Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Jaxen's 18-month Update

Jaxen's 18-month update was this afternoon.  Thank goodness the doctors office calls a couple days before to remind you because I didn't write it down in my planner.  And in fact, when the office called I didn't even listen to the message, I assumed that they were reminding me of Tyler's appointment on Thursday.  However, when they called again the following day to remind me of Tyler's appointment.  So I re listened to the answering machine message and it was in fact for Jaxen.

Jerry stayed home with Chloe, Jacob, and Tyler.  It was just me and Jaxen.  :-)

After all the basic question and answers that happen at every well baby checkup.  Jaxen completely excels at his 18-month milestones - walking, running, climbing, clapping, drinking from a cup, feeding himself, etc.  He excels at everything EXCEPT talking.  By now Jaxen should be saying at least 6 words fluently - the absolute minimum.  So by it's self, the lack of talking isn't a huge deal - most 3rd, 4th, 5th born children are slower to meet certain milestones because they don't have to with older siblings.  It's a little odd, that Jaxen is excelling at everything else except one thing.  So we are being referred to a Speech Therapist to verify that there is something going on with Jaxen. 

The doctor thinks Jaxen is fine and that he will develop his speech in his own time.  BUT if there is a problem - it is 10 times easier to correct a problem now, verses when his struggling in school.  :-\  So we are just waiting on a call from the doctor's office letting us know when Jaxen can be seen at Children's Mercy's Speech Therapist.

Jaxen also got caught up on his shots this afternoon.  I'm not sure why and how we fell behind with Jaxen's immunizations but we did.  And because we had to switch doctor's, our new doctor wanted to wait until they received Jaxen's medical records to verify that he didn't receive the immunization.  It's been a crazy fight with the lab personnel to get Jaxen up to date because they didn't want to double immunize.  But I wanted him immunized because you have to have proof of these immunizations before they can start school.  And it is much easier to hold an 18-month old down for a shot verses a 5-year old!  Dr. Beatty totally agreed with me and got the shots for Jaxen.

Tomorrow, same time/same place is Tyler's 1 month checkup.  :-)