Sunday, July 1, 2012

July - Photo A Day

This post will be updated daily - or as often as I can - for the month of July!

#1. Self Portrait -
Feeling pretty good!  At 24 days post pardem... 1st time that I tried my jeans on and they fit!!

#2. Busy -
Yeah... With an 18-month old and a newborn - it's always chaos!! 

#3. Best Part of Your Day -
Watching a sleeping baby... naptime means quite time in this house!

#4. Fun -
Kids cooling off in the swimming pool!

#5. On the Floor -
After a moment of eerie quiteness, I find Jax playing Hi-Ho-Cherry-O!!

#6. Chair -
Tyler isn't safe anywhere!! Jaxen can climb into Tyler's highchair by.him.self!

#7. Garden -
Jerry cutting down dead trees... my garden will be in that spot next summer!

#8. Lunch -
Mmm, Egg Salad Sammich!

#9. Big -
The baby bunnies are on the MOVE!!

10. Your Favorite Color -