Saturday, October 16, 2010

27 week appointment

Whew, there is lots of things happening around here.  All week has been crazy busy!  But here I am taking a moment for myself - at 11:30pm. . . Both kids are sounds asleep in their beds and Jerry is 'napping' before going to work tonight for a few hours.  He doesn't really want to work tonight but doing this for a co-worker tonight will get him off a couple hours on Halloween to go trick-or-treating with the kids.  So it's good for the big picture. 

I used a vacation day on Monday and only worked half a day on Tuesday because Jacob and I had a WIC appointment.  No big deal, all the normal things were done and we were on our way.  Jacob weighed in at exactly 31 pounds and his iron was absolutely awesome at a 13.

Wednesday -  I worked all day and then went to a Girl Scout Service Unit Meeting.  I really wanted to skip it, but I had to go to find out if I was getting a troop here in town or not.  And the great news is that I am!  The only problem is that there were lots of issues last year with a troop leader here in town named 'Heidi' and missing money, parents paid for uniforms and things that there kids never received.  So council is working with me to get the things they were promised and make it right.  So I have a huge up hill battle to get last years girls to re-register.  Next Wednesday night I have a parent / registration meeting to meet and talk face-to-face with these parents so that they know I am not the same 'Heidi' that messed things up last year.  Wish me luck!

Thursday - I worked but around 3:20 I get a phone call from Chloe's school saying that the bus tried to drop her off but there wasn't anyone standing outside to get her.  So she was on her way back to the school to wait until a parent came and got her.  Which totally freaked me out!  I immediately called home and talked with Jerry. . . the Insurance Company called about me and he was in the process of getting them all squared away when the bus arrived to drop off Chloe.  He totally lost track of time talking to the Insurance Company and it wasn't until the bus was pulling away that he seen it outside.  So needless to say, I immediately left work to go pick Chloe up from school.  I dang near beat her back to school too!  The bus driver had just dropped her off at the office when I was pulling in the parking lot.  I was expecting a crazy upset 5-year-old when I walked around the corner, but what I got was the total opposite!  She had fun driving all over Freeman on the school bus and she KNEW that someone was on their way to get her.  Thank goodness we talked to her about what would happen if Daddy wasn't outside waiting, so she was okay with the whole thing. . . Daddy was more upset about missing her bus than Chloe was!  That afternoon, we ran to Walmart for a few things that we needed since I didn't get to pick them up after work.  We grabbed Sonic for dinner because I had to attend the Freeman Community Club Meeting to ask the board permission to use the Community Building for my Girl Scout Troop Meetings.  (Which they said YES!)

Friday was my doctor's appointment.  Jerry's sister, Susan watched Jacob for us.  It is so much easier to go without him.  This appointment was the one I dread. . . the horrible Glucose Screening.  I drank the nasty drink, then the world spun, my balance was way off, and I felt yucky but an hour later they drew my blood and hopefully I'll get a phone call telling me that everything was good so I don't have to take the 3 hour test.  Other than the glucose screening, I think it was a very informative appointment.  I got to ask all my questions and state all my worries.  Here's the scoop:  my blood pressure was 120 / 70 which is good.  I weighed in at 137.5 pounds, which means I had no weight gain this month but the baby is still measuring perfectly so there isn't any worries, the weight will come.  Once again we couldn't get an accurate heart rate on the little guy because he wouldn't stay still.  He actually kicked the microphone the whole time we tried to get a reading, even though I don't have a 'beats per minute' average the doctor said that it's a good thing that he's so active and we can tell he has a good and strong heartbeat. 

And now the scary part, okay at least to me, is the pain I've been experiencing is actually because of braxton hicks contractions.  Apparently my uterus finally knows what it's doing!  My doctor says I have an active uterus (kinda a theme this time around -active baby and active uterus!) and that the braxton hicks are normal this early but not to ignore them.  I have to pay closer attention to them and head to the Hospital when they A.) become rhymetic or closer together and frequently B.) become intense, gradually getting stronger or doubling over in pain C.) cause a bloody show or my water breaks.  Most likely the contractions are because I actively work all week long and once I get home and relax for the weekend they start up, practicing for labor.  So no worries yet, but it's something I have to watch. . . the doctor wants to see me every two weeks now, so I'm in good hands.  My next doctor's appointment is in 3 weeks - 11/10/10 @ 10am!!