Monday, June 28, 2010


Finally! I believe that I am fully over this horrible sickness that I've felt for the last 3 days. I really think that with being sick and still having to take care of the kids this weekend since Jerry had to sleep for work, it finally all got to me and I went down hill so fast. I am very greatful that Jerry called in last night and basically just let me be sick. He took care of the kids and let me rest and be nothing but lazy while waiting on me hand and foot. He brought me my medicines and made me drink TONS of fluids. And I will be the first to admit that it wasn't an easy job because I am the BIGGEST baby in the world when I am sick. (Shocking, I know!)

I was able to go to work today and tough it out. I hate when people use pregnancy as an excuss to be productive, and I was out to prove I could still work even though I was sick. And it was touch and go there for a while this morning, but I am glad I did it. When I came home I still had a headache but I was able to medicate it gone and found the energy to clean the house, do the laundry, take care of the animals, and give the kids a bath (all of which I neglected this weekend because I was sick).

Well I just wanted everyone to know that I am finally feeling better without a doubt thanks to my AMAZING husband that took care of me and the kids. I love you Jerry!! You're my rock and an absolutely amazing husband.