Saturday, February 25, 2012

Doctor's Appointment #4 - 21w4d

Sorry for the lack of updates!!  The beautiful weather has been very distracting. . . but on a positive side, we have been busy moving IN to our new house.  Which is super exciting. . . I love hanging the pictures and making everything MINE.  The more I do and unpack, the more things I think we need!  So my list of things for the new house has grown considerably.  :-)

Everything went well at our doctor's appointment last week!  The doctor was very pleased with how everything is going.  Everything inside looks wonderful, nothing out of the normal.  Everything will continue as planned. . . YAY!!  I'm SOO happy that we are having an uneventful pregnancy.  Our prayers are being answered. . . but honestly, with so many things going right, it's hard not to worry about "When it's all going to hit the fan."  I am trying really, really hard not to think about it or stress out.  I work hard and then rest hard. . . I would never have taken this road with any of my other pregnancies.  I was always a go-getter. . . nothing is going to hold me back. . . tell me I can't and I will show you I can.  This time around I am trying not to stretch my luck.  After working 3 days / 32 hours, Tuesday is a day of resting.  Feet up, laid back and relaxing. . . for most of the day.  I feel lazy but I'm trying my best to make this a JUNE baby.  :-)

Remember, things can change at anytime, so everything is as of *right now*.  At this time, everything is getting a thumbs up from the doctor.  So our next appointment is the glucose screening {QUADRUPLE YUCK!}.  I got my orange glucose drink to bring home. . . I cringe every time I open the refrigerator and see it!  I have to drink it 30 minutes prior to my appointment and I only have 5 minutes to drink/chug it!  Then if it doesn't make you feel HORRIBLE enough, one hour later I have to have my blood drawn.  I am dreading it!!  I hate this test and I wish I could skip it.  But since Chloe was a big baby and I nearly failed the test with Jacob, it's one of the mandatory tests.

Here are the specs:
  • Weighed in at 135.2 pounds {Total weight gain of +7.2 lbs}  *Gulp!*
  • Blood pressure was good and normal.
  • Baby's heart rate was 150+ beats per minute.
  • Our next appointment is on Thursday, March 15th at 1:15am. Then to be on the safe/proactive side - this will be my last four week appointment.  It's going to be a doctor's appointment every 2-3 weeks as we inch towards the final trimester.