Sunday, May 20, 2012

35 weeks. . . J & T

Last side-by-side to compare Jaxen & Tyler.

On the left, 35 weeks was the last pregnant picture I have of Jaxen. . . he was delivered 7 days later via emergency c-section and spent 6 days in the NICU.

I took the picture on the right tonight. . . which officially marks the 35 week mark with Tyler.  Let's just hope I have longer than 7 days before he is delivered.

I'm trying really hard not to get nervous -- and I'm trying not to compare the two pregnancies -- but it's hard.  SO many things on my to-do list before Tyler arrives. . . and my personal deadline is 7 days!  In 7 days, I hope to be all packed and ready -- something I wasn't with Jaxen.