Sunday, June 5, 2011

Family Update

It's funny how this is my family blog and yet majority of the posts are about Jaxen and Chloe.  Poor Jacob, my middle child.  It's not that he's not as important as the other two (because he is!), he's always caught somewhere in the middle.  And no one gets an update about Jerry and I because updating the kid's milestone is definitely a priority!

So here I sit, kids are in bed and Jerry is at work.  Let me see what kind of update I can come up with!  Let's try biggest to smallest this time. . .

Jerry - I don't update too much on Jerry, mainly because he's grown and doesn't do anything new and exciting things!  It's the same old routine with him (& I, also) - work, sleep, eat, take care of kids, repeat.  But I will take a few minutes and update you all on his new adventure, College!  He's in his 2nd group of 8-week courses.  He's learning how to juggle the kids, work schedules and school work.  And it's no surprise to me on how well he is doing.
On his free time, he is still working hard to secure us a new place to live.  I swear a new person's calling my house every day to go over options and new ideas.  Really what we are trying for right now is an FDA Loan.  It seems to be the best option for us. . . plus there is no down payment.  But all that is for another post.  Just know that our search continues and as I posted before - we are doing things slowly and making sure we finally do what's best for us - and no one else!

Heidi - I'm just fine and dandy!  I'm a busy, busy mom!  My kids keep me going all day, literally!  I hate going to work - I secretly wish that I could just quit and stay home.  I would have time to do my laundry and cook my family meals. . . Plus the stress alone would be a total relief.  But I know, realistically I can't quit.  We need the money and my income, especially if we are trying to buy a new home and trying to put Jacob through Preschool.  I am however trying to transfer.  I'm still trying to get my foot in the door at the DC.  I know it's not going to fix all the stress in my life but I hope it will help.  I'd be making more money and working less days.  Just waiting for an opening. . .
Other than the dreaded work, I'm busy planning Girl Scout camp and doing my domestic household chores!  I can't wait for my vacation this month. . . June 22-26, I'm hoping to get a lot of things done around the house, things that I've put off for way too long.  And I'm hoping to get some much need family time - pool, zoo, and cookouts!!  I hope the weather is beautiful so I can take full advantage of my vacation!

Chloe - I'm sure most of you know exactly what Chloe is up too!  As the oldest, she hits the milestones first and is often the subject of my posts.  My little girl just finished her Kindergarten year, she's active in Girl Scouting and Tee Ball.  She's a little lost being at home all day now that summer vacation is here. . . LOL, I think that Summer Work Folder is going to be completed before the end of June!  Then she'll have to start reading her 1,000 page summer goal!
I've been trying to work in getting the in to swimming lessons this summer, but it looks like we are going to have to wait until the fall. . . I can't seem to fit anything else into her schedule.  But waiting might be a good thing because by then Jacob will be old enough for swimming lessons too!

Jacob - Jake is getting to be a pretty self-reliant little boy.  During the past month, he's finally able to go to and from the bathroom by himself.  Heck, we don't even have to remind him throughout the day.  He's in heaven now that Chloe is here all day with him.  I've been trying to find something to get Jacob involved in, to help fill his summer.  But so far, I've found nothing.  He's still a little young for most things. . . I've even looked into getting him into Martial Arts.  There is a place in Harrisonville that we are going to go look into, it's not a done deal yet because I'm not sure if he's old enough yet and I'm not sure how much it's going to cost me.  I do know it will be nice to get him into something, at last weekend CMN Carnival he did really well being a part of something.  He seemed to of "grown" before my eyes.

Still looking into Preschool for next year.  It's really bugging me that I might not be able to place him in two years of preschool like we did Chloe.  Why does it have to be so expensive?!?!  I'm still waiting to see if Kinder Kastle fills their Monday - Tuesday class.  Because then and only then, they will open up a Thursday - Friday class. . . and that's the only class that will work for us next year because of our work schedules.  Unless I get a transfer to the DC where Jerry works. . . then I should be working less days and able to get him to and from school.  So everything is so up in the air. . . I'm praying for a sign of something good.  Jacob needs the 2-years probably more so than Chloe did.

Jaxen - Here's a few updates on where Jaxen stands at 24 weeks old. . . Only 2 weeks away from 6 months.
  • Absolutely NO interest in holding his bottle.
  • Lovin' the solid baby foods!  I'm up to feeding him baby food twice a day.
    • Lunch consists of an entire container of Stage 1 Baby Food Fruits - his favorites so far are bananas, apples, and pears.
    • Dinner consists of about 1/4 cup of Baby Oatmeal (made with formula, not water) and 1/2 a container of Stage 1 Baby Food Vegetables.  Jaxen doesn't really care for the Green Beans or the Peas but he will eat them - his favorites are the orange colored ones. . . Carrots, Sweat Potatoes, and Squash.
    • Still drinking about 6 - 8, 8 ounce bottles of formula a day.
  • Sleeping routines are a little wacky now that Chloe and Jacob are home all day!
    • Jaxen sleeps all night - About 1030pm until about 8am.
    • Normally fusses around 4am for a bottle, but doesn't drink it all.
    • Use to take 2 good 2 hour naps a day, but now that summer is here and both kids are home, he gets about 3 to 4 catnaps in.
  • Playtime
    • Kicks, laughs, screams, baby talks, blows bubbles with his spit, can sit up - once put in that position, crawls backwards, and can now get up on all 4's and rock back and forth!  Should have an official crawler soon.