Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pain and Pressure

I can't believe how much this pregnancy has changed once I hit the seventh month!  So far it's been a relatively easy pregnancy, but I have this leery feeling that that will change.

Lately, I have been calling my little man a ninja (and I know it drives Jerry crazy!) because he moves all over the place!  In the sides, high and low.  Pain in my ribs, pain in my back, pain in my organs.  I'm uncomfortable standing up, sitting down, and laying down.  But on Friday - exactly 26 weeks - there was a huge change in the way I feel.  It worries me, it scares me, and it constantly reminds me I'm not alone.  All of a sudden, the little kicks and punches hurt.  The nudges and pressure are unbearably strong.  Little man can knock me to my knees and take my breath away with one playful kick.

Friday night has been the worse so far.  We were staying the night at my parents house, I finally got the kids to bed and I settled down in bed next to Jerry - tossing and turning for hours!  The more I laid there the worse I felt.  Everything hurt, the pressure was huge, my stomach tightened and I instantly felt the need to throw up.  Thank goodness I never actually threw up but when I finally said something to Jerry, it was enough to scare him a little bit.  I think he was about ready to throw me in the car and take me to the ER.  After about 30 minutes the pain of the pressure went away and I was able to get a little sleep.  By the morning, I was still very much uncomfortable but the pain was gone.

On the car ride home Saturday afternoon, I was still very uncomfortable.  The kids slept most of the drive so Jerry and I were able to talk.  And let me just say, Jerry is quite adamant that if the pain returns we are heading to the hospital.  Looking back now, if I had been in the right mind set I would have paid closer attention to the pressure.  But all signs point to Braxton Hicks contractions.  Here's the definition of Braxton Hicks.
Braxton Hicks is feeling your belly tighten and relax at odd moments or irregular intervals.  A medical dictionary may say that they are painless, but pregnant women tell a different story, though most would call it uncomfortable rather than painful.  Calling your doctor or midwife should happen if you have contractions closer than 12 minutes apart prior to 37 weeks, as this might indicate preterm labor and not Braxton Hicks contractions.
Although I am still uncomfortable, the huge pressure / pain hasn't happened since so I am almost certain that if anything I was experiencing Braxton Hicks and not Preterm Labor.  Either way, this scares me and I will be talking to my doctor on Friday.  I am really curious as to how to deal with the huge amount of pressure. . . I am scared of looking completely stupid showing up at the hospital and everything be perfectly fine, it's just me being a total wimp.  But on the other side, I don't want something to be wrong and I'm to proud to seek help.  I'm at a loss as to what to do. . . hopefully, my doctor will set my mind as ease.  This kid better stay put for a few more months!

On a positive note, I did get my Maternity Clothes in the mail that I ordered from Old Navy.  I absolutely love them!!  I wasn't so sure and went outside my normal style but it totally paid off.  I think I am going to live in these tights.  (Here's a picture of me in one of the outfits. . . Not very flattering of me so only look at the outfit!)

And before I forget, I got a little video of my ninja moving.  I promise to get a better one, he just doesn't cooperate once the camera rolling!  In the first couple of seconds you can see him kick in the right hand side of my belly. . . then he raises his head or butt (I don't know which) straight up like he's trying to bust out.  I hope you enjoy this one until I can get a better video!


Heidi said...

Just making sure this works. . . no one ever leaves a comment!