Thursday, March 15, 2012

Doctor's Appointment #5 - 25w4d

Last weeks doctor's appointment went good.  Not an appointment that I want to repeat, but it was okay for having to take the glucose test.  I will get the glucose test results in 3-weeks at my next appointment; however, if the test results require me to take the 3-hour test or if I am anemic, the doctor will call me to come in sooner. . . I would expect the call to come Monday or Tuesday if it's going to.  

The doctor did the regular stuff - check my weight and blood pressure, fundal height and baby's heart rate.  We also discussed a few issues I've been having like: Never-ending heartburn {only going to get worse before it gets better} and the lack of movement this little guy has on certain days {movement once a day is good enough until 28+ weeks, then it kick counts will count.  Then if he doesn't move at least 10 times in 2 hours, a doctor / hospital visit will be necessary to see what's going on and why he's not moving around like he should.}

Lack of movement wasn't an issue with any of the other kids. . . in fact, Jaxen never stopped moving!!  The doctor wasn't too worried about the lack of movement YET.  Mainly because he started moving again and actually moved and kicked the device that was listening to his heartbeat.  However, in the interest of full disclosure -- a lack of movement might make me have to take a fetal non-stress test.  In the majority of cases, the fetus is doing well, but on rare occasions the non-stress test will show the
lack of movement is actually may be a sign of worsening fetal condition.  In general, as long as the test is reassuring, the pregnancy can continue as planned.  If the test is non-reassuring, a decision must be made whether the risks of remaining undelivered outweigh the risks of premature delivery.  {AGAIN, THIS IS WEEKS AWAY, BUT AN ISSUE -- Pray that little boy stays moving and grooving like he is suppose to so that the test isn't needed.}  Besides lack of movement the test is also given if there is reason to suspect that the placenta is not functioning adequately -- like Jaxen's.  So I ultimately, might have to take the test "just because".  No worries yet, just information to be informed with in the event that it all becomes an issue.  And I like being informed!!  = )

And for those of you that don't know what a Fetal Non-Stress Test is - The test involves attaching one belt to the mother’s abdomen to measure fetal heart rate and another belt to measure contractions.   Movement, heart rate and “reactivity” of heart rate to movement is measured for 20-30 minutes.  If the baby does not move, it does not necessarily indicate that there is a problem; the baby could just be asleep.  A nurse may use a small “buzzer” to wake the baby for the remainder of the test.

Other than that, I am moving on to the third trimester {April 1st} and appointments every 3 weeks. Next doctor's appointment is Friday, April 6th. :-)

Here are the specs:
  • Weighed in at 143.8 pounds - which is an 8.6 pound gain in 4 weeks, which is more than double the prior total weight gain of 7.2 pounds!  Wowzers. . . I hope it slows down!  {Total weight gain of +15.8 lbs} *Gulp!*
  • Blood pressure was good and normal.
  • Baby's heart rate was 150+ beats per minute.
  • Our next appointment is in 3-weeks on Friday, April 6th at Noon. 
  • APRIL 1ST = The Third Trimester!  = )