Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Let's start off on a good note. . . Happy Valentine's Day!!!  Not too much is going on around here this week.  I have something to do every day but I've had weeks where I had tons to do each day!

This afternoon is Chloe's Valentine's Party at school.  I hope I remember to bring my camera and that will be a different post all together.  Yesterday, her and I made goodies bags for her class.  I think they turned out pretty awesome!  :-)

Tomorrow, is Girl Scout Day for me.  And Jerry is going to call around and see if he can get the rest of the things we are missing to get our taxes done.  With the move at the end of December. . . I am certain we received everything, but I can't seem to locate a few important items.  So hopefully, next week we will be able to go get our taxes done. . . weather permitting of course!!  We remember last year when Jerry rolled the Explorer.

Thursday is my doctor's appointment.  I am hoping it doesn't take all day and that we hear nothing but awesome news.  This is kind of the turning point - past halfway - where things can start getting iffy.  I try not to think about it too much because it stresses me out, but then I am trying to really pay attention to see if maybe I can tell when somethings up.  I really don't want to have this baby following in his brother's footsteps with an early/scary arrival!

I have nothing planned on Friday.  Nothing at all. = )  I hope it stays that way.  I missed work last weekend because of sick children and I am sure I'll pay for it next weekend.  = (  {Oh, and heads up.  I doubt I'll be considered for the position, but I signed up for an office job working the same shift I currently work in the Traffic Receiving Office.  A lot of others signed up, but I am just looking for something that will allow me to work as long as possible without so much heavy lifting.  That was you FYI, just in case I mention it in a later post.}

Saturday night after all our party guest left and it was just me and the kids. . . The boys' cough took a turn for the worse.  Jaxen spiked a fever and was cranky and miserable.  Jacob was up all night crying / whining / driving me nuts!  SO after being up with two sick, fever running, horrible coughing little boys until 1:30am - I stayed home to get some sleep myself.  Jerry didn't think I would be very safe drive a forklift on an hours worth of sleep!  Plus with me home I was able to dose them with medicine every 4 - 6 hours while Jerry got some sleep.  Jacob was the first to break his fever and thankfully Chloe never got more than the cough.  Jaxen had me running to the store for more medicine Sunday because Tylenol would not break his 102.0 fever.  Finally, after a bath and Motrin - we were able to start seeing a difference in his fever.  And after a dose of Motrin, he was able to eat and play for about 30 - 60 minutes before crashing back to the moping around then house. 

Jaxen slept most of the weekend away and he really needed to.  But every time the Motrin wore off his fever would spike again.  So I stayed home Monday too - since I could get paid my sick pay.  And it wasn't until Monday afternoon that I was able to get rid of the fever completely.  He still gets cranky really fast, so I am keeping him on Tylenol.  But he is eating and playing again for longer periods of time.  I'm sure it will just take time to get him back to his old self.

Well that's it for me.  I have to finish paying the bills - what I originally sat down at the computer to do!  Then it's time to see if I can get the darn cat out of the tree.  = \