Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sad News

For those of you that know my Godfather, Joe Irons.  This is the email that I received from him today.  Not sure if you guys knew what he was going through, but his email saddened me.
My mailing address is ************. How is everybody doing? Well I have been going to the Moffitt Cancer Center since Feb. I came down with Leukemia and I've have been getting kamor every 3 weeks. Than I get blood transfusion every once and a while. I go for a bone marrow transplant on the 15th of August, My baby brother Jeff was a 100% match and I got him flying down on the 30th of July. Well I'm getting tired I'm going to close----- Love ya Joe

I'm getting ready send him pictures of the kids.  If you have time, let him know you are thinking about him....
Love to all

I took out his address for privacy reasons, if you need his mailing or email address, let me know - I have both.