Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Check Up

This morning was my 2 week checkup.  Nothing spectacular, just the basic after surgery stuff. . . How are you feeling, do you need any more pain medication, check the incision for oozing or bleeding and answer any of the questions that I have.  I think they just want you to come back so that they can all see the baby and Ooo and Aww!  :o)  It was a nice, informal visit with my doctor.  She asked about the baby and how things were going... basically, we just sat and talked for a little bit.

As for me, everything seems to be back to normal.  My blood pressure was normal, I weighted in at 132 pounds - which is only down 18 pounds from delivery and I still 12 pounds to go to be back to where I started.  But that's okay, pretty good for not being able to exercise or pick anything up heavier than the baby for 2.5 weeks!  But with all that being said, I know I have a little more to loose and I've been given the green light for moderate exercise.  I'm suppose to start slowly but if there aren't any issues with pain and my tummy, then I can go all out.  I really would like to be semi back to normal before I go back to work. . . but no pressure on myself.  9 months to put it all on - I get 9 to take it off too, right?!?!  :o) 

My incision is healing good - no concerns with it.  My next appointment is in 4 weeks - February 2 - which will be my full post-baby checkup.  During that appointment I'll get my official return to work date and get my new birth control.  I did ask about my risk of low fluid with any new pregnancy... not that I am ready or even thinking about another one.  I can honestly say as of right now, I don't plan on any more kids but it's not completely out of the question - since I still have all my parts.  :o) Lol!  So if it does happen again, I wanted to know if this would put me into a 'high risk' category.  My doctor says that since I was just low on fluid and there was no sign that the baby had a growth restriction, so there are no signs pointing to this happening again since each pregnancy has there own placenta and it appears that my issues came from the way the placenta implanted.  But they did send my placenta out for a biopsy and it's still out.  So I don't have any definite answers to the whys but once the results come back, we will know for sure.  But as of right now, the only thing my doctor would do differently during another pregnancy would be more ultrasound scans after 32 weeks to watch fluids and size.  Because up until my 36 week scan, nothing appeared to be wrong.  Both my 11 week and 19 week scans were fine. . . and most people only get one scan done around 20 weeks because of insurance.  So we are lucky that my doctor insisted another one and that it was found early!!  Next time it won't be luck. . . it will be watched a lot closer from the beginning.

Well I got a few chores left to do, so I better get off of here and get them done before it's dinner and bed time!