Friday, August 20, 2010

And now the name debate begins. . .

Today I am exacly 19 weeks pregnant.  This morning was our gender ultrasound and doctor's appointment!!  Jerry and I decided to take Jacob with us to the appointment; hopefully, it would clear up some confussion Jacob had about who's belly the baby was in - Mommy's or Daddy's.  LOL.  Plus being in the middle of potty training is hard to just drop him off with someone. . . and since Chloe's been in school, he has been really clingy to me and Daddy.  So I just felt it would be easier to take him with us and spend qualilty time with just Jake.  And I am happy that we did, he was *almost* perfect and hasn't had an accident yet today!

The ultrasound was first this morning - and I have a DVD for those who want to see it, come on over!  :o)  After two kids this was honestly the most detailed ultrasound that I've gotten.  They tech measured EVERYTHING!  She did say that with the combination of being skinny and my posterior placenta it was super easy to see the baby, it had no where to hide.  Since my placenta is posterior there is no cushion between my belly and the baby, so I will feel every movement and kick, this making it easier for others to feel it too.  Baby was moving, kicking, sucking it's thumb, and hicuping.  One arm was in it's mouth and one are was stretched up over it's head, and of course the legs were going a hundred miles an hour.  We also found out that this baby so far is following in the footsteps of it's Brother and Sister - it's sitting Breech.  LOL, I know that it still has plenty of time to turn around, but Chloe and Jacob were both breech at this point and refused to correct their direction.  I guess my babies must be difficult!  :o)  We got to see Baby's 3 valved umbilical cord, 4 chambered heart, the diaphragm, the brain, measured bones, head circumferance, belly circumferance, etc.  It was a VERY detailed ultrasound and everything measured perfectly for 19 weeks. . .  Now you can enjoy the Baby's profile!

And then we moved on to the gender!  Jerry and I definately wanted to know. . . with us it's always a battle of who's right and who's wrong!  And I have to sadly bow down. . . Jerry was right, we are going to be welcoming a Baby BOY into our family in January.  Jerry and I are extremely excited, Jacob doesn't seem to really care but likes to tease Chloe that it's a Boy, Chloe is not too happy about it right now, she actually cried for a good 15 minutes after school today.  I don't like seeing her so upset - I wanted to cry with her, she was so sure it was another girl.  You could watch her heart break in front of your eyes.  Hopefully, she will come around to it in the months to come. :o)

After the ultrasound, we meet with the doctor for a few minutes.  My numbness of my arms while I'm sleeping is a normal pregnancy thing.  Other than changing positions and wearing carpal tunnel braces there isn't much that can be done.  My blood pressure is fine and I've gained 3 pounds since last time.  Doctor expects that I gain between 5 to 10 pounds between now and my next doctor's appointment on September 19th.  I say that's a lot, but we will see.  After meeting with the doctor Jerry and I decided to have the second trimester screening done.  The screening is simple - my blood is drawn from my arm and the results will tell you what the probability is that you are carrying a child with a chromosomal abnormality — specifically, Down syndrome, trisomy 18, or spina bifida.  If any of these tests come back adnormal more testing will be done.  It doesn't mean the baby will have one of those abnormalities it's just an informational test that we had done with the other two so we agreed to it this time too.  It's quite simple and painless. . . for baby!  lol  Mommy's the one getting stuck with the needle.

I am just thrilled that Baby Boy is healthy and active!  I am definately one blessed Momma!