't have to share a single sized hospital bed.
Shortly after they moved us Joanna and Caleb arrived to visit. But before I could get downstairs to them, the Peds doctor stopped by. Not at a good time for Jaxen, might I add. He was doing SO well, but the 10 minutes the doctor was in - he was breathing funny again! Grr!! So we are going to re-evaluate him in the morning and only then talk about going home.
1000pm - Jaxen is asleep, they have been in to give the rest of his medicines and to take his vitals. Hopefully, little dude can sleep until morning. His next medicine is due at 5am - if he wakes up before we will give it to him then, otherwise we will put it off until 6ish. Only bad thing is that he has to have labs drawn but they are going to do it all together in one shot so that he can get some rest before the doctor's visit in the AM.
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