Saturday, June 23, 2012

So Blessed

We are so blessed as a family to have so many people who care about us.  Nothing is going un-noticed - Jerry and I appreciate everything that everyone has done for or bought us. 

Today was an awesome day, it reminded me to count my blessings and be thankful for everything I have!  Not to mention, these simple acts of pure kindness made me feel really special --

How beautiful are these?!?!  These are the flowers that were delivered for Jerry and I from our friends at the Walmart Distribution Center! 

These alone brightened my day!  And if that wasn't more than enough - my wonderful neighbor, Nina and her husband brought us over some dinner and dessert - just because. 

I didn't get a "before" picture because we were so excited to eat it!  But here's the "after" picture of our dinner. . . Brisket, Baked Beans and Macaroni and Cheese!!

Followed by a delicious dessert!!  Everything was perfectly, mouth-watering, delicious!!  I am so thankful for our neighbors. . . especially after the 'you-know-what's' we had at the last place!!