It's official. Jerry and I are proud parents of four! Tyler Grayson arrived in his OWN way in true Daily fashion!
6:30am - I woke up after not being able to sleep to well. Jaxen ran a pretty high fever all night and I was regularly getting up to check on him and get him is Tylenol/Motrin on time.
I remember the time because I was so hot and thirsty. I got up and went to the kitchen to get me a glass of ice water - which is super weird because water is not my drink of choice, especially with a fully stocked refrigerator of Mtn Dew!
I went in to check on Jaxen before heading back to bed and he woke when I touched him. I scooped him up and brought him to bed with me. Jerry cuddled with him while I got him some ice cold apple juice and a dose of Motrin. Mr. Jax would not settle down and thought it was play time in mommy and daddy's bed so I took him out to the living room where we could lay down and watch cartoons.
10:00am - After getting Jaxen to fall back asleep, I dosed off too. Jacob was the next kid I saw around 10am, followed shortly by Jerry. Jaxen was still sleeping on me and had me pinned to where I could not move.
Trying to get a head start on my To-Do List, Jerry got up and around and was headed out to the KC Pet Project to deliver our foster dog. . . she was ready to go back and we didn't want to have to deal with her while I was at the hospital. Jerry was also going to stop by Lowe's and get a few materials that he needed for his balloon pump that he was making.
11:00am - Jaxen brought me some trail mix that Jerry had left out. There wasn't much, just a couple cashews, 5-6 almonds, and a bunch of raisins left in the bag. I ate the almonds and a couple of raisins while Jax ate the rest.
11:15am - While still laying on the couch, I felt Tyler adjust - so I adjusted. As I did so, I felt a leaking sensation, like he bumped my bladder. So like every pregnant woman knows, you go to the bathroom so that you don't wait too long and accidentally wet yourself.
I sat up - it leaked a little more. {FYI - vaginal leakage or discharge is normal this late in pregnancy. It's your bodies way of lubricating the birth canal - preparing it for delivery} I stood up with a little more urgency to make it to the bathroom, when I thought - "OMG!"
11:20am - Jacob brought be the phone and I called Jerry. These were my words and my voice was shaky. "Jer, I really need you to believe me when I tell you this, but I think my water just broke." Jerry was on his way to me and the kids.
11:30am - I called Amanda - she's the first person I thought of that had her water break at home.
11:31am - Amanda calls me back! :-)
I can't tell you every detail. But I do know that Jacob and Chloe were awesome. Jake crawled under my bed to unplug my cell phone charger. He crawled under the crib to unplug my tablet charger. Chloe got her brothers dressed, shoes on them, AND packed Jaxen's diaper bag with diapers, wipes, and a sippy cup for me.
12:10pm - Kids were dropped off with Jerry's sister in Harrisonville and we were on the road to the hospital. I called the doctor's office to let them know that I was headed to the hospital because my water broke. They then let the maternity ward know that I am coming. It's a locked ward and if they know we are on the way, it speeds up the process. They had my chart made and my room ready to go when we got here.
1:22pm - I was fully admitted and prepped for surgery. I finally had details {and the time} to call my mom at work.
3:05pm - I was taken to the operating room for surgery.
3:32pm - Tyler made his grand entrance into the world!
4:10pm - I was back in my room, recovering - before I could see any guests.
6:00pm - Tyler had had his bath and I could finally feel my legs. Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Joanna, Uncle Caleb, Aunt Amanda, Jeremy and Carter all got to come back and oogle baby Tyler!!
8:00pm - All my visitors had left and Jerry was getting ready to head home for the evening. He took the camera - loaded with tons of pictures - for Chloe, Jacob and Jaxen to see. {I can't wait until I get to see my babies tomorrow!}
After everyone left and it was just me and Tyler, we were able to get a little rest. Tyler is on a strict 3 hour feeding schedule for the first 12 hours because he is considered a BIG baby and gets his blood sugar tested before every meal to make sure his body is doing the work that I was doing for him.
Besides 20 minute cat naps here and there, I haven't been able to sleep. Tyler is a spit upper and he's freaked me out a couple of times choking on his own spit up. So while I'm on duty, I feel obligated to stay awake and make sure nothing crazy happens.