Friday, September 3, 2010

Re-Grand Opening

Yay!  I'm so happy it's over.  The last 14 weeks have been absolutely horrible at work - we've been in the middle of a remodel.  Sorry I've been MIA for the last week, But this morning we re-grand opened to the public and finally moving on with business and inventory.  Yuck!

Thankfully, I took my last two vacation days on Monday (30th) and Tuesday (31st) leaving me well rested and stressfree heading into the last days before Re-Grand Opening.  Wednesday was busy. . . my department was walked off by the store manager and my management team, giving me pages of notes that I had to complete to be walked off again before Re-Grand Opening.  My notes weren't too bad, and really I gave them some of the problems that needed to be fixed giving me more work to get done.  Sometimes, I really need to just keep my mouth shut. . . :o)  Darn Perfectionist!  We also got truck loads of MTR's from other stores that we had to check in and get stocked to the floor.  (For my non-Walmart family - MTR's are Merchandise Transfers from one store to another.  In a perfect world, we would get the merchandise that we need to stock the shelves, so that when we Re-Grand Open nothing would be out and our shelves would be full.  But since not all the merchandise arrived on time, other stores around us send us the frieght we need to fill our shelves.)  I worked from 7am until about 6pm on Wednesday - 10 HOURS WORKED.  Only reason that I got to leave early is because I had plans with Chloe that night - we were registering her for Girl Scouts.

On Thursday, I had to finish the notes that were left and get the Toy Department walked off by management.  It took me All Day to get my department perfect.  Everything had to be labeled, flagged, shelfcapped, zoned, and stocked.  Absolutely no holes on the shelves.  It took me and my help until about 8pm to get Toys looking perfect - the hard part was keeping up with it.  Everytime kids came we basically had to follow them and fix everything they touched.  It was like keeping it from raining on your newly washed car.  After Toys was walked off and passed final inspection, I moved to other departments to help my other department managers out.  I worked from 7am until 10:30pm when the store finally passed inspection. . . I thought we were going to have to sleep there!  We were there so long I had to take 2 lunches and didn't get to see my kids at all.  They were asleep when I left and asleep when I got home.  Chloe left me a note on my pillow. . . And I left her one to see in the morning during breakfast.  14 HOURS WORKED on Thursday.

Friday morning, I had to be at work by 6:30am.  So by the time I got off work, got home and ate food, and got to bed.  I had gotten about 4 hours of sleep before the alarm went off.  The nice thing about Friday was the fast that we could dress up - didn't have to wear blue and khaki.  But the bad thing is what in the world do I have that is nice, that will fit my expanding mid-section?  LOL.  So I finally chose my black maternity capris (that I wore to Megan's wedding 3 years ago) and a nice blue top with an empire waist.  I looked cute but the only down side to the outfit was that my pregnancy was very noticeable!!  There would be no mistaking my growing belly once I took my jacket off.  So officially, it only took the matter of seconds before the first person noticed and a matter of minutes before it had gotten around to the management team and once they heard the entire store knew.  So I officially made it to 21 weeks before anyone figured it out.  :o)  I love it. . . hopefully, with the 3 day weekend, everyone will forget by Tuesday. . . which is my 28th birthday!  LOL.  I never knew navy blue pollos were so slimming.  :o)

The Re-Grand Opening Ceremony lastest about 45 minutes and we were able to get back to normal business.  I took care of all my price changes, ordering and department manager work.  And then I was able to go home early.  So on Friday I worked from 6:30am until about 1:30pm - 6 HOURS WORKED.  Plus I got paid for 6 HOURS VACATION TIME because I miss calculated my time vacation time and I had more than I thought I did, so before I lost it I cashed it in.

So in 5 days I worked 30 hours and getting paid for 48.  Not bad if I say so myself. . . Only those were some long couple of days!!  I'm happy to be home and enjoying my 3 day weekend with my kids.