Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter 2011

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend.  We sure did around here.  And we really didn't do anything fancy, which was exactly what this family needed.  After the last week, which we had something going on every single day. . . a weekend of rest was definitely what the Mommy ordered.

I didn't sleep to well last night, I was up until 3am.  So Jerry was in charge of hiding the Easter Eggs this morning when he got home.  I got the baskets set out before I went to bed, but I didn't have enough energy at 6am to hide the eggs.  Jerry did a great job hiding the Easter Eggs, not too hard and not too easy.

At 8:30, Chloe was the first one of the kids up.  And since she was chomping at the bit, Jerry went ahead and woke Jacob.  But the party couldn't start without Jaxen and I.  We were the last ones awake but definitely not by much.  By 9:30, the kids had found and opened everything and Jerry was headed to bed.

Since then Chloe and Jacob have colored and played and enjoyed a day together.  I am quite happy with them today.  Both of them got along pretty well, while Jaxen and I napped for a few hours.  But my nap was cut short when Jake got hungry.  So I made our annual Easter Egg Salad for lunch.  It was colorfully delicious! 

Now it's Sunday evening again and another week sits on the horizon.  Another crazy busy week that I'm not looking forward to.  I have a lot of Girl Scout Training this week on top of my work schedule and other weekly duties.  But once next Sunday rolls around, I will be done with my outdoor training.  Only thing left will be the Brownie Training I need for next year.

I've uploaded a lot of picture over the last couple of days, so if you haven't already head over to my picasa web album and take a peek.