Sunday, November 29, 2009

Update. . .

Sorry it's been a while since I've updated! But if you know my life at all, you know how crazy it gets around Christmas. I worked 48 hours last week because of Black Friday, Chloe was begining to think I was never going to have a day off!

Thanksgiving was awesome, we went to mom and dad's house and stuffed ourselves full. Jerry got to go hunting with Dad. Kids got to hang out with Grandma, while Joanna and I hung out at Walmart! LOL. We didn't get to stay too late because I had to be at work the next morning before any person should even be thinking about getting up! But it was fun and glad it's over with. . . Now I just have to get Christmas over with!

About a week ago, Jacob was sick. He was throwing up one day, diareha the next, and then just a running nose. Then last Wednesday, Chloe came down with a horrid cough. And by Friday I there wasn't a change in the coughing. . . 12 hour Delsym was only lasting 5 hours. So Saturday when she woke up with her eyes crusted shut (a sure sign of pink eye), I took her to Walgreens Take Care Clinic (which I highly recommend!!) because I couldn't get the cough to stop and Chloe was getting upset that she was coughing so much! There were 4 people in front of us, and we only waited about 20 minutes before she was seen by the nurse practioner. Doctor looked her over and asked a lot of questions and said that I was treating the wrong thing. . . the problem wasn't the cough, it was the sinus infection and ear infection that was causing drainage to the back of her throat which was causing the cough! And on top of that she definately had conjuctivitis. So after leaving there (which no co-pay! They billed my insurance) we headed to Walmart to fill her two prescriptions because they were $4.00 there. (So I grand total of $8!!!! That's it, that's all I paid!) While we waited for them to fill the medicines, I took Chloe to see Santa. She was so excited, we are going to have to take Jacob next weekend. Back on the subject - Chloe is currently taking Amoxicillan twice a day, Eye drops in her eyes four times a day, and Delsym Cough Supressent twice a day. . . AND let me tell you she is a totally different kid, she definately feels better. We've been given the green light to let her return to school tomorrow.

Yesturday, the kids and I decorated the house for Christmas. We put up the tree, hung the lights, and hung the stockings. Glad that big chore is over with. . . Now if only I could keep Jacob and the kitten away from the Christmas tree!!