Saturday, September 11, 2010

Update - 22w1d

It's Patriot Day!  Today on the Anniversary of September 11th, we are silently remembering those victims who lost their lives 9 years ago.  I can't believe it's been 9 years. . . my life has changed so much since that day.  Nine years ago, if I had to guess where I would be now. . . I don't think I would have even come close to my reality.  And thankfully so, I love everything about our lives now, it's been a heck of a ride.  But everything we've been through has made us the family that we are today.  And I'm sure if I sit here and think of everything the next 9 years will bring me, it will only be a drop in the bucket as to what is to come.  Probably a lot of laughter, a lot of tears, a lot of work and a lot of play. . . in the end it will be exactly was it's meant to be.

Today is also a good day on the pregnancy front.  **Baby Update - Today Mommy is 22 weeks and 1 day pregnant.  Only 125 days to go!  Woo-hoo!  The grow must go on! No wonder you’re getting so big, you’re now housing a wonder-baby who weighs nearly a pound and measures nearly a foot in length. Their perfect little pancreas is now further developed and they’ve also started producing their own hormones! Your baby's future in the circus as a world-famous tight-rope-walker is secure: their inner ear is now developed to the point that they have their own sense of balance. Lucky for your little explorer, balance also promotes physical dexterity, which has them actively feeling out their surroundings where skin, body parts, and the resident umbilical cord are the big sensory experiences. Your foot-long baby, is looking a bit like an oversized raisin right now as more and more wrinkles are showing up each week. Not to worry, all that excessive wrinkling is just their skin’s way of planning ahead for the time when they’ll start piling on that irresistible baby chub.**  My next doctor's appointment is on Friday.  It should be just a routine - weight, blood pressure, and questions - kind of appointment.  I can't see it taking too long.  But I do get to bring home that dreaded glucose drink for my next appointment when I have to drink it before I go.  I hate that test. . . as most of you already know, I nearly failed it with Jacob.  I am hoping I can do a little better this time. . . so that I only have to take the test once!

Sorry for the lack of updates lately, it's been a dreadfully busy week.  My 28th Birthday was last Tuesday, September 7th.  Even though I had to work, I had a pretty awesome day.  Jerry, Chloe, and Jacob took good care of me and we had a nice relaxing evening at home.  We had leftovers so that I didn't have to cook or have too many dishes.  Then on Wednesday, I had Girl Scout Training and a Service Unit Meeting to attend. . . it was kinda boring without Mom and Stacy sitting on either side of me making me laugh!  Oh well I have still have 2 more leader trainings to do and cookie training.  Then I am 100% caught back up with my Girl Scout Training. . . like I could have forgotten any of it.

I think that's about all the updates I have, once the kids get in bed I plan on taking a couple more baby belly pictures. . . so I'll post them when I take them.  I "think" I'm getting bigger, but nobody else thinks that way.  We will know for sure on Friday. . . we will see if I gained the 5 to 10 pounds she wanted me to.  My guess it no.