Sunday, September 2, 2012

Jaxen's Speech :-(

Speech and Language of the 18-Month-Old
*Bold/Italic are the things that Jaxen CAN do @ 20-months*
Uses 10 to 20 different words
Recognizes pictures of familiar persons and objects
Starts to combine 2 words, such as "all gone", "Daddy bye-bye"
Uses words to make wants known, such as "more", "up"
Imitates words and sounds more precisely
Points and gestures to call attention to an event or to show wants
Points to own toes, eyes, and nose
Brings familiar object from another room when asked
Turns pages of a book a few at a time
Follow simple commands
Makes a tower of 3 to 4 cubes
Knows and says the names of 5 things
Hums and may sing simple tunes
Mixes real words with jargon, on occasion
Develops a play routine
Practices words and word combinations


As you can see, we have some work to do.  Jaxen's speech evaluation appointment at Children's Mercy was a few days ago because he wasn't talking.  And Jaxen was diagnosed with what Jerry and I already knew. . . his lack of talking is NOT normal and it's NOT because Chloe and Jacob do all the talking for him.  Jaxen was diagnosed with a learning disability.  {Man, that is hard to say out loud!}  Jaxen's Receptive language is completely average for his age group.  He understands and comprehends language as well as any other 20-month-old.  However, Jaxen does not have the ability to express himself.  Scoring only a 75, he was diagnosed with Expressive Language Disorder with Articulation Impairment.  Age Equivalent: 10 months.

As hard as it had been to get an official diagnosis and to have to say, "Jaxen has a learning disorder", I now know that we can do something for him.  He's not alone anymore, we are all on the same path.  As our family, I think it's important to keep you all up to date.  We have to push him to say something and at this point a sound is as good as a word.  But we can't push too hard, he NEEDS to have a positive experience with talking or we won't get anywhere. 

A learning disability.  That is a hard pill to swallow for me, somehow I feel responsible.  Where did we go wrong?  I feel like we've failed him in someway.  Of course, it's only a personal feeling because I know in my heart that Jerry and I have done and are doing everything we can for Jaxen.  We've had him tested early, and from what we are told, NOW is the best time to get him back on track. 

With starting so early, Jax will have an easier start in school.  There is a HUGE possibility that by the time Jax starts kindergarten, he will have caught up with his peers and be "cured" of his disability.  With that being said, no disability is curable, just manageable.  He most likely will need extra attention for a while, and not necessarily Special Education classes or Speech and Language Therapy.  With intervening early, Jaxen should progress well in school.  It will be the responsibility of his teachers and Jerry and I to make sure that he doesn't fall behind and to get him the resources he needs to be successful in school.

I know school is a long ways away for Jaxen, but that is the goal that we have set for him.  Ideally, we want him ready to enter kindergarten.  Of course, his speech and language will still be developing so the use of a speech class may be needed.  However, the doctor said that Jaxen's burn to his mouth and tongue could have just set him back.  They have seen cases where when the child has experienced a trauma in his life, there speech/language is affected.  But with speech therapy he should catch up pretty quickly.

Now for our game plan.  Because Jaxen is 50% behind in two categories - Expressive Language and Articulation he should qualify for Missouri First Steps.  Which is like a "Head Start" Program; however, Head Start doesn't start until age 3.  I have called Missouri First Steps to see if he qualifies for speech/language therapy but I'm still waiting to hear back from them (Holiday Weekend).  Children's Mercy Hospital put him on their speech therapy waiting list but we are looking at at least a 4 to 5 month wait.  And I am looking into Parents As Teachers through the school district for help.  

I've made a million calls for help and advise.  We are really wanting to get him on track before he falls too far behind.   Yet another hurdle that we will climb with Jaxen!!  It's a good thing we love him!!  Keep him in your prayers.