Thursday, March 22, 2012

26w3d - Here we go. . .

Well - I can't say I'm surprised.  I was really hoping this pregnancy would be easy and simple. . . But the doctor's office called me on Wednesday.  My heart sunk as I read the caller ID. . . automatically fearing the worse, hoping for the best.

My glucose test came back good.  But along with the diabetes check they run my hemoglobin to check for an iron deficiency.  The test came back anemic.  Grr!  No biggie for most pregnant mommas - after all, I was anemic with Chloe, too - but this time around it could spell trouble ahead.  The biggest reason to be worried is because the extra iron is needed for the placenta - which is what eventually failed during my pregnancy with Jaxen and is the one thing we are watching so closely!   Low iron is taken seriously because it increases the risk of preterm delivery, low birth weight and a higher risk of stillbirth or newborn death.  I had a higher chance of anemia this time around because of the two pregnancies being so close together.  My body hasn't had the time to replenish everything it lost the last time.

With all that being said - after visiting two pharmacies and getting help from a super nice pharmacist this morning, I finally found and picked up my iron supplement. . . I have to take it twice a day, along with my prenatal.  {Now with Chloe, I only had to take one iron supplement a day and it was a tiny little pill.  This time, I have to take a Slow release iron twice a day.  You can only imagine how much iron I am taking now!  Only ONE of the slow release iron pills is 264% of the Daily Value. . . times that by 2 and then add the 150% my prenatal vitamin is giving me!}

The doctor said that this will explain why I am so tired, weak, and dizzy lately. Along with the other issues I've been complaining of: rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, headache, irritability, and trouble concentrating.  The last couple of days I have been feeling absolutely horrible, like I'm living in a fog.  Here's to hoping this iron supplement is miracle pill and will help me feel better. 

Counting my blessings - only about 87 more days to go and we hit our first snag in the road!  AND this snag was found fairly early enough to be corrected before we get to that point of no return.