Monday, April 2, 2012

Jaxen - Burn ICU - Days 1 & 2

April 1, 2012
400pm - Jaxen pulled the iron on to him burning his bottom lip, cheek, tongue, arm and hand.  Left immediately for the ER.

430pm - Cass Regional took him straight back to a room and started IV.  Nothing more our little hospital could do for him - started making plans to get Jaxen transferred to another hospital.

440pm - Knew the seriousness of his burns and started making plans for Chloe and Jacob to be picked up.

447pm - Mom, Joanna and Caleb were on their way.

600pm - Jaxen gets a breathing tube for his LIFE FLIGHT to KU Medical Center.  Jaxen gets loaded into the helicopter at 6:06pm... a prayer goes up to keep my baby safe until I could get to him. :-(

610pm - Mom arrives to get the older kids.  Calmed Chloe down and got them situated with Grandma, Aunt Jo and Uncle Caleb.

645pm - Jerry and I are on the way to KU Med to be with Jaxen.

730pm - Doctor came to talk to us in the waiting room. Jaxen will be okay but they are sedating him overnight. Giving his body time to process the trauma and the swelling to go down.  Will know more tomorrow.

900pm - FINALLY able to see Jaxen! A little overwhelming, with all the tubes and monitors. Sat with Jaxen for a while, just talking to him.

1100pm - Jerry and I left to go home and shower and get stuff to stay with Jax. Nurse encouraged us to bring back toys and blankets for him.  Filled up with gas, showered, packed, put the trash out, and ate dinner.

April 2, 2012
215am - Back at the hospital with Jaxen. His temperature was high and his heart rate was fast. Nurse said it was normal - Jaxen's room was set cooler and they ordered up some Tylenol. He started fighting sedation - very hard to watch him fight them... gave him more sleepy medicine. Changed out his breathing tube while he was being extra sedated.

400am - Drew blood for labs - checking electrolytes, platelets, white blood cells. His temperature is on its way down.

720am - Jaxen woke up fighting mad.  Rolled over on to his belly and pulled out the breathing tube.  Our room quickly filled with doctors and nurses trying to get him calmed down and stabilized. Jaxen progressively got worse and Jerry and I were asked to leave while the put a new breathing tube in. Gave us some much needed away time - it's so hard to watch him fight.

930am - Jerry and I were allowed to come back into Jaxen's room. He was all relaxed and back under sedation. Having to put a second tube in isn't helping him along. In fact, it set him back a day. Sometime today he will get a steroid to help the swelling and once the breathing tube has wiggle room AND he doesn't need extra oxygen - the breathing tube will come out. The only problem that he caused when he rushed the tube removal, is that there is a possibility of a build up of fluid in his lungs. Doctor's are watching for it, Jax is in good hands. Meanwhile, Jerry and I are on alert - watching for him to stir, we cannot let him remove his tube again.

1000am - Distribution Center called to get an update on Jaxen. Already have us covered for work this weekend... and as soon as things calm down around here we will get a FAX for the doctors to fill out giving Jerry and I intermittent LOA. For future days off without punishment if we need them to care for Jaxen.

1145am - Got visitors from the Distribution Center. Jerry's bosses came by to see if there was anything we needed from them. Around the same time, Jaxen started running a fever. During the time that they were giving him Tylenol, Jax got agitated and started to fight sedation. The room room filled with nurses once Jaxen started vomiting. Once he was calmed they changed out his crib sheets and the ventilator because the sensor was going off every 2 minutes.

122pm - Jaxen's flow sensor on the ventilator keeps going off and they are trying everything to fix it. It's bothering them more than it is us. Once his nurse gets back from lunch we are going to find some food. I'm starving!!

300pm - Back from lunch and the nurses were trying to stabilize Jaxen. He was fighting mad. They replaced the heater on his ventilator and replaced the tape holding in his breathing tube. Ordered up a new sedative since the current one isn't doing the job. Hopefully, he is able to rest without fighting the sedation. Really waiting for the doctor to make rounds. He is fighting the breathing tube and the sooner we can get it out the better - so we are waiting for the okay to give him a steroid.

430pm - Suctioned his lungs, everything is looking good on that end. He woke and moved around. Poor guy can't even cry... he just cries with his eyes. Nurse felt sorry for him, gave him more pain medicine. Respiratory Team was up messing with his machine again... alarm still hasn't stopped going off. Dietitian visited to get an understanding of how much he eats and drinks. Tonight he is going to get feed through his feeding tube, because with the breathing tube he's been throwing up anything in his belly. The feeding tube will get the food past his belly so he'll get the nutrition without the vomiting. 

445pm - Visited by the PICU {Pediatric Intensive Care Unit} doctor and they talked about changing his medications. . . trying to wien him off of the heavy stuff.  He's GOING to get his steroid shot tonight and hopefully get the breathing tube out tomorrow evening / Wednesday morning. 

800pm - Not too much going on. . . We are waiting for the attending doctor to make his way up to us.  They are talking about changing out his sedative to straight Morphine because he is fighting so much.  The nurse was has no idea how he is still awake and fighting. . . if any of us had that much medicine in our systems we would be out cold.  Also waiting on a PICU ventilator - supposedly they read differently and they are tired of messing with the alarms on the type he has now.  Jerry's currently sleeping pretty good while doctor's and nurses come and go.  I'm up for a little while watching over our Jax.  Once he calms down - hopefully soon! - I will get rest to be ready for tomorrow's events!

900pm - Jaxen is maxed out on all his pain/sedation medicines and right now it's taking 4 nurses to hold him down and keep the breathing tube in.  The attending doctor is on the way to approve stronger/more sedation. Main goal is NOT to let the breathing tube come out until he gets at least one more shot of steriods in his system! It's going to be a LONG night!

920pm - Doctor approved to up his meds a little bit.  She's hoping instead of changing the medicine again, the new medicine cocktail plus some food in his belly might help him calm down.  They think he's hungry. . . so they are getting ready to start feeding him through his feeding tube to get something in his belly.  They are starting out small - like 30cc's in 30 minutes - then waiting an hour to see how he reacts.  If he doesn't get sick then he will continue to get more food.  Jerry's still snoozing. . . = )

1100pm Update - First off, Jaxen gets to eat the rest of his food.  He did not vomit anything up!!!  At about 1015pm, Jerry and I stepped out to go to the bathroom and to grab a bite to eat.  With all the commotion, we waited too long for anything to be delivered to us - so we drove to Taco Bell and got some food.  When we got back, the nurses were back in the room.  My heart sunk. . . I'm thinkin' that I'm never leaving him again!  But they said that he was coughing a little, so they suctioned out his lungs - he got restless but didn't fight.  He never threw anything up so he was able to start back up -- by morning he should be nice and full and ready for whatever they throw at him. 

Here's hoping for an easy night. . . I could use some sleep.  If nothing else major happens in the next hour, this will be my last post on this entry.  I will start a new on for day #3 - it's getting too long and I don't want to accidentally delete everything trying to edit the post.  So I leave you with happy thoughts for a positive post in the morning!  = )


TeachinAuntie said...

Hugs Heidi! I cannot imagine being in your shoes! I hope and pray that Jaxen had a good night. Praying for super speedy, healthy, healing for him & for rest and comfort for the entire family.