Thursday, December 29, 2011

Doctor's Appointment #2 - 14w4d

Just a routine appointment.  Nothing major to report. 

All blood work and tests from the last appointment came back normal.  Jerry and I got to hear the baby's heart beat for the first time. . . Gratefully, the doctor found it fairly easily.  The heart rate was a nice and strong 150+ bpm.

Unfortunately, I have lost 3 pounds from the last appointment. . . now weighing 125 pounds.  So I have a total weight gain of -3 pounds.  Doctor is not concerned about the lost of weight because it's still early, I have plenty of time to gain the weight.  She just doesn't want to see it go backwards anymore or too much farther.  Must start gaining weight.

I was also able to discuss my horrible headaches with her.  They can appear out of anywhere and last forever.  They are so random. . . sometimes I even wake up with them.  Of course, they are on set because of the hormones going crazy inside me.  She prescribed me Tylenol #3 with Codeine and said that if that doesn't work I will have to see a neurologist to get my hormones balanced correctly.  Hopefully, the Tylenol #3 will do the trick.