Friday, April 20, 2012

20 day checkup - Good-bye Bandages

This little guy. . .

Jaxen enjoying his fluff-a-nutter sandwich...
. . . is completely free of bandages and wound care!!

Today is a happy day!  20 days after Jaxen's initial burn, we are free and clear of all the "extras" we've had to do since his stay in the hospital!!  No medicines, No scrubbing, No band aids, No Zeroform, No ace bandages and best of all - No fighting him to sit still through another "Doctor Mom & Dad Experiment"!  Just when I was getting use to it and getting his hand wrapped like a pro with the colorful wrap, so that he wouldn't mess with the actual bandages and medicines.  {It's true, the doctor at the Burn Center said that they would hire me to wrap the little kids' hands.  LOL, they obviously don't know my child well enough, because I HAD to do something to get him to leave the dressings alone.  Jaxen could take off the regular dressings as soon as you weren't watching.  And you could bet your life savings that he would have them all removed by morning if he could get to them!!} 

We have another follow-up at the KU Outpatient Burn & Wound Care Center in 2-weeks.  And if everything is still amazingly awesome, that appointment should be Jaxen's final appointment.  Until then, we have to keep his burns lotioned and make sure if he's playing outside the wounds are covered or have 30 or greater SPF suntan lotion on.  I do have some sleeves for his arm - if he will wear them - to help with the sun this summer.  Biggest thing they stressed was to keep it lotioned - not to let it dry out - so that the scar tissue will stay moist and flat until it heals 100% and not to let the new skin get a sun burn this year because it would cause the scar tissue to be worse than it is now.

After our appointment, we took Jaxen back up to the 5th floor's Burn ICU where we spent 7 days.  The nurses were SO happy to see him.  We got to see 2 of our 3 favorite nurses -- Abby and Hannah.  Megan wasn't working today but we told them that we would be back in two weeks to visit again. . . hopefully, she will be working then.  Jaxen was a total ham for the ladies. . . he even got a Popsicle from them.  Jaxen is definitely a ladies man -- and he would laugh when we called the nurses his "girlfriends".  It was a fun visit, so much better than the last time we had contact with them all.  Next time, I am taking some goodie bags to them -- and you bet your bottom each bag is going to have a package of the Girl Scout Thanks-A-Lot Cookies.  = )