Saturday, September 18, 2010

23 weeks

Sadly, I couldn't find any belly pictures of Chloe before 36 weeks and to be honest, I'm not sure we took any.  But here's a couple shots of the Boys.  You can compare the boys' belly pics at 23 weeks. . . Jacob is in the belly on the top, where I am standing.  And Baby #3 (whom I'm 99.9% sure that we are naming Jaxen) is in the belly on the bottom, where I am sitting.  Even with the standing/sitting difference I still think I'm bigger this time than with Jacob, but you be the judge!

My doctor's appointment was last Friday and everything was perfect.  I gained enough weight for the doctor to be happy and get off my back about. . .LOL.  Although she still hinted that another large weight gain would be completely normal and nice to see.  I'm pretty happy with where I am now. . . 5 years ago I gained 52 pounds with Chloe. . . And I've never lost it all, I've kept some of that 'healthy weight' so with Jacob I didn't gain as much - thank goodness!  But this time little boy is sitting front and center. . . not inside the ribs like Chloe and Jacob. . . so I look bigger than the scale reads - which is definately a plus, but I have a felling I'm going to be huge this time.  And I'm pretty sure he's going to give me my first set of stretch marks.  I know, not bad for child #3 but I still don't want them!! 

I had a few more questions for the doctor this time around like who in my household should be getting the flu shot this year (all of us) and who needs the H1N1 when it becomes available (really just me).  Also if the CDC determines that the risks are high to spread the H1N1 again this year like they were last year.  Then my kids might not be allowed in the hospital to see me in January, which is going to be hard on me but I understand the reasoning behind it.  And it's definately something to be aware of so it's not a surprise when that time comes and Chloe and Jake aren't allowed in. 

Next doctor's appointment is on October 15th and it's the dreaded Gestational Diabetis Test where I have to drink the nasty Glucose drink an hour before my appointment. . . Ugg!  Not looking forward to it. . . It made the entire world spin with Chloe and I was only 2 points away from failing it with Jacob.  Hopefully, this baby is a little nicer to me.  This should also be my last apointment 4 weeks apart, I should be moving up to an appointment every 2 weeks starting at 30 weeks.  :o)  Can you believe we are getting so close. . . Only 117 more days to go which is only 16.5 weeks left!