Sunday, September 2, 2012

Heidi. Job. Stress.

Wow.  Where do I start? 

One of the main things keeping me from this blog for the last month has been my stress level with my pending employment.

Here's the story:
On May 1, 2012 because of a weight restriction I was forced to start maternity leave. At that time I was told by the HR Manager at DC 6065 that I would have a job when I returned to work, just not MY current position. I delivered my son on June 13, 2012, shortly after I received notification that my job was no longer job protected and on July 24, 2012 my position would be up for grabs.

On August 1, 2012, after getting a release to return to work on August 4, 2012, I went in and talked to the HR Manager who told me that I would have to apply on line to job positions in the DC and I could not return to work until I had a position. However, my old position had not been posted or filled yet. He said it could take up to a couple pay days to start working again. I received notice that I had until September 4, 2012 to find a position or else?!?! I have since applied for 9 different positions and have currently been turned down for all of them. I am at the end of my rope, I never thought it was going to take this long to find a position. I have been employed with Walmart for over 9 years.

I love working for Walmart and haven't had a single problem until now. I feel as though I am being punished for taking maternity leave. Had I known that nothing was guaranteed, I would have rethought or fought the early maternity leave. But I was told point blank that I would have a position when I came back. I never knew that I was going to have to reapply for jobs without a guarantee of position which could ultimately result in my termination from the company.

What is the next step? I have never had anything less than a meets or exceeds expectations on an evaluation. Do I just sit back and get fired for nothing? How can I get a position back within the DC? Surely I am qualified for any position Walmart has to offer - In the store level, I have worked as a sales floor associate, jewelry sales coordinator, layaway/service desk, money center/site2store, cashier, CSM, and Department Manager, and on the Distribution Center level I am a fork lift driver.

I love this company. With all the negative press and associates that just want to bad mouth our company, I stood behind it, welcomed change and embraced it. I am dedicated, strong, and positive associate. I'm not saying that I have bad days, but it never shows at work. I am a hard, independent worker. I take pride in this company, it's my company. Nothing has ever been handed to me and I worked hard to get where I've been and where I am currently within the company. I feel as though I am an asset to ANY facility and getting told that I could get terminated without any reason - is difficult to swallow.

It has been a super stressful time with all this uncertainty.  One thing was certain - I HAVE to have a job.  There is no way we could survive on one paycheck.  No way at all.  The fact is we are struggling now, things need payed, things need done.  Groceries or bills?  What do you pay first?  Arg!  It's been stressful.  We never thought I'd still be without a paycheck one month after I was able to return to work.  Even though the stress is there, Jerry and I have gotten everything taken care of.  When we think there is no way to get all the bills payed - we do.  When we think there is no way to stock up on groceries - we can.  When birthdays and school picture days come - everybody gets what they need.  I am so proud of Jerry and I - these days of struggling are hard and I can see how they pull marriages apart.  Jerry and I have taken life by the horns and pushed on.  Stress is there, all the time.  But the kids don't see it, it doesn't get in the way of life.  We went on living.  And I'm SO happy to say that it's paid off.  There isn't anyone else I'd like by my side though all of this.
After giving the DC a month to find me a position, Tuesday I put in a transfer request back to a store.  Basically, I'll take ANY position to keep me from termination.  After hearing nothing, I went to Raymore Walmart and found Shawn (co-mgr) and straight up asked if he had a position for me.  He laughed and playing said yes.  Then his jaw dropped and an evil grin crossed over his face when he realized I was serious.  He was like a kid Christmas morning.  After explaining to him that I had to have something by Tuesday or I'd be terminated for failure to return off LOA.  He said he'd put me in any position to keep that from happening.  But he had Department Manager positions opening up and he wanted to make sure that I'd still be able to qualify for them (normally there is a 6-month wait after accepting a position).
While I was there, the store manager returned from lunch and told me that the manager from Harrisonville Walmart called asking about me wanting to know if I'd be a good HBA Department Manager.  Of course, he said nothing but good things about me and then told him that he didn't want to share me and that Raymore wanted me back.  Now I haven't been officially offered the HBA Department Manager yet.  But Harrisonville is closer to home and a guaranteed Department Manager.  Both pros!!  However, Raymore pays more and can't offer me a department manager department manager yet.  There are some opening soon, just not opened yet.  Raymore did hint that it wouldn't be long before Departments came open and they are lacking in experience. 
So basically, I have a big decision to make.  I went from pending termination to more than one option!!  I think I'm leaning towards Raymore, even though they could only give me a cashier/sales floor position as of now, there are promises for department manager with more pay than Harrisonville.  And I KNOW, that if a kid has an appointment and needed to come in late/leave early they would let me.  I don't like shopping the Harrisonville store, the people are rude and the store is trash.  Even though it's closer and a Department Manager position, I'd be stuck for at least 6-months and I like Raymore so much better.  I have friends in Raymore, and Management is willing to take me back without a second thought.  And they'll reinstate me all my time in and pay if the DC does in fact terminate me.  Raymore is like home and I feel they have my back 100%.
Management was super excited and before it was all said and done I had 5 member's of management in there telling me not to worry.  No matter what the DC does come Tuesday, the store can reinstate me and give me a position.  So I am to enjoy my holiday weekend and we will figure it all out next week! 
Oh the stress - thanks for visiting but go away!  I am so thankful for everyone and their positive words to me.  I really have great friends and some wonderful angels looking over me.